weird dream

td malem gw mimpi ngebunuh orang
ga sndiri ngebunuhnya
ma satu cowo, dan dibantu satu bapak2
ngebunuhnya di tengah hutan

after that, the rest of the dream was me and that boy
trying to escape the authorities
moving from island to island (pke ferry, speedboat, watever)
yg jelas lokasi terakhir tu kayak pemandian :D
tp nothing perverse
biasa aja

dan somehow i got an NDS
n was playing with it while riding the ferry to somewhere

bapak2 yg ngebantuin ngebunuh tu bule, blonde, pale-skinned with small-piercing blue eyes
yg cowoknya ga inget :D
though in that dream he was my brother


entar malem pestanya Music Mayday
Hopefully i would manage to smuggle in 6 of my friends
(4 more than the original 'bring 2 guests' xD)
nanti insyAllah yg ikut rina dan clive, mba dita, prima, david, citra dan myb vina (vina might come later, after her dance lesson)
jam 9 ulma bagi2 champagne gratis :p
dan 9.30-10.30 pm jaga stand MM

besok ke d'hague lg, ambil passport
i hv a long to-do list for this week :p
Prince Claus Fund had replied and requested a form that we need to fill in first. Bener2 hoping our African artist exchange can get the fund.

Akhir bulan jg mesti totalan keuangan kantor

besok jg rencananya mo ketemu Craig, ngomongin tugas sekolah yg terbengkalai :p

dan minggu ini juga mesti work on the condolence book for our deceased Ethiopian country manager

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