everything is slipping away..

*stupid menstruation cramp*
and i cant get a grip
my colleague told me "dont let it control you". yagz.. ini menstruation cramp gtu. entah karena gw yg kurang gizi..
pusing, trus crampnya yg dateng-pergi.. td pagi pake sampe pengen muntah segala..

so i looked for "natural" ways of avoiding the cramps. why dont take medicines? i just not in favor of taking in pills etc. if there's a none-chemical way to handle things. why not. some easy pointers that i found:
* makan cukup zinc, calcium and B vitamins, especially vitamin B6
* cut back salt, sugar and caffeine intake (hwaaaaa ='( )
* Heat helps! (benar)
* Avoid standing, especially if you have a sore back. Better yet, lie down and pull your knees up towards your chest.
* Do small exercise
* Drink herbal teas like raspberry leaf tea and cramp bark tea
* Stock up on pineapples. Fresh pineapple juice contains a lot of bromelain, an enzyme that is thought to help relax muscles and therefore help with menstrual cramps.

Sore ini ada undangan dari Dance 4 Life gtu. Org2 kantor tadi yg pada heran gtu gw ga mo pergi cuma gara2 cramps doang. (cramps dan skrg campur maag -> juga akhir2 ini sering kambuh). dan pusing @_@

iya sih, myb i shouldnt let the cramps take over. tp asli skrg yg gw pgn cuma bobo di kasur, selimutan T_T

3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Say, drinking coke works well for me...drinking lo ya, bukan snotting :p

Unknown mengatakan...

snotting coke sounds more interesting :p
iya sih, banyak yg bilang. but i dont like coke. dan perutku tu selain cramping juga bloating. ntar kl minum coke tambah kembung ga..?

Anonim mengatakan...

hehe...tell me about it. Coke tastes horrible for me too (im a water drinker), berasa chemical, terlalu manis, plus sodanya terlalu keras, jd kadang2 aku takut nyembur dari hidung gitu..Eniwe, ke tiap2 org kliatannya reaksinya beda, so it might be a good idea to give it a try, cos you'd never know otherwise.

Ato ma, another thing to try is to meditate (in any comfy position, just be present..easier to approach by observing your breath). It also works for me, tp suasana musti sepi pas gak ada org. soalnya klo Clib di rumah dan aq sdg sakit2nya, bawaannya pengen give him a hard time...hehe..maklum masi berkaitan ma pms