Ulma, nia jadi nangis baca email ulma.

Ulma ga papa khan? aku tau sendiri gimana rasanya ditinggalin ama kakek gue. aku bener2 tau ul. jadi aku pengen kamu doa, dan ya,.. serahin semua ama Tuhan. karena Tuhan tuh pnya waktuNya sendiri, kita ngga akan pernah tau apa maksudNya.

tapi percaya d, selama kita berjalan bersama Dia dan minta tuntunanNya, aku yakin kita pasti lebih mudah jalanin semuanya.

aniwe,.. take care ya ulma,.. jangan sedih terus,... ya susah sih,.. tapi aku cuma bisa bilang gini tok,.. aku ya gak tau harus bilang apa lagi.

kamu pa kabar ulma? baca2 dr laporan mordormu rasanya stage mu keren abiez. jadi iri deh! tapi stageku juga enak kok! untunglah! rasanya aku bakal kerja di sini terus, jadi ga jadi pulang indo. horeee,.. bisa ketemuan ama ulma,.. bisa beli bikini bareng,.. ke pantai,.. berjemur kayak ikan asin dengan bikini ketat. wekekke,....

doain aja deh ulma,.. ini soale semua msh belum pasti.

ya uda,.. tekker ya ulma. eh iya,.. km no telp di indo berapa. ntar kalo aku pas ada asia card km tak telp.


bye byeeee



>From: "tkz_m@ul" >To: piggy071284@hotmail.com >Subject: [::FREE PRAYER:: I remember u in my prayer] 12/2/2004 07:53:58 AM >Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 22:58:04 -0800 (PST) >
From: tkz_m@ul
To: piggy071284@hotmail.com
Subject: [::FREE PRAYER:: I remember u in my prayer] 12/2/2004 07:53:58 AM
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2004 7:58 AM

i love you.. huhuhu
no, you're not a romantic type nor a 'gombal' type but people can see that you're full of love from what you've done, the attention, the sweet things you said, etc.

btw, my grandma passed away 3 days ago. It was so shocking, we all got up in Monday morning, eyes wet with tears.. *sniff* bOnyok langsung cabut ke Medan pagi itu juga.

Nia, you saw your grandpa passed away, but i didn't, even mum was late for her funeral. Gw terus terang sedih banget, I haven't seen her for years, I promised to see her this February before returning to Holland, but now I won't be able to fulfill that promise..

Anyhow, as I was reading your post, I promised to myself to let my loved ones know that I do care for them. I think that my grandma's death has made me realize more about the meaning of this simple phrase, "You don't know what you've got till it's gone".. *sniff* I had wished that she would come when I got married, gave birth, she told me often that she would really love to be there and asked me if I could pray for her to live until that day.

Nia, I wish you're having a great time at your placement, sori gw jadi curhat panjang gini, padahal kan harusnya cuma ngasih komentar, hehehe.. Anyway, iloveyou.. huhuhuh pasti loe mo muntah deh. Take care, and I hope i'd be seeing you again next year ^^

GBU :*

Posted by tkz_m@ul to ::FREE PRAYER:: I remember u in my prayer at 12/2/2004 07:53:58 AM

lagu pengiring bikin report

Accidentally in Love
Counting Crows

So she said what's the problem baby
What's the problem I don't know
Well maybe I'm in love (love)
Think about it every time
I think about it
Can't stop thinking 'bout it

How much longer will it take to cure this
Just to cure it cause I can't ignore it if it's love (love)
Makes me wanna turn around and face me but I don't know nothing 'bout love

Come on, come on
Turn a little faster
Come on, come on
The world will follow after
Come on, come on
Cause everybody's after love

So I said I'm a snowball running
Running down into the spring that's coming all this love
Melting under blue skies
Belting out sunlight
Shimmering love

Well baby I surrender
To the strawberry ice cream
Never ever end of all this love
Well I didn't mean to do it
But there's no escaping your love

These lines of lightning
Mean we're never alone,
Never alone, no, no

Come on, Come on
Move a little closer
Come on, Come on
I want to hear you whisper
Come on, Come on
Settle down inside my love

Come on, come on
Jump a little higher
Come on, come on
If you feel a little lighter
Come on, come on
We were once
Upon a time in love

We're accidentally in love
Accidentally in love [x7]


I'm In Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
Accidentally [x2]

Come on, come on
Spin a little tighter
Come on, come on
And the world's a little brighter
Come on, come on
Just get yourself inside her

Love ...I'm in love

Kata sammy, anak yg sama2 magang d Pripot, ni lagu enak banget buat didenger sambil bikin report.. well klo dibikin top 10 list lagu2 yg gw ma lina puter sambil ngerjain laporan, jadinya kayak gini:
1. Lagunya Punjabi MC penyemangat soalnya bikin ga ngantuk
2. Growing Old with You-nya Adam Sandler
3. Accidentally in Love-ny Counting Crows
4. You and I Both-nya Jason Mraz
5. Numb-nya Linkin Park sambil dinyanyi2 dangdut
6. Freak on a Leashnya Korn
7. Piece by Piecenya Feeder
8. Haruka Kanata yg jd soundtrackny Naruto
9. Flower in the Windowny Travis
10. Something to Saynya The Sheer

RE: Laporan dari Mordor (Gunung dan bawah tanah)

Vinaaa.. pa kabar Sitges?
milis ho-inho sepi kali.. anak2 pada k mana y?

-----Original Message-----
From: Ich bin Schallea
Sent: Fri 11/5/2004 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: Laporan dari Mordor (Gunung dan bawah tanah)

HEUHEUHEUEUEHUE....., Ulma senengnya denger ceritamu. Keren bgt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seru !!! Wuih, pengalamanmu bener2 gila2an yah. Aku yg senyam senyum gtu mbaca emailmu. Ih, keren ah! Gila, aku thu yg mbayangin di atas gunung, trus k underground.... pake topi ma lampu kyaaaa.... kayak di tipi2 :D :D Keren...keren... Tapi yg plg keren ya ngelamak k Vice president ya. COOL, zeg!!! Dat moet ik zeker zegen! Huhiuihuihiuhiuhi... Emang org apa Ma vice-pres nya? Kok mau aja di-lamak-i???? Hueueueue... mau dikritik pula, hueheuhue.... Pokoknya keren!!! Yak, gunakan kesempatan yg ada. Aku nang kene suantaaaiiiiii bgt!!! Dun like it. Wanna get busy. Wanna be busy. Bossku 2 biji suka keluar buat business trip. Klo pun ngantor plg cuma 3-4 jam d kntr. Bis itu.... party time for me and Ralph (apalagi klo semua lagi pada lunch, hueheuheuuee....)

Ati2 Ma diantara para pria2 itu. Jaga asetmu . Bemper depan belakang musti ada pengamannya . Keep them untouched, heuhehueuheuh!!! Remember that. Para pria itu, huh! Aku sebelnya d sini thu klo kmn2 pasti diliatin (Spanish ppl look in the eyes. They stare at you, sebel!). Dikirain Filipinolah, klo ga Indian (Indian woo-woo, bukan Hindustan), dikirain Southern american girl-lah. Menyebalkan! I am an INDONESIAN!!! Can't you see that, a***h***???!!! Gak Spanish, Filipino, Indian (Hindustan), Indian (woo-woo, suku perut buncit), semuane suka ngeliatin. Rese.

ANiwe, aku seneng bgt denger ceritamu. Keren ah. Semuanya punya pengalaman asyik2 yah. Citra yg sering ketemu artis, Dian yg berpolitik ria (KEWL!!), Yoko juga keren- bisa liat bokep d t4 kerja, hueheueue <= gendheng!

Beata: Be, gimana kabarnya? Kabar2in klo ada berita selanjutnya yah. Sukses gal!
Indah: Christmas mo kemana Ndah? D sana aja ato pulang Amsterdam? Aku Nov ini balik k Amsterdam for a week, holiday. Christmasku jik durung jelas. Maybe gonna stay in Spain. Héhé. Well, everybody is going. Ralph balik k Holland, jadi aku dewean d rumah. Aniwe, that's OK.

Citra: Cit, ku kethok e gak isok ceting kie. Kompiku lagi erorr. Aku lagi di kompi yg lain, ndak ada MSNne, no YM pulak. Iki PC nggone wong lio. Ra iso dl MSN. Huh.

Temen2 yg laennya, selamat dan sukses dg placementnya ya. God bless y'all!!


Terdampar seorang diri,



halo temans!

milis Ho-INHo sepi ya,..

oh iya, hampir seminggu ini aku ma Lina ngelamak abis (bahasa indo: seenaknya sendiri).

Latar belakang masalah: kita magang di Industrial Safety and Health Department, dan ngantor di divisi Industrial Hygiene. Placement supervisor kita yang utama (dan resmi) ada 3 orang. Yang gak resmi: buanyak *ngekek*.

Ngelamak #1: Beberapa hari ini kita kan survey ke lapangan terus, so ga bisa ngebagiin angket di kelas2 training (kita juga mbagi di lapangan seh). Walhasil bapak-bapak instruktur training kita titipin angket, dan ini termasuk Superintendentnya Industrial Hygiene. Di sini jabatan Superintendent tuh udh termasuk jabatan yg lumayan tinggi.

Ngelamak # 2: Ternyata teman2, di freeport ini yg namanya anak magang, adalh yg kerjanya suruh abntu sana sini,terus bener2 gak punya kuasa apa2 gitu!!! nah sementara kita ini, malah petantang petenteng kayak bos aja ( yg bos nya aja gak gitu), kita kalau interview gak tanggung2, kita langsung ke VICE PRESIDENT , and Auditor gitu.......wahahahahahhahha......kita abru nyadar gitu, kalo disini thu yg namanya employees harus ngikutin flow management, jadi yg jabatannya paling rendah kagak bisa ngomong langsung ke vice presidentnya!!!!! sementara lina dan ulma, bukan pegawai, cuman magang aja, udah ngomong2 ,. kritik2 ,ma saran2 gitu lansung ke sumbernya!!!! inilah kalau 2 anak ngelamak bersatu!!

nah dalam waktu interview, sifat jeleknya lina ikut kebawa, lina berani-beraninya motong pembicaraan bos2 itu, yg belum tentu bapak2 kita aja berani!!

ngelamak #3: nah..........kita kemaren muter2 di area pertambangan, somewhere di pegunungan jaya wijaya yg berderbu dan COWOK SEMUA!!! jadi kita disana kemana2 disorak2in gitu lah!! nah kita juga perlu naik trem gantung yg kecil, sempit, gak ada tempat duduk, 100 orang dijejel kuabeh ke atas gunung (tingginya 2889m). Pertamanya kita takut seh, apalgi dengan bapak2 yg sudah lama tidak melihat wanita!!! apalagi kalo naik desel mendesel dan unyel mengunyel.............apalagi si ulma, badannya kecil.......kalau lina mah sejajar. ( mung kadang asetku pas nang ndaze wong :>). Karena kita gentar tapi nekad, kita minta pengawalan dari mas2 trakindo( fotonya udah pernah kita kirim), keren gitu, mereka semua jadi bodyguard, waktu di trem di depan, kanan,kiri, belakang, wuahahahahha..............pokoknya space kita paling lega di trem yg berjubel jubel itu!!! ngelamaknya!!! kita ini kerja yg bayarin freeport nah kita malah ngerepotin Trakindo(external assistant company: contractor) gitu!!! udah gitu............selama kita di tambang gunung itu, kita tanya, nongkrong, dianterin, ditungguin, dirawat dan dipelihara serta dijaga kesejahteraanya ama TRAKINDO instead of FREEPORT yg bayar kita!!* trakindo itu karena cuman contractor cuman jadi anak tiri disini, pegawainya dibedain gitu perlakuannya!

ngelamak # 4: disini itu gak sembarang orang bisa ke tambang underground, mesti ngurus ijin ini itu lah, training dulu lah!!! nah tadi orang2 kantor thu mau ke underground, mereka masih bingung ngurusin ini itu buta kita, kita seh jadi males, trus dibatalin. NGELAMAKNYA: kita langsung minta ijin ke vice president undergound!!! wahahahahahah................yah lansung jalan!!!!

*keren abis undergroundnya, kita harus pake alat pelindung , helm +lampu yg berat ( ulma latihan buat dia nanti kawin ala padang), self rescuer yg beratnya 1 kg di pinggang kanan kiri!!! plus rompi yg nista (kuning menyala dan orange terang)....nanti kita kirim fotonya!!! wwhhwwhwh......

gimana jakarta? ada commentar? --------- Ngelamak # 5


Salam perdamaian

Ulma dan Lina

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testing.. ni nulisnya pake email loh :p
blogger masuk gray-list di freeport. huh!

nerusin cerita

ini mo nglanjutin cerita 2 postingan lalu..

sampe mana ya? ah iya pokoknya abis tanggal 23 Agustus itu, gw ma Prima bisa langsung naek bis, ga perlu nunggu sampe yg jadwal berikutnya coz si sopir bis ternyata ketika itu masih berada d dalam kamar mandi. ohohoh ya uds, ulma dan Prima pun mlesat. trus sebelon naek bis pamitan, hug hug dulu ma anak2 rumah *haiks.. :'(

saya sampai di Koeln jam 13.30 (klo ga salah) udh ada tante monika di situ (tante monika adalah istrinya saudara sepupunya ibu saya :p). bis itu me ma prima diajak makan dulu di...emmm....ah iya bistro somewhere di hohestrasse (mbuh nulisny bener pa engga).

gw d sana sampe tanggal 26. so for three days gw, prima, ma nina (ini keponakannya tante monika dari pihak suaminya, -nahloh). tgl 26 gw, nina, tante Monika ngedrop si Prima di HBF Koeln, bis itu perjalanan lanjut ke Duesseldorf soalnya pesawatnya di situ (naek EMirat Arab). Well, ya saya Alhamdulillah boarding dgn selamet, pas d petugas imigrasi juga ga dimacem2in :p cuma ngantri agak lama sih. bis itu... transit I di Dubai, hoho.. senang juga. 3 jam setengah. ulma ngapain? ya ulma jalan2.. sambil cari2 oleh oleh tambahan. nuker duit k dirham juga dari euro, coz gw penasaran pengn punya uang dirham, padahal sbenerny ga perlu, coz tu airport nerima uang euro juga :p

bis itu pas mo boarding lagi... (2.30 pagi) jeng jeng jengggg huhuhu di kejauhan, gw ngeliat banyak mbak2 indo kerudungn lagi ngantri di gate gw juga. huhuhuh.. aduh aduh.. jangan jangan... hhehehe.. emm.. itu.. kayaknya... mbak mbak yang pada kerja d dubai deh :p
well ulma pun sekali lagi, untuk pertama kalinya setelah 2 taon, bergerumul dengan mbak mbak indo :D wehehe.. kocak banget rasanya. kayakny udah ngerasa di indo lagi :D
trus emang iya yah, orang indo tuh paling susah diaturnyah -_-' mbak mbak itu tuh yang modelnya suka sa'karepe dhewe, berdiri di tempat yang ga boleh berdiri, ribut ndiri, huhuhuh... ampe mbak mbak pramugarinya kewalahan gituh :P

pesawatnya sempet berhenti di srilanka, trus kuala lumpur, dan akhirnya pas nyampe di cengkareng.. well.. hehe.. gmn ya.. not so much to see soalnya dah jam 7 malem gituh. tapi yang langsung kerasa emang hawa panasnya yang welcoming sekali :D gw pas d sana djemput sama adk gw wasi, yang sekarang kelas 2 di SLTP Pembangunan Jaya, ma nIni, adeknya si NIna yang lagi di Koeln itu. Nini kuliah IT d BiNus, dah masuk semester 5 juga.

hehe to be continued.. coz internetny dibatesin :p


Amole, Meno*!

posting kali ini, diekstrak dari email gw ke seorang teman, nama si teman tidak saya cantumkan demi menjaga kerahasian identitas yang bersangkutan, beberapa bagian dari email yg berikut juga saya crop biar lbih pendek dan enak dibaca.. hehehehe... well inilah posting pertama ulma setelah kedatangannya di bumi Papua, Indonesia

(atmosfer: Jamie Cullum-album Twenty Something)
Saya d sini terancam berubah menjadi nenek-nenek boring nan serius :S abis anak yg seumuran gw nyaris ga ada! klo ga orang2 usia produktif (25 ke atas), ya anak2 SMP, SD & TK teman2ny adik saya (jadi klo ga nenek-nenek boring nan serius, anak kecil yg manja dan kolokan :p)

be-te-we, sedih banget pas tau soal pemboman itu. Wktu itu gosip awal yg sempet santer d sini tuh kantor freeport yg di kuningan yg d bom. FYI emang gedungny sebelahan ma kedubes oz, which is Plaza 89. Gw ga ngerti tu yg ngebom kamsutnya apa, wong yang meninggal juga rakyat biasa, mending klo ada bule oz yg kena. dan lagi, well me cuma denger selintas dari cerita bokap (walo udh d indo ternyata juga masih males nonton berita :D ~ dulu kan wktu d a'dam alesanny ga nonton berita soalny ga ngerti), klo si yg punya 'otak pemboman' itu udh ngSMS intel minta si anu sapa namanya, abdul bakrie? dibebasin. halaah..... gublig.. memalukan bangsa! (huff.. berapi-api). coba semangat pengen mati si supir minibus putih yg meledak itu dia pake buat ngerjain hal hal laen, ngebangun bangsa kekkk!!! ini malah meledakkan diri, eight unreasonable death! yeah.. cuma dlapan sih, korban wetece lbih banyak lagi, korban.. perang perang dunia, klo diitung2.. aduh.. semoga Tuhan memberkati mereka yg perlu diberkati (amin)

saya udah semingguan nih di Tembagapura.. waktu prtama kali menapakkan kaki d airport internasional timika (yeah.. internasional loh..), rasanya ga percaya banget klo gw udh nginjekin kaki lagi di tempur. Dan beneran gw tuh yg udh deg-degan wktu pswatnya dah terbang d atas pulau Papua.. wii.. kayaknya out of the world banget. tu utan ijo ijo d bawah, rimbun dan lebat, kaya karpet ijo tebel dengan pattern garis putih kadang coklat ngeliuk-liuk kaya uler (mksudnya sungai :p)

anyways, sminggu pertama gw abisin buat bikin ID karyawan gitu, medical check-up, trus training dua hari. Besok ni gw mo ketemu sama kepala divisinya ttg kerjaan gw entar. gw ga jadi tinggal di barak, well at least sampai hari ini, Alhamdulillah.. para pihak manajemen sini ternyata ga mau repot repot ngurus akomodasi buat satu anak magang ini. so diharapkan pihak keluarga pemagang mau menerima anak mereka yg nista ini (hehehe...). tapi tapi, ada cerita lucu, oh btw gw di sini ama si Lina Susanti, cina semarang berayahkan pria papua :D anak komunikasi INholland juga, yg kebetulan bokapny juga karyawan sini. trus yg tentang cerita lucu itu, gw ma lina kan punya 2 ID, satu ID karyawan, satunya ID keluarga (d sini securityny ketat gitu deh). nah terus di ID itu ada barcodeny, jadi klo misalny mau make fasilitas umum, tu ID mesti dideketin k scannerny trus nunggu 'beep' berarti bole masuk, (pke krtu bonus albert heijn bisa ga ya..). eh iya, trus perjanjianny kan anak magang tuh ga bisa pke fasilitas 'free meal' dari perusahaan, tapi gw ma Lina nekat pengen nyoba, coz kata orang2 makanan2ny lumayan gitu.

Akhirnya tersebutlah pada hari Jumat siang Ulma dan Lina berjalan ke 'Barak F', modelny dari luar kaya barak biasa, tapi dalemny didekor kaya resto, ada dapur, meja2 makan, meja2 saji (modelny buffet gitu). Trus ya uds, dengan deg deg-an gw nempelin ID karyawan gw ke scannerny, kedenger bnyi 'bip'.. eh.. itu bip boleh apa bip ga boleh ya?... trus gw ngeliat ke petugasnya,.. tampangny kok biasa aja gitu.. trus gw ngeliat ada lampu ijo yg nyala d scannerny.. eh... bneran tuh ijo? ga percaya gw ngintip dikit ngeliat komputer mereka.. huhuh.. d situ kepampang dengan ekstra gede foto sok manis ulma dan yg lebih penting lagi, tulisan 'acces granted' d bawah foto ulma gemuk najis itu :D huwaaaaah.... udah mo loncat2 kegirangan sih, tapi entar daripada mencurigakan jadi gw stay cool aja. bis itu nungguin Lina masuk, bis ituu... menyerbuh meja saji!!

well, ga bisa dijelaskan secara detil apa aja yg ada d situ karena saya tidak tahu itu makanan apa saja :D yg jelas d sana tersedia western (potongan2 kentang rebus, wortel kukus, daging yg digoreng ma telor, pokokny seperti daging berbulu telor) & national food (nasi, coto, emm.. bayem2 gitu, pa lagi yah.. telor mata sapi..), ada beraneka kue2 (wajik, ma apa lagi tu namanya) dan dessert (pudding, cake kecil), roti juga ada, trus es krim! (kaya softijs yg d londo), trus minum juga sekembung2ny perutloe,.. bisa pilih mo jus jeruk, teh, ato aer putih! tersedia pula ketika itu es buah! nyeeemmm....
d sana gw juga ketemu ma anak2 training, bedany klo gw ma lina tu magang, klo mereka tu buat kerja beneran. so rata2 udh umur 25 ke atas deh.

gw d tembagapura tuh sempet tinggal setahun, wktu kelas 3 smp. so itu sekitar tahun 98-99 lah. gw ga bisa bicara bahasa irian :D hehehe... paling cuma 'Amole!' which means 'Hello!'. dah itu aja.. sama c*k* m** (the *-s indicates that the word is a swear word).

ah iya.. kabar baik, saya d sini bisa nurunin paling engga 1,5 kilo ^^ dari 5* ke 5*,* euheuheeheh (tebak ndiri deh brapa :D). mengapa eh mengapa? mungkin karena saya juga udh ngeusahain ga makan malem, intake makanan buat sarapan ma makan siang sih normal2 saja, (5 piring sekali makan! ahuahuahuahuh! ~becanda loh).. dan yep, mungkin juga ga tega ma bonyok.. lantaran anjr*t.. d sini barang2 mahal bangetttt!!! sama kaya harga euro gitu.. contoh: d sini cafeny klo njual cappucino + es macam starbuck's.. 18000 rupiah.. kurlebs 1,8 euro gitu ga sih? eh tapi frappuccino kan lbih mahal lagi ya.. heheh.. tapi tetep aja deh.. mahal. kaya apa lagi yah, emm.. deodorant! d sini yg paling murah rexona.. itu juga harganya 11.000 (eh ato emang sgitu ya?).. huhuh.. aduh kayaknya salah contoh deh. emm.. well yg jelas d sini ga ada banget merk2 generic macemny coklat jago, lulur puspa wangi, coklat nesquik, njr***t!

gw juga udh denger yg soal rumah gw kerampokan gitu.. man.. kasian banget anak2, untung si rina udah ngurus asuransinya.. sekalian tuh beli laptop baru, tu anak kan perasaan laptopny emang udh sekarat minta diganti. tapi beratnya juga kan dia file2 kerjaan sekolah segala macem pastilah d laptopny yg dicuri itu.. gw yg blm jelasny sih tu pencuri masuk dari mana.. dan katany kan malem malem, tu anak rumah segitu banyak, masa ga ada yg jaga kandang sama sekali? wktu gw SMSan ma Prima, tu anak sempet nyinggung klo anak2 rumah tu pada mo pindah.. hmmm.. emang sih, rumah kecurian tuh artiny klo daerah itu udh ga seaman yg kita kira lagi, tapi who knows juga, mungkin emang wktunya barang2 kita itu diambil, nothing lasts forever, zo is zo wlopun misalny tinggal di amstelveen juga klo udh wktuny tu rejeki yg dikasih Tuhan diminta, ya.. ilang deh. But again, gw ga ngerasain coz gw d sini, enak2an makan-tidur d rumah, ketemu bokap nyokap dan adek adek (ga ad hubungannya sih :D)

soal sekolahan.. oops... heheh.. gw masih blum tau :D tapi blm dikasih email peringatan apa2 tuh dari sekolah. anak2 juga ga ngomong apa2 klopun misalnya skolah ngirim tu surat liwat pos :p

huffffff... menyenangkan nulis panjang.. <BIPPP Bagian sini ampe sono disensor> mpe ketemuh!

-----> uLm@

yeah.. jadi segitu deh emailnya.. lumayan panjang ya! kenapa bisa begitu? ya salah satu alesanny juga si anak yg mengimeli saya banyak tanya, hehehe...

*) Meno=panggilan 'pal' or 'nigga'-nya orang sini

ga tau mo dikasih judul apa

so here i am, duduk d depan kompi lagi! ngenet lagi! setelah seminggu lebih kagak nyentuh internet! aaa... hidup terasa hampa :P
umm tapi internet sini juga kurang memuaskan.. hummff. well better slow than nuttin! btw, peringatan awal: kayakny ni blog bakal panjang n pnuh dengan cerita horor (ap coba) bagi yg tidak bgitu tertarik lngsung tutup aj windowny :p

trus trus, d manakah saya? saya? siapa saya? hehehe.. iya, saya d warnet sekarang, warnet apa gitu namany.. hell gw ga bgitu merhatiin nama.. yg gw liat cuma tulisan 'WARNET'ny.. dan ulmapun langsung melesat k dalam.. whoossshhh!
(btw rateny brapa ya sejam?)

lalu saya ga tau ni mo tulis apa, emm yg jelas sbtu entar gw dah cabut lagi k irja, meaning bakal ga bisa internetan for a while.. well maybe bisa, tapi kata anak2 yg pernah magang d sana, internetny tuh dibatasi. oh iya.. FYI, buat yg iseng pengen maen k Timika, Papua, tiketny tu sekarang PP 3 juta (iya.. sapa gitu yg mo maen k sana)

mo cerita apa dulu ya.. ah iya.. first thing first!
tanggal 23 Agustus
ulma ga tidur semaleman, abis nerpes, hehehe.. anyway, jam 7 pagi ge ngebangunin si prima, soalny iya, sya berangkat bareng dia, tu anak spontaniously pengen ikut k jerman, dan ulma spontaniously juga mengiyakan.. hehehe (bginilah klo tinggal bersama anak yg serobotan dan tanpa planning).

jam segitu juga teman2 saya yang lain (baca: vina, ifta, cherie dan rina) pada kebangun, en ikut2 grasa-grusu membersihkan belek dan merapikan penampilan, berkunjung ke wc, sarapan seadany, cuci muka, nyanyi nyanyi, salto d udara 400 drajat, dan terjun payung dari balkon rumah. hehe. tapi saya tidak menyangka klo mreka bakal nganterin (hiks.. terharu). 15 menit setelah jam 7, rina membantu saya menggotong kardus yg berisi barang2 milik saya yg saya tidak tahu mo dibuang ato disimpan, ke gudang, hufh hufh hufh..

8.05 5 wanita (cherie ga ikut nganter) terlihat keluar dari pintu niewuersluishof 159 sambil membopong satu koper gede berbobot sekitar 38 kilo, satu tas gede yg beroda, satu carrier, dan satu ransel besar.. huffh. padahal... kuduny aku ma prima dah check in jam sgitu *lol (dasar orang inddoo!!! --') meanwhile si dika, yg dgn spontan pula ingin mengantar saya k amstel (oh dika... betapa baikny engkau!!), udh nyampe d sana! heuheuhuehe...

8.20 nyampe d amstel, ulma langsung lari ngacir k kantor eurolines, sambil narik narik prima. pas udh nyampe counter gw nanya, 'bis yg ke cologne udh brangkat blm?', 'belum'..
U: 'saya mau check in'
OE (Orang eurolines): 'sori, tapi kmu telat, bisny udh mo brangkat'
OE: 'Tapi kmu bisa nunggu bis yg brikutny, jam 10.35'
U: 'kena biaya ekstra ga?'
OE: 'engga kok'
U: 'bisa check in sekarang?'
(noleh k prima) 'Prim, prim.. tiketny dungs'
P: 'eh... gw masukin d koper ding'
U: (mlotot)'hehhh????'
(ke OE) 'could you please wait for a moment?'

wehhhhh.... gw langsung lari nyamperin anak2 yg masi bersusa paya narik narik koper gw (hehehe.. smentara gwny lenggang2 kangkung) :p ga ding, gw bawa carrier lumayan gede juga, wlo ga berat :D eh iya mba dita juga udh nyampe d amstel..
'guys, gw telat.. bis slanjutny masi 2 jam lagi gitu.. untung juga gw mesen tiket bis yg paling pagi, coba klo misalny gw mesen yg jam 10 trus telat.. ga jadi brangkat deh gw'

so we went to the eurolines guy again sambil ngasi tiket bis n passport.
OE: 'How many luggage?'
U:'10.. eh 3, and 1 to bring inside' (tau de inggris gw udh kaco)
jadi bawaan gw tu, 1 carrier merah yg udh gw bawa ke mana2 slama 7 tahun ini ^^ (pretty old, huh?), satu tas gede punya tante gw yg d jerman, yg gw pinjem wktu balik k amsterdam about a year ago, isiny baju2 kotor coz gw ga sempet nyuci sminggu sblm keberangkatan (hahahaha!), koper gw yg gede n berat banget (actually itu koperny prima, she lent it to me since gw ga punya koper yg gede enough buat ngebuktiin klo ge bakal balik 6 bulan), koper gede itu satu2ny yg gw bawa k indo, 2 tas laen gw tinggal d Cologne. si prima cuma bawa 1 rancel besarny saja buat selama dia stay d jerman. rencanany dia bakal d sana sampe jumat or sebtu baru balik k adam lagi, since rencana awal gw baru brgkt k indony tgl 31 agustus.

lalu... bagemanakah nasib ulma dan prima selanjutnya? selamatkah mereka sampai k jerman? lalu apa yg terjadi dengan anak2 rumah ulma sehabis mereka mengantar ulma? apakah petugas eurolines itu bakal jatuh hati sama prima? atau ulma? nantikan kisah selanjutnya.. kapan kapan

pesan terakhir: hwe.. gw hampir 1 setengah jam d warnet! cabut ah cabuttt! eh iya, bis ini gw mo k gambir nganterin adek gw yg cowo k bandung, abis itu cari2 spatu d melawai bareng sodara2 gw, lalu lalu ketemuan ma dian d blok m. pemas pamju mause!!!

4 jam lagi

hmm.. lagi mengemas2 barang buat dbawa k indo.
blm pengen pulang :D

bis ini testing buat ngepost dari email. mybe abis ini ga bisa ngupdate macem2 d blog (biasany juga engga :D), dan selingan2 laen juga tak bisa sering2 lagi (oh dear me...) anyway, link buat komentar ge balikin k format biasany blogger. jadi ga pake haloscan lagih.. knp eh knp? biar klo ad yg komen ge tau gituh :D kecuali bila saya tidak tahu, sistem komentar yg dari blogger bisa bikin notify k pnulis blog klo ad yg kasih komen. so.. ad alasan kedua buat ngebuka blog (alasan pertama iseng :p)

sekian update dari saya.. btw, saya sudh bisa sdikit demi sedikit me"redakan" badai pikiran negatif di kepala saya. saya bisa lebih bahagia, dan semoga saja orang2 d sekitar saya lbih bahagia :D

one more thing: i'm in love :D

Ulma's Theme Song

Knives Out - Radiohead

I want you to know
He's not coming back
Look into my eyes
I'm not coming back

So knives out
Catch the mouse
Don't look down
Shove it in your mouth

If you'd been a dog
They would've drowned you at birth

Look into my eyes
It's the only way you'll know I'm telling the truth

So knives out
Cook him up
Squash his head
Put him in the pot

I want you to know
He's not coming back
He's bloated and frozen
Still there's no point in letting it go to waste

So knives out
Catch the mouse
Squash his head
Put him in the pot

new posting

internet d rumah lagi diblokir koma jadinya mesti ke skolah titik sementara itu harus ngejar bapak mark tawil supaya bisa dapet nilai koma wismilakevribadih titikhabis

Like Paper Cuts - Mew

I came for you
Just to feel you
Break in two

I would that you
Spoke with no words
Like paper cuts they hurt

Sing like it was afternoon already

Call for your Love
It is built soon to end
This heart is

You rendered me
My feet part
Off the floor

I would that you
Spoke with no words
Like paper cuts they hurt

Islamic Economics

Picture it. In the not-too-distant future, the US economy is teetering after decades of debt accumulation. Paper transactions and excess consumption carry on relentlessly despite the growing depletion of real capital. Speculation spirals out of control just as banks start calling back their credit. Policymakers disregard financial prudence in their pursuit of Pax Americana. And then a worldwide plague or a terrorist attack provides the tipping point for total economic collapse.

What then? Will economists have learned any lessons? To answer this, we might begin by examining the ethics of capitalism. Or rather the lack thereof. Capitalism is famous for being free of moral considerations. To neo-liberal economic guru Milton Friedman, the expectation that business bears any “social responsibilities is a fundamentally subversive doctrine.” Capital’s only expectation is to increase profits. As a result, we operate in an economy where business administration students are taught that “greed is good,” competition is stressed over solidarity, and the poor are left largely to fend for themselves.

In light of this moral vacuity, it doesn’t come as a surprise that the world’s rich have rigged the global economic game in their favor. People in the north sit back and enjoy their treasures while their southern neighbors struggle to survive. Even ostensibly well-intentioned efforts to alleviate global poverty like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) manage to make things worse. Since the establishment of these financial institutions 60 years ago, the income gap between the first and third world has widened, and today 1.5 billion people live on an income of less than $1 a day.

The people of Argentina know all about the dark side of World Bank/imf prescriptions. They don’t need to imagine what an economic collapse might look like. In 2002, after years of following directives to deregulate markets, reduce public spending, and liberalize trade, Argentina found itself in a financial mess. A country that had been trumpeted as a great success found itself reeling as austerity measures caught up, investors got scared, profits fled the country, and the national debt-load mushroomed. Argentinians watched helplessly as their banks were closed and their savings evaporated.

World Bank prescriptions elsewhere have been equally devastating. Under Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPS), developing countries have been required to devalue their currencies, slash their civil services, privatize state assets, and remove price controls and import tariffs designed to protect local industries. In a country like Zambia, the effects have been so overwhelmingly negative that many people are convinced sap stands for “Satani ali pano” (Satan in our midst). Thanks to the World Bank, young children often can’t attend public school because fees are required, purchasing power has taken a nosedive thanks to the devaluation of the currency, and curable diseases are left untreated because of depleted health services. The policies have literally killed people. Even the bank is conscious of the dark cloud hovering over its saps and has changed their name to Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers.

The irony of course is that rich countries force poor ones to open up their markets and liberalize their trade policies but don’t adhere to their own exhortations. Perhaps the most egregious example of this is the $300 billion doled out in farm subsidies every year by the EU and the US. With so many third world inhabitants engaged in subsistence farming, the elimination of agricultural protectionism would do wonders for southern economies.

Can such a corrupted economic system be redeemed? The World Trade Organization has chided the US for its cotton subsidies, and Americans may eventually be forced to abide by their free trade rhetoric, but such minor corrections will do little to improve the long-term prospects for global economic justice. Any real effort to address third world poverty will require a sweeping economic paradigm shift. And a cataclysmic collapse might be the only way to bring that about. But what if, up from the ashes, a new economy infused with a moral compass emerged?

The growing discipline of Islamic economics hints at the potential to hardwire an economy with ethical considerations. For centuries, Muslims have blended economic principles with religious law, known as sharia. In the past few decades, this synthesis has evolved into a formal system of Islamic economics. Under this arrangement, the basic framework of the economy is left up to the market, but it is also organized around ethical investment rules that prohibit putting money into companies that profit from alcohol, gambling, tobacco, weapons or pork-related products. Islamic economics also mandate participatory arrangements between capital and labor and a ban on interest. This rule stems from the understanding that since Allah determines the failure of a financial venture, the borrower should not be the sole bearer of the cost.

As formalized Islamic economics has gained adherents, Islamic financial institutions (IFIS) have enjoyed enormous growth rates. IFIS engage in real economic activity – as opposed to passive speculation – and make money work as capital, not debt. Even though Islamic banks are beholden to principles of social responsibility that make them less profit-driven than western interest-based banks, they have proven to be quite lucrative. There is even an International Islamic Financial Market charged with charting the course for about 200 Islamic banks and financial institutions around the world. And the principles of Islamic economics don’t just apply to banks. Sharia insurance firms are also gaining popularity.

Concepts like ‘no interest’ might seem fanciful to western skeptics, but an economy with a moral code could provide a refreshing relief for the world’s poor. Unfortunately, it might take an economic collapse to make it happen. But once we’ve dusted ourselves off and begun to rebuild, there will be no place for neo-classical financial thinking. Thankfully our Muslim brethren will be ready to provide us with the tools for an alternative system.

- Nicholas Klassen

(detail of painting by Shirana Ahahbazi)
dicomot dari: Adbusters magazine #54 - 2004

The Big Thing Called Life

the more u think about it the worse it gets, the more complicated it is
that's what life is about

how to make a me-cocktail drink ^^

How to make an "Ulma"

5 parts success

3 parts humour

5 parts ego
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Top it off with a sprinkle of fitness and enjoy!

Your Icecream Flavour is...Neopolitan!
You aren't satisfied with just one flavor. They say variety is the spice of life and this shines through in your Ice cream of choice! Just don't eat all the chocolate and leave the strawberry and vanilla behind!

hehe.. lagi iseng brosing2 trus nemu inih..

to find a divine inspiration

Hehe.. kayakny judulny sangar ya :p Well, ak cuma seneng soalny nemu 'Mew' the Danish band (bukan room-butter cookies), sukaa.. kerrenn.. .
Yg nyanyi suarany tinggi banget, skilas kayak cewek. well mereka main musikny unik, rata2 musisi Skandinavia emang nawarin bentuk musik yang gak lazim di kuping. Contoh yg gw suka sih, wannadies, cardigans, dan yang baru2 ini gw ikutin: MEW.
dari mana gw tau mereka? dari widy, dan stelah gw cek2 d friendster, orang yg suka mew dalam network gw.... cuma dua, hehehe.. si widy itu, ma adek gw, bil.. heheheh.. yah knowing 2 of my closest people like this band, i said to myself.. why not? jadi langkah pertama saya untuk cari tahu tentang ini band adalah.. minta sample mp3nya ke widy, hehehe.. (males banget deh gw). trus gw dengerin.. ouch.. ulm terpana dan langsung suka!

dah gitu gw yg mule nyari2 websiteny si mew kan, trus ada satu song yang gw suka banget, 'she spider' keren abis pokoknya.. pas nyari lirikny di google, turned out klo tu lagu dipake buat soundtracknya 'Spiderman 2'and i was like,.. 'WHAT??' hehehe.. d websiteny si Mew juga ad lagu2 laen dari albumny yg paling baru 'Frengers' (Frengers, they said means not friends but yet not strangers). So i listened to the song, which was streamed from the beginning till the end instead of a 30 second demo. And there's this one song, 'Her Voice is Louder than Her Years' yg ada suara cewekny. Pengen tau siapa yg nyanyi, gw ngubek2 websitenya, akhirnya tau klo vokal cewek di lagu itu was performed by Stina Nordenstam. Namanya aneh ya.. i bet it's Danish ;p well anyway, gw ngerasa klo tu nama asli familiar abis, so i googled the name (F.Y.I. kata guru gw, pak Don Ropes, istilah 'Googled' udah scr tidak resmi masuk k dalam vocabulary bahasa Inggris) and found her website, tapi d sono gw ga nemu judul lagu or nama album yg familiar. Masih penasaran gw cek ke VH1 en Launch, but still.. ga ad juga. But then, just like out of the blue, (benernya ga juga sih, Allah yg ngingetin gw), gw inget klo ada lagu d Soundtrackny Romeo and Juliet (klo masi inget, itu pelm teen-romance yg paling keren d akhir abad 20) yg judulny 'Little Star'. Who's the singer? yepp.. STINA NORDENSTAM! hahaha.. aduh gilaaa gw yg langsung sneng gitu. Pasalny gw suka banget ma ni lagu, and glad bisa ngetrack lagi penyanyinya! She has this unique voice, and i missed her, hohoho... langkah selanjutny, of course nyari mp3nya.. tapi karena ga ada Kazaa, me cari pake metacrawler. Nemu sih, tapi hasil remix-an Little Star. Not bad, rada drum n bass gitu kali ya. Further on, ga nemu mp3 yg memuaskan :(

Well yah.. berkat brosing2, tanya sana-sini.. i could collect a few pieces to put on my inspiration corner. So kini nama Mew dan Stina berdampingan dengan Thom Yorke, Gorillaz, Blur, Oasis, dll., di pojok ruang inspirasi saya :) Oh i love the internet, i love those f*ckin cool rock bands! ge inget dulu nyari2 the wannadies, death cab for cutie n juga tuesday child, prlu ngubek ngubek seluruh world wide web yg sangat very cramped dengan promotional stuffs, new ideologies, ads, pop-ups, silly directories, and many more. Yg waktu gw nyari tuesday child lbih lucu lagi.. but i'm not going to talk about it now, cuz i'm so damn sleepy :p so anyway, hari ini.. saya nyatakan sebagai hari pencarian inspirasi, sbnernya frase 'divine inspiration' gw colong dari Tickle.com ;p dari tes yg gw ikutin, katanya sih gw dapet divine inspiration dari Learning New Things. Well I guess once more the quiz was right ;)

Btw sampe saat post ini dipublish, ak blum nemu gambar yg ngeliatin 4 personel bandnya, lengkap, tapi juga ga ngerusak layout blog :p so.. gambar sang vokalis, Jonas Bjerre saya rasa cukup mewakili, heheheh..

pikiran negatif di kepala dan selamat ulang tahun untuk mereka

blog ini dibuat pada tanggal 21 july 2004, jam 2.02 dini hari. pastinya post ini akan dipublish melebihi tanggal segitu. cuma mau bilang, pikiran ini yg bikin aku stuck ga bisa ke mana mana, aku masih belum tahu cara completely got rid off it. terlalu banyak hal hal yang bikin aku kecewa, atau bisa juga dibilang kalo aku gampang kecewa. gampang kecewa karena pikiran negatif? atau karena berpikir negatif lantas kecewa? well.. bisa dibilang kalo itu lingkaran setan..

ak sering ngerasa lonely, ga punya temen yg bener2 temen, mungkin juga pertama2 yg disalahin aku sendiri. aku ga ngehargain merekA2 yg dulu pernah dekat sama aku dan berada disekitarku. i wasted them all and now i have none. klo mo dicari penyebabnya, simple.. aku terlalu anggap remeh, dan aku ga pernah spend extra energy buat invest dalam berteman. i invest most of my energy on self-indulgence and self-despise yg ujung2ny bikin aku gampang naik turun moodnya.

sekarang ini ngerasa kalo ga bisa spend things buat temen2dan orang sekitarku lagi, kayakny aku mesti belajar berbenah diri dulu; starting from taking a good care of my responsibilites. aku at least udah berhasil dateng tepat wktu ke tempat kerjaku for the past 2 weeks, blum bgitu lama, but at least.. an improvement.. ak berusaha nginget janji2 k temen2ku n brusaha nepatin. aku ga bisa dulu punya niat 'buat temen' aku lebih pengen punya niat 'untuk aku sendiri juga'. at least it would make me feel better. gw dulu despise orang2 yang berbuat baik sama orang tapi ujung2ny ya buat diri dia sendiri juga, 'buat ngerasa tenang' (another konstruksi pikiran negatif).. but dipikir2 lagi, aku yo ga boleh gitu. pertama2 punya hak apa aku buat ngenilai niat orang? aku bukan Tuhan. Kedua, toch org yg ditolong juga ga nanyain niat, klo mo bantu ya bantu,

so i think aku harus lbih banyak self-explore lagi. ngusahain ygterbaik from my own self. aku ga berani ngeliat terlalu jauh kedepan (meaning: mau jadi manusia seperti apa saya? habis ini mau kemana?) karena saya tidak punya sama sekali bayangan atau jawaban atas itu. Pikiran negatifku selalu bilang, "kamu akan gagal, kamu itu nobody, kamu ga bisa apa2, and you would be stuck in your life, wandering around your sucking life. ga ngapa2in n ga punya apa2 n ga punya siapa2. you even will be considered lucky to still be alive at such age". jahat sekali ya? tapi entah mengapa aku juga sangat mencintainya, mencintai pikiran negatifku. terkadang dia datang, tidak.. dia kupanggil untuk masuk ke dalam kepalaku. wahh kok jadi merasa ini masalah psikologis yg rumit sekali?

aku rasa harus mulai bikin goal untuk diri sendiri. Well here they are:
1. lebih tanggung jawab
2. hindari pikiran negatif
3. lebih berusaha buat cheerful
4. be an attentive listener
5. hindari tendensi untuk jadi pengecut
6. appreciate myself a bit more
7. jangan takut and be yourself, jangan gunain rasa takut sebagai alesan buat ngehalangin 6 goal di atas

hehh.. kok banyak ya? ah iya.. selagi aku meratapi nasib, some people i know and are dear to me are having their birthday quite close to one another. happy birthday to nena, my pal since elementary school; rawdy, my youngest bro; mba mel-tje and mas djarwo, the dynamic duo of marcopolostraat. May God bless you all.. (btw, mau tahu apa kata pikiran negatifku saat ini?: "sok imut kamu! sok baek!".)

As I was Doing My Visual Communication Resit

As I was doing my resit assignment for my Visual Communication today, a tune from the Cure was played on my realplayer jukebox. I stopped for a couple of minute and tried to remember the new song from the Cure. The leader, the great-grandfather of britPop, is back. The next thing I noticed was that dancing ‘Annabelle the Sheep’. I set my real player preferences to ‘display on top when playing’. Resulting this dancing sheep with her (or his?) aliens, mole, stupid red bird friends to display their erratic nods and jumps while I write on Word or doing something else. I just recognized that they do jump and nod in rhythmically, not just a programmed two nods per second per three jumps or something like that. I almost believed that the sheep was really enjoying the songs that I played.

But again, this is the proof that I never seemed to be able to put my mind focused on something. I could not avoid the tendency of me jumping to do something else while haven’t finished the thing that I’m doing earlier.

Some sentences that I grabbed from Outkast’s ‘the Whole World’
Cause the whole, world, loves it when you don't get down
(Bah bah-da, bah bah bah-da da)
And the whole, world, loves it when you make that sound
(Bah bah-da, bah bah bah-da da)
And the whole, world, loves it when you're in the news
(Bah bah-da, bah bah bah-da da)
And the whole, world, loves it when you sang the blues
(Bah bah-da, bah bah bah-da da)

ain’t that true? Well the conclusion we almost love (or hate) everyone on TV. It’s a love/hate thing. Now I get what that means. I always thought that people have to tolerate! There are parts you hate, and parts you love. But to a few things it has to be either one.

13:18:50 Skipped Stylistic’s You Make Me Feel Brand New (YMMFBN). And remembered that I used that title (the acronym) as my nickname, and then someone copied it, well they put other titles to such acronym and make it their nickname. A couple of times I was copied, I guess. What I wrote the other person also wrote (with very slight alteration). I hate copycats, I always do. Like my interest in using symbolized characters, mix them with alphabetical characters. For example: f.o(r e)xa~mp|Le*. Interesting, huh? I guess they call it appropriationns. I like to manipulate and disturb existing systems or rules. I love working with them, but also I love to bring them down. So yeah, I was annoyed of being copied at. Until I realize that sometimes I also copied. Mostly on people that I like or admire. I used to imagine myself being them while talking to someone or doing something. Having that person in mind help me to act more normally (I guess).

Then it made me realize more that we do that so much often. Nothing in this world is original (apart from His creation). Well okay, ALMOST. Most of them are the product of appropriation, bricolages, and counter-bricolages (borrowing the phrase from Sturken and Cartwright). meaning, we put things ideas we saw around us, modified them and then create something, claiming them as our creations.

13:28:04 still working on the introduction. So…slow, and very mind-crushing. I guess (I hope), well.. not hoping, I have to be sure. I am now to avoid everything with ‘hope’ because I am more likely to use it as an excuse of failing at something.

14:54:03 what do you want me to say? What do you want me to do? To make you know that I do mean it.. (Dismemberment Plan). Us and our commercialized self. To be as hypocritical as I want to be, I could not say that I AM NOT commercialized. I am still looking for an identity, and the commerciality of myself would not be a point that I want to scrutiny.

>>>You Send Me Flowers, Silje Nergaard.. CUTE!

16:13:45 Just like me.. they long to be.. close to you… a jazzy version of the carpenters’ legendary song was included in the North Sea Jazz 2004 compilation. Sang by the American-celebrated jazz duo, Tuck & Patti. Beautiful, and compelling. Well it has been a very nice song, and the soothing jazz singer just added its glories.
The funny thing was when they added their own version of the song…
...and gold and starlight on your eyes of blue.. or maybe grey, or maybe green, or were they brown?’ now I wonder why did they do that…

Mind wanderings at 01:40:43
I was told that only 9 students made the Oral Communication exam in my class. The rest had to take the resit test on Wednesday 13.10 o’clock. (Attention to readers: this is a wrong usage of o’clock). Well I knew six or maybe eight people who made it, I am not sure about the ninth… but I am sure it was not me. Well minutes before I know the people who had past the exam, I was feeling a bit like Charlie in Dahl’s ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ when he heard about the golden tickets. ‘Five golden tickets have been spread in Willy Wonka Chocolate bars all around the world. Only five people could enter the factory as the promised prize.’ So… nine golden ticket holders were out there, being glad every minute because they knew they don’t have to face the test for the second time. And I guess my chance of getting them are just as small as Charlie… no wait, Charlie finally got the golden ticket, well then I felt like I was the kid who cheered on Charlie when the news of the fifth holder of the golden ticket was announced on the telly, uh.. I mean TV.

Btw, at this hour… 15 damn pages of Visual Communication bullshits.

02:49:24 on to page 16 (shit, I wrote like 1 page per hour… slow-mo!). Listening to Garbage’s ‘When I Grow Up’, very very me ^^
And guess what I heard 30 minutes later, Sheila on Seven’s ‘Perhatikan Rani’. Am I surprised! The program said that I last played the track on the 25th of May, whoa… that long??? Gee... I neglected my Indonesian songs quite far-off. But well yeah, am not too fond of this band anyway. It’s nice to hear ‘em again though, and then my mind started to wander off to my high school period, when everything should be as carefree as I want them to be. I guess I am being too self-depressed to enjoy my teenage life. I regret it now.

hup.. griekenland!

hahaha.. omg.. they won the Euro 2004Cup!

lack of color

4 days after chitra left. hari ini nganterin dian ma rina k airport. rumah kosong ni tinggal be-3, me, vina n ipte. doneeh n myshoutbox error. huh mbencekno. blum ngerjain resit. kudu buru2. marina tgl 5 juli baru balik dari praha. urus visa dll. emm.. bsok sore kerja, paginya ktemuan ma mba dina, trus cari kado buat ardy yg ultah d day after.

and when i see you
i really see you upside down
but my brain knows better
it picks you up and turns you around
turns you around, turns you around

if you feel discouraged
that there's a lack of color here
please don't worry lover
it's really bursting at the seems
absorbing everything
the spectrum's a to z

this fact not fiction
for the first time in years
and the girls in every girlie magazine
can't make me feel any less alone
i'm reaching for the phone

to call at 7:03 and on your machine a slur a plea for you to come home
but i know it's too late
i should have given you a reason to stay
given you a reason to stay (x3)

this is fact not fiction
for the first time in years

Ben Folds Five - Philosophy

Won't you look up at the skyline
at the mortar block and glass
and check out the reflections
in my eyes
you see they always
used to be there
even when this all was grass
and I sang and danced
about a high-rise
you were laughing at
my helmet hat
laughing at my torch

Go ahead you can
laugh all you want
I got my philosophy
keeps my feet on the ground
and I trust it like the ground
and that's why my philosophy(my phil-)
it keeps me walking when I'm falling down(o-so-phy)

I see that there is evil
and I know that there is good
and the inbetweens
I never understood
won't you look at me
I'm crazy
but I get the job done
yeah I'm crazy
but I get the job done

I pushed you 'cause
I loved you guys
I didn't realize
you weren't having fun

I dragged you up the stairs
and I told you to fly
you were flapping your arms
you started to cry
you were too high
too high

You may take this all for granted
take the mortar, block and glass
and you forget the speech
that moved the stone
but it's really not that you can't see
the forest for the trees
you've never been out
in the woods alone

So you can laugh
all you want to

But I got my philosophy
keeps my feet on the ground
and I love you
you're my friend
but you got no philosophy
now it's time for this song to end

uR ConGraTuLatiONs

what did i told you? 1.50? hell.. i'll be 45 minutes late!

saudara-saudariku yang terhormat, ulma was late again.

12.00 - woke up
12.05 - Remembered that I had to call Sylvia bout today's acara
12.10 - YM Anggi n Neysa, asked for Sylvia's numer, Neysa's phone'd been dead for quite a long time. Low batt and no charger (oh dear..). Neysa was not really there, waited for her to come back. Neysa was back, swapped SIM-card with Anggi. Got Sylvia's number
12.15 - SMS Sylvia from Ifta's mobile, asked her to call back
12.20 - Sylvia called, apparently she also had just woke up (me ngereceive her call di wc, accomplishing my morning duty *wink), we decided to meet at the Central Station at quarter to 2. Ulm k ruang tamu, mendengarkan 'kisah kencan'
12.45 - wandering around da kitchen quite aimlessly, sambil manasin air buat kopi
12.50 - ke kamar, browsing Friendster
13.00 - ke dapur lagi, manasin air lagi.. bengong
13.05 - bikin kopi, ke kamar, browsing2, bener2in blog.. until...
13.31 - WHAT THE F***?????!!!!!

well.. i finally got to the Central Station 14.25 as I arrived (shame on you!)

muter2 CS nyari kado, akhirny ke drugstore beli bantal beraroma peppermint; 2 geurzakjes (fragrance-packets), aroma oriental ma aroma embuh satuny, tapi lambangny hati, so I guess it'd b perfect for the two lovebirds; 1 packet of 20 teabags with 5 different scents. Minta dibungkusin ma mbakny, sambil gitu nulis kartu, dibantuin si Sylvia buat nulis kata2 Blandanya.

15.20 - nyari2 bis buat k sana. realizing it wouldnt come within 25 minutes, me n Sylvia nyari Smullers dulu beli kleine frites met mayo (njreet karbohidrat abis!)
fast forward>> ktinggalan bis :p nunggu yg 16.15
fast forward>> muter2 di Veemkade nyari 'gamelanhuis' (jalan udah bener. tapi kok ga keliatan ya?) - the time was 17.15, akhirny mutusin buat nelp. cari tau (tapi kan ulm ga punya pulsa..)

anyho.. we finally found the gamelan huis.. got in, found oom Rob n Mirella, congratulated them for their umm 60 year of living together..

ngetes trackback

http://haloscan.com/tb/ulmster/108829234463465685.. wut this trackback supposed to mean anyway??

..Hup! Holland, Hup!

huhuh.. oke deh, me no maniak futbol, tapi seenggakny living in the NL had made me more aware of this football thingy, especially the Oranjes yg lagi seru2ny tanding di Piala Eropa (d sini sih namanya EK -Europeesche Kop or sumthin *ngasal mode ON*). Tadi si ge nontonny ma ardy n widy abis kerja gitu. Kuduny si jam 10 udh pada cabut, tapi decided buat stay en nglanjutin nonton NL-Sweden yg kykny seru abis. Gw yg ga ngerti bola pun mikir tu dua negara maennya keren ("ni dia yg namany seperempat final!".. quoting from Ardy). Dan kami b-3 ga nyesel deh buat mutusin ga pulang cepet2, coz worth it kok nungguin sampe penalti, dan.. sampe sampe NL menang!! huhuh.. well i wont narate again how it all happened, not quite good @ narrating a story :p well you can check the reportings here.. www.euro2004.com

Sbenerny si kita be-3 ga ad yg terlalu suka bola, kebawa suasana aja kali yah..,like wktu kita keluar dari Warung tempat kita kerja, orang2 Londo gendeng itu yg pada tereak2 keluar, nyanyi2 lah, niup2 trompet, well anything that would express their happiness and excitement. Dan otomatis kita yg lag d situ pun jadi ikutan seneng ^^. maybe bakal lbih seneng lagi klo saat itu kita nontonnya bareng date kita d tempat seru macem Korsakov (a spill of what one of my housemate's been doing @ the time i was writing this blog ;p). Seandainya gw ada d Indo, gw ga yakin bakal ngikutin ni piala eropa, i'd thought, 'the hell wit it'.. well that's what i did on last year's UEFA Cup anyway...

Spulang dari Warung, guess what.. Ha-Pe gw ktinggalan d mobilny Ardy :'( oh ya sudah, after i called him using Dian's mobile, gw bilang klo ge ngambil hp gw Slasa aja.. toch Slasa dia kerja, n ge juga kerja. Huhuh.. me bakal having no mobile for this 3 days ^^ menyenangkan. Well whoever who read this post, dont try to call me at least until Tuesday evening.. coz i WONT answer it ;P dan klo pun trus dijawab, IT WONT BE ME!!!

hape ulma yang terdampar d mobil ardy Posted by Hello

Luckily I called my Mum earlier this evening.. jadiny Insya Allah no worries about loosing contact with 'em for this couple of days. Me miss me mum n dad :(, abis gw nelp. entah mengapa i felt sooo bad.. i even felt like i was about to cry. Tapi ga bisa nangis coz wktu itu gw lagi ngbungkus kerupuk (pa hub.ny coba :p). Well d sbelah gw ada si ardy itu, jadiny i just stared hard to the ceiling, like expecting it to fall off. Tambah pengen nangis pas Ayah bilang ,"ya sekarang kmu on your own, you have to take care of your own responsibilites (menyangkut kerjaan, studi, dll.), Ayah serahin semua ke kamu, you have to take care for yourself there." Hu-uhh.. jadi ngerasa sedih banget, sudah sebegitu terlepasnyakah aku dari beban ortu? i still want to be a daughter yang bisa maen2, fooling around, coz i got my parents to take care of the rest (:P huhuh.. pmikiran anak yg ngatjow). Hu-uhhh..! OK, OK, Dad! Ulma ngangguk2 aja tadi. he also reminded me to arrange the flight ticket to Indo A.S.A.P., and inform all responsible parties about the flight, the book, the payment *underline* (ga tau boso HTMLe underline :p) etc. etc.

After about 18 minutes of conversation, we ended the call with a vocal hugs and kisses (maksute cuma ngomong "hugs and kisses, Dad!"), dan Ulma pun kembali membungkusi kerupuk. Hari ini ada 5 kardus yang berhasil dibungkus, isinya Borrel Garnalen, Opak Pikant, Emping, Borrel Knoflook, ma Borrel Vis n me pun berhasil membawa kurlebs 1kg krupuk ke rumah xD kekke.. kiddin, ga nyampe sekilo ah, paling juga 500 g ;) Abis ngebungkusin, ulma pun join "tim depan" hehe.. cuma si Widy sih :p smentara si Ardy lagi ngurusin catering. dan about 30 menit kemudian, dateng ni tante tante, bersama pasukannya (jadi total ada 2 tante dan 3 oom oom, kelimanya berusia 55-60 lah). Mreka mesen gede gitu, bami minta 1,5 kg, trus lauk2nya juga yg lngsung minta satu bak gede gitu, untung si Ardy juga akhirny dateng k depan ngebantuin, jadi si Widy bisa ngelayanin klanten yg laen. huh huh.. pokokny pas mereka pergi Warung yg kaya abis kerampokan gitu,.. ffuhh!!

Tapi overall sih hari ini ga gitu rame, cuma yg 5 sekawan tante-tante oom-oom aja yg bikin kita ngos2an. The UEFA 2004 Cup had been the answer to the 'still'ness of my workplace (huhuh.. inggris gw jelek banget). Hari ini si anak-lucu-vegetarian ga dateng ke warung :( (oohh.. apa coba).

Pulang ke rumah, ya gitu, after nyadarin klo ge lupa bawa hape, me menegur mba dina yg sedang oL d YaMess dengan 'Penampakan mode On'-nya, huhuh.. this means that she has her webcam on. me clicked her and then konversasi pun mengalir.. tentang apa? what else if not the Dutch's victorious penalty kicks (Oranje Boven!!)?, dan cowo2 lucu yg berhasil kita spot slama pertandingan tntunya ;) hehehe.. girls will always be girls !!! *girly mode ON*

Well kita juga ngediscuss bout this Sunday's acara. Yep, Minggu 27 Juni ini Oom Rob my gamelan coach will celebrate his 35th year of LIVING TOGETHER with her partner! yak, again kata2 Living Together perlu digaris-bawahi. Living Together is Samenwonend is Kumpul Kebo!! they've lived together for THIRTY-FIVE YEARS!! all this time!! ternyata!!! padahal anakny yg udah 2 gede gede gitu!! well me noticed sih kmaren2, kok ni suami istri eh pasangan nama blakangny ga sama.. well at least kan kudune istriny make nama blakang suaminy, nah ini kok engga, oom Robnya Rob van Albada, dan istri..eh pasangannya Mirella Karpe, yang stelah ditelusuri ternyata beliau punya darah Rusia dari kakeknya. Ternyata oh, ternyata..

Hehe.. ok, me wrote long enough tonite.. ah menyenangkan.. setelah lama tak menulis :P nite nite, and take care everyone ^^

a bitter day to end a bitter week

and yeah, nothing fails to assault a sleeping monkey.

today just went by so fast. nothing interesting happened. so... lame. very tired. warung hari ini lumayan banyak pengunjung, ge yg ga brenti nglayanin klanten dari jam 1/2 6 sampe 3,5 jam berikutnya pas udah waktunya tutup. haiks... did it make any difference to may payment? no-o.. hell no.

nelp. ngasi tau klo p'bayaran mei kmaren ga bisa ditarik dari bank account, artinya.. tu rekening udh kosong (aww..shucks!). Tau deh ni bisa ngebayar dalam 4 hari pa engga, klo engga.. paling ya dicabut, mbuh wes.. (ga bakal sampe pengadilan kan?? :S).

pas pulang, ngecek kotak surat, kiriman barang dari dah nyampe ^^.. tebak ulma beli apa?? 2 mascara bodyshop, 1 bening 1 item.. cost total + ongkos kirim dari jerman: 5 euros.. aint that nice :) luuuvvv ebay!! btw mreka ga butuh credit card kok, bwat yg punya internet bankieren, bisa langsung overboeking gituh.. so plain easy and simple (jiwa spg membara). Suka nemu barang lucu2 murah2 pula, tapi ya.. oke emang musti ngepasin jadwal gitu, buat ngebid. trus deskripsi barang ma penjualny juga diperhatiin bener2, bwat yg ga punya credit card, make sure klo si penjual bersedia dibayar lewat account-transfer. Trus klo anak NL, biasany si yg enak dapet barang dari NL juga, ato jerman (ebay.de), belgium (ebay.be), klo uk mybe dah mulai ribet (walopun ga juga), yah.. US tu yg rada susah, selain riskan (kepisah) jauh banget, en jarang yg bisa dibayar lewat transfer rekening.

u yeah, diet juga tidak berjalan dengan semestinya. Ge harusny blanja buat suplai hari 8-13, but berhubung ga ada duit.. :-p bye bye diet

(diam, ngedengerin Blink 182- I Miss You dengan khidmat) -->

yah gitu deh

jurnal seorang pendiet

it's monday!!! hari ini rasanya me akan bermalas2an, kekekeke.. whoops tapi tidak! oh tidak! got a personal reflective report ahead, blum juga group file o_O (sigh..) tapi sebelum nerve kerajinan bereaksi (biasany butuh 6-10 jam :p) let's review the diet i've been doing so far, shall we? today's my fourth day, and i've lost 3 kilos already ^^ hari ini menu sarapannya bole ditambah roti (plain roti), and of course, cuppa coffee with a table-spoonful of sugar (no milk). At first,i thought that having such diet would be very torturous (as the adjective to torture ;p --> me too lazy to look it up in a dictionary). But no no no, the meals are quite heapful, i mean.. i had to take out somethings just not to throw up. For example, i do not add meat (well almost) anymore. In the end, I wish that i could loose weigh faster this way ;)

In addition to the dietary meals, i've been trying to exercise!! ha..ha..ha..ha.. well i did a 10 minutes umm.. exercise with a whachammacallit (???) last night, while watching 'Scream' in Mtv (they've been playing several blockbusters these past weeks). See.. we have this thing here at our flat, a fitness tool that shaped like an iron horse with a bike saddle and retractable foot-stepping (hehe.. ok, maybe i'm not that good at describing things, umm.. but lemme look for the picture in google)


(2 minutes later)
oh forget it,.. well it's a thing which you can ride on, no electrical units required, it also got a handle like a bike. The handle can be pulled towards you, as your leg pushes the foot-place, and yeah.. it kinda exercise your arm and leg muscle tone.. and i guess it should also tone your abs if you hold your stomach while doing the umm..exercise.

oh yea.. tomorrow i have to prepare fot the hardest..brace myself for the most indespicable.. held my high upward for the horror of.. RAW CARROT (eeeeeuuuuuggggghhh...*sputter..cough..puking*). Well..not exactly RAW as in fresh from the hearth, full with worms and germs and God knows what else, i can speed-boil it, to boil the ugly big (it has to be BIG) carrot within a short period of time. I hope my stomach could handle the distress.

Talk about distress, another horrifying thing is that i should not, MUST not eat after 6 pm.. which is.. VERY VERY HARD!!! The truth is, i could not stop myself from snacking :"> Well.. i tried not to gaggle down cakes, since.. there is no cakes, two-third of my house is on a diet. So I start to lay my hands on anything edible laying nearby. Like tonite, an undiet friend came home and brought in a.. err..cake :p so i ate a slice, and.. WHAT?? Dont stare at me like that!! it's only ONE-THIN SLICE!!! and i burned that down with the doing the fitness-thingy anyway.. (you should feel very embarassed now, ulma)

hmm.. maybe i should disciplined myself more in order to succeed, you know.. follow the rule. me is not a follow-the-rule person, but.. me should try harder!!! 9 more days to go!! And.. as a famous dietician said .. 'The difference between just living and living when you're really on your game is dramatic.' (ain't that so american?.. 'dramatic') Guess who said that? ten pats on the back for you if you guessed Robert C. Atkins, M.D., the founder and medical chair of The Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine, in New York City.


When I woke up this morning, the first thing that came into my mind was.. shit, i forgot to take off my lenses again. 'twas already twelve and today's my third diet day :D Oh dear..

today, i went to the Pathe with this cute american bloke, we watched the day after tomorrow. not quite a date to remember, since.. no emotional click and basically i/we are not each other's type (i guess). the movie juga basically biasa ajah,well.. keren sih, the snow cyclone and all that, and ada ombak gede ngehantam new york, jadi keinget Deep Impact (blum nonton). By the by, i love movies that has something to do with coldness, ice, snows, blizzards, you name 'em. Trus usaha survivingnya tu anak2 melawan dingin lumayan keren, mana si Sam (Jack Gyllenhaal, si Donnie Darko *screams*) juga worth eye-gagging (hek ehek..) and pas pulang tergoda pengen beli mcFlurry =p~ but still remember that i has a bigger goal, the better good.. MY DIET. So instead of following this un-healthy lust of mine, i just stopped at ah-to-go and bought a healthy Belgian-tapped-1,40 euro ah-mineral water instead.

Darling Jack in Donnie Darko with that evil-looking wabbit :S (not in the middle)  Posted by Hello

Mouth-watering flurry =9~

I didnt really eat junk food when i went out, me ordered a salad rusiani or something at a pizzeria and the bloke ordered a taggliateli, or was it something else? a tap water and diet coke, he gurggled down the ice-cube :D me ordered an orange juice. I paid off dinner since i was late (ulmaaa......!!!!) we were supposed to meet at 5 at this bend in kalverstraat and i made it to that place 20 minutes later (SHAME ON YOU!). THe salad was DAMN LOT! me didnt finish it off (feel bad bout it v_v) just ate the tuna, some sweet beans (kidney beans??) and of course, lovely-red tomatoes.. robbed my purse for a 22,15.. not quite much well 20, seth (whoops.. now i mentioned his name), paid off the 2,15.. make it 3 including the tip.

so.. 18.10 we walked back to Pathe-Munt the movie err.. the theatre door was open at 18.20. After the movie, we walked to the damrak, and parted there coz this little mouse had to go to the central station, and take the metro 54. And that's the end..

small note

i have been feeling uncomfortable with myself lately

pokoknya nyenengke

okeyh, so hari ini deadline buat end report, hari exam oral communication, dan ulma ngantuk, hahaha... well ga tau ni mo nulis apaan. Sebenernya tadi mikir, since this day is a special day, jadi seenggakny aku harus nulis something d blog. Kenapa spesial? Coz ya gitu, deadline end report! exam! sminggu lagi presentasi stlh itu sekolah resmi berakhir... ! (Wlopiun masi banyak resit yg harus dihadapi :'() Dan juga dari kemaren2 kayakny punya ide buat nulis gitu, tapi pas nyampe rumah, mbuka laptop, kok ilang ya... *pssshttt* Yah.. sayang.. Akhirny malah nulis hal2 yg tidak berguna dan sebenarnya tak bermaksud sama sekali.. Terus lagi, judul yg di atas tu cuma gara2 pas kmaren, lagi ngelap2 tombang d Warung Bandung, ngliat video klipnya Nelly Furtado yg judulny 'Forca'. Vidklipnya kerenzi...jadi inget budaya gotong-royong di Indo, en pas ngeliat tu video emang kerasa gimana gitu, "ternyata masih ada sisi dunia yang indah" hehehe.. apa coba. Walopun sometimes gw suka tiba2 anti-sosial, I think togetherness itu indah banget, dimana everything's possible, dan kayaknya ga ada yang ga mungkin when you put on 2 heads or more on to something.

So,.. iya hari ini belanja (lagi) beli salad gitu, tpi ga gitu enak (bllrrttt...) :-P sama Vina en Chitra. Si Vina sih yg tadiny pengen blanja, ge ma chitra cuma nemenin.. eh tau2 ge inget klo pengharum WC dah abis, jadi ge beli. Eh terus si chitra pengen makanan langsung jadi, trus pengen bakmie, trus jalan nglewatin tempat salad pengen salad, trus ad tuna, eh kok pengen ya, trus abis ngambil tuna, tiba2 nyambungny pengen beli pizza. Pas jalan ke pizza nglewatin tempat buah, ada nectarine gitu... eh beli deh. Trus si chitra beli kacang panjang, sblumnya juga udh beli chocolate stick gtu.. and finally pas lagi jalan ke kasir, tangan gw nyomoy Buggle yg Nacho Cheese... ealahhhh :-! Padahal kemaren udah belanja :-



celoteh pukul tiga pagi


Report blum slese


entar kelas
terus kerja

salah ga ya?

tapi kalo ga gitu ga bisa

tapi apa harus?
nyoba jadi anak baik tapi ga bisa
gini dulu aja

ulma kamu menyedihkan sekali

oh adzan subuh sudah berkumandang (03.04)


udah ah

sekali lagi saya tetapkan: SAYA MAU CUEK AJAHH!!!!! CONCENTRATE ON MYSELF!!!! DO WHATEVER I THINK would MAKE MYSELF FEEL GOOD!!!! the HELL with WHAT everybody WOULD think!!!!!

Another dose of Badly Drawn Boy

Still can not get enough of him! Terimakasih kpd teman saya yang telah memperkenalkan saya pada BDB..

Once Around the Block
You quiver like a candle on fire
I'm putting you out
Maybe tonight we could be the last shout
But I'm fascinated by your style
Your beauty will last for a while

You're feeling instead of being
The more that I live on the inside
There's nothing to give
I'm infatuated by your moves
I've got to search hard for your clues

I want to repair your desire
And call it a gift
That I stole from just wanting to live
Now I see the vision through your eyes
Your innocence no longer fuels surprise

Trying to outrun your fear
Running to lose
Heart on your sleeve and your sole in your shoes
Take a left,
A sharp left
And another left, meet me on the corner
And we'll start, again.

wahai orang orang yang selalu online.. apa yang dipunyai dunia cyber ini sehingga kalian betah berlama2 di depan layar kotak komputer?

sekedar pemberitahuan

huhuh.. si DIAN akhirny bikin blog buat ngangkat 'sisi komersial'nya..check her blog out: weirdian.blogspot.com, and no Dian,u r not weird, u're pretty damn special ^^ luvya, gurl!

Times like these (bukan laguny Foo Fighters)

In times like these..
I want to run away
I want to forget the things
That's been done
That's been said
Squeezed my eyes shut
Rammed my head, but
The images kept on walking
They tramping on
My head's a-turning
Time's a-waisting

erase the memories from my head
scratch off the picture that said
i'll wait you in alabama
where there's sun and banana
the hell with the sun
somebody give me a gun

Blow my head off
dug me a grave on
high hill and chilly wind
choke me please
somebody kill me please

Post Singkat di Pagi Hari Jumat (atau Jumat Hari Pagi? Pagi Jumat Hari? Hari Jumat Pagi?... oooopps.. kayaknya yang ini deh)

hARI Jumat, waktunya membabu dan nge-refill dompet ^^
Trus.. dapet email dari Nina Spasikova, tentang struktur report yg dirapatin kemaren (Cieh.. gaya banget 'rapat').. sebenerny sih lbih banyak cela-mencela, ngekek2 ga jelas, dan gumaman 'yes yes' dari anak Indo :D Awh tapi ga juga, kemaren kami semua cukup produktif dalam ngasi ide dsb. dsb. So reportny entar kaya gini (wait, knp kamu naro struktur report di blog, Ulma? emm.. soalnya Blog itu tempat yang paling sering aku kunjungi akhir2 ini, tiap nyalain komputer pasti itu duluan yang aku cari, malah blog-ku kujadiin startpage, *terkejut*makanya.. biar jadi reminder gitu loh.. lagian, lumayan buat menuh2in :p)
Structure of the Final report

1. Introduction
• Background Yokko
• Research Q Anggi
• Summary of chapters Nina

2. Company description Anggi
• Short history
• Countries in which is present
• Reason for global coverage and present position

3. RSU
Definition of market Ulma
Documentation Survey Nina
Literature Analyses Nina

4. Identity
History - analyses of strategy Dory
Market and competitors Chidi
Price and Product Chidi
Present Identity Ulma+Yokko

5. Image
Reference to identity
Reference to research Q and sub Q
Objectives of specialization

6. Gap Analyses

7. Recommendations Chidi

8. Conclusion Chidi

Ah iya, trus kmaren jalan ma Ardy nyari2 tas, huhuhuh.. kita yg mo ngabisin duit tips yang udh nyampe 100 Euro ituh! hasilnya, ulma dapet tas 2 biji, satuny 30 satuny lagi 20, tasny sih buat pergi2 gitu, tas barang, eh piye yo ngomonge.. pokokny yg sprti itu! Ardy punya 49 Euro, Samsonite punya, tas gede juga gitu, buat dia bolak-balik ALkmaar-Diemen.

Jalan2 diakhiri dgn beli Swirl dan pizza vegetarisch satu pan (buat anak2 rumah lohhh bukan buat sayaaahhh!!!). Terus ni AJ ngajakin nonton HP bsok pagihh.. hu uhh pengennnn tapi ge sabtu kerjaaaa apalagi klo disuruh masuk pagi... tambah ga bisaaa... T_T (pengen nontonnnnn!)

After all that Past

Hail to the mirror lady,
Observer of the world,
Guardian of love and friendship..

I knock upon your door
I'm a beggar from the morgue
To you I bestow, my soul

For I retracted myself
From my beloved side
The Emperor of Fate
Beholder of the Dawn

Until the curtain's drawn
And the South Wind dies
Make me a desolate eye
To watch on my beloved's life

Take away my heart as well
Love is not for me to dwell
I hurt as much as I try to smile
Let it be like this for a while


Hari ini pas kelas Personal Development Plan... NGANTOEK BANGET!!! but that's not the point (huhuhuh).. The point is, kata pak Craig, salah satu cara untuk jadi penulis yang baik adalah, membiasakan diri untuk menulis bebas, ga perlu terlalu mikirin buat nulis yang bagus bagus. Sediain waktu 5 menit buat nulis apapun yang ada di pikiran kita (mungkin bisa lebih, sampe 15 menit misalnya.. atau sampe tinta bolpen kita abis :p), hasilnya jangan diapus ato dibenerin, walopun kita ngerasa yang kita tulis itu bodoh ato ga sesuai, terus aja nulis, let it flow deh bahasa kerennya :p Jangan terlalu merhatiin spelling or grammar, pokoknya babat terusss!!!. Menurut aku sih tips kaya gitu cocok pas lagi brain-storming nyari ide tulisan gitu.

Sebelumnya si Bapak ngebagiin kita para murid-murid beberapa lembar kertas A4 kosong, udh gitu beliau ngasi kita semua wktu 5 menit buat nulis apapun yg muncul di kepala kita. OK, so this is what I wrote:
Craig blue shirt pen Nina sandal cool jacket last class blackboard kenapa kok disuruh nulis plenty paper lima menit pek ngapain coba? ulma pake jaket item hari ini. Ngantuk feeling sleepy, I need coffee boring ya ampun.. buat apa coba? ujan rintik rintik di luar, gerimis.. yang laen pada nulis apa ya? kok serius sekali. Maria shakes her feet, Nina holds her head, chidi writing, aom rests her head on her arm, dory writing (normal position) Indah with black shirt also writing craig datang, tiba" bingung tapi katanya harus tetep nulis. Balik deskripsi Golda puts her index finger on her lips. Putri still writing Anggi ma Neysa juga. So, still writing, writing, writing, Maria rests a while rubbing her nose, and off she writes. Gile ini disuruh 5 menit ya? nULiS ok! jadii.. hari ini mau ngapain ya.. dory pegel tuh. yak.. ke kantor pos bayar bol.com, trus ngirim uang ke Phil Oddy, GWK bisa kali ya.. discover the UNSToppAble spirit in you.. ngomong" gw boleh sambil liat" ga ya...

Yah.. begitulah (hihihi.. garing).. tapi anyway, terimakasih pada Neysa yang telah menyarankan untuk merportasikan hal ini (thanks Nes^^)

ulma: /over and out/

By Request.. pictures :)

Amam bilang: "ma, poto dounk, biar rame!!!"
Ulma bilang: "Oke, oke.."

Putu #1Posted by Hello

Masa-masa lugu.. salah satu cerita di Diemen, kota berseri-nya student indo di Hogeschool Inholland.. di awal 2003 (ato akhir 2002 ya=/), kunjungan nginep2an cewek2 Rode dan Kiezel di Kiezel hehehe.. FYI: yg tinggal di flat Rode Kruislaan wktu itu adalah Ulma, Dory, Dewi & Neysa, the rest of the girls tinggal di Kiezel. Kita waktu itu pada masak2 bareng, lamar2an... eh ramal2an (pake kartu tarotlah, garis tanganlah), trus pada latian nyanyi (ulma si cuma nonton :p) buat international day (which would have been the best the school's ever had).. ada the late Fanny Amandarani (God bless her soul) juga.. oh, those days -_- (taken on.. winter 2003)

Was a great night, had a great time.. event yg cuma kejadian sekali seumur idup (hehehe apa coba)... ya siapa yang nyangka, tau tau Dewi (mbak2 yg di bawahku) akhirnya mutusin buat cabut balik ke Surabaya, Fanny dipanggil sama yang Di Atas, ngedahuluin kita semua, Alia pindah ke Maastricht..
Dan untungnya juga kamera digital Neysa yang kykny udh ancient banget (masi pake floppy) ad d sana buat ngerekam senyum-senyum dan wajah-wajah ceria kita semua :)

keterangan foto: dari ujung belakang, Bea dan Valen (sekarang penghuni Kruidenhof 71, dan -hopefully- live happily ever after bersama 'kekasih' masing masing), yg lagi melet si Citra (penghuni Diemerkade 92), di pundak Citra ada Fanny (again, God bless her soul), abis itu Dory (penghuni.. errr... a flat somewhere in java island, heheheh sorry Dor.. aku lupa alamatmu -_-'), bis itu Ce Dewi yg udah minggat ke SBY, and the one with the yellow shirt was me (now penghuni Nieuwersluishof 159)

Putu #2Posted by Hello

Ini.. versi lengkap anak2nya.. sayang lightingny kurang bagus (ki-ka): dory, fanny, dewi, ulme, citra, alia, nina (sekarang d Uilenstede, juga sudah 'taken'), anita (now di Oranjebaan), bea, neysa (si kucing), valen, cherie (udah ga kuliah lagi, merintis karir d bidang web design dan.. eh perfilman ? udah 'taken' by wong Londo dandy yg pintar memotong rambut) ..  di belakang sekali ada kepala pirang, itu kepalanya Helena si Jerman (pacarnya Stef si Londo -he took the picture), sama Paul si cowo 'cool' beraksen british (ooohhh... love that accent) dari Barbados.

Putu #3Posted by Hello

Dan yg terakhir was taken by dewi, lightingny pas bagus, anak2ny juga lengkap (exc. for Dewi), again ki-ka: ulme, dory, citra, nina, fanny, neysa, cherie, alia, anita, bex, palen.. oh iya, gayanya anak2 sekarang juga udah berubah lah... kecuali gw, hehehe.. (orang yang sangat susah untuk berubah -_-')
uhuhu.. sekian postingan putu2 dan cerita2 hari ini :) yak yakkk back to assignmenntttss!!!!!

By Request (2)

Posted by Hello

This picture was self-taken (pake webcam Logitechnya Chitra, huhuh... ra modal) during my 'nganggurness' and 'isengness' time.. ge ga tau knp ge pengen putu pose model begituan :S Maybe emang jiwa SPG (huhuh... no.. i SUCK in business, finance, and dagang2 stuff). Btw itu foldernya C1000, supermarket yg (lumayan) murah di sini..

Turut Berduka Cita

My deep condolences goes to Ady Suryaningrat and his family.. ge baru dapet kabar kalo bokapnya dia meninggal.. Semoga arwah beliau diterima di sisi-Nya, amal baiknya dilipatgandakan, dan dosa dosanya dihapuskan (amin).. semoga juga keluarga dan yang ditinggalkan diberi kekuatan oleh Allah SWT (amin amin ya Robbal Alamin)

sang calon presiden

bercakap2 dengan sang calon presiden membuatku merasa seperti mahluk egois yang tidak tahu apa apa

ooohhh... kegundahan orang yang tidak bisa tidur

wataa.. piye ki.. ra isa turu :(
udh jam 4, padahal tar siang kudu kerja.. ayo ayo mata.. terpejamlah..!!!

kok ga bisa tidur ya? pa gara2 langit udh keburu terang? kpala si rasany udh capek pengen tidur, tapi mata gw kok melek terus yaa?? apa gara2 pizza tadi? (huss ngaco!)

update berita: friendster masi maintenance, ke sohib.com ada yg ngajak kenalan gitu. Profil gw kan d sana Ulma Ajah, trus si orang yg ngajak kenalan itu namanya Iyan Aja (wakakka.. aduh xD) disangkain gw sodara jauhny kali yaa, heuahehauhe...

trus ceting bentar ma guruh, dia mo solat Jumat (dia dimana ya?), di suatu tempat yang beda 8 jam gituh? :S

heuh.. liat2 blog anak2, ga ada yg baru :S
ngapain ni ya biar ngantuk.. ngerjain tugas? wadoh tanggung banget, mending tidur aj :P lagian udh pewe tiduran.. tinggal merem :S

ngapain ini ngapain enaknyaaaa?????
*hening selama 5 menit*
*mengakhiri posting karena sudah tidak tahu lagi apa yang harus ditulis*

mengerjakan essaynment

hmm.. hari ini kerjaan saya: ngetik imel buat bu Dini di Freeport, pak Don Ropes yang terhormat, dan Ayah saya tercinta.

kerjaan berikutnya adalah mantengin blog2 orang, huhihehoha.. nemu si Guruh, temen gw waktu SMP yang terrnyta tambyah pinter en kompliketet aj pikirannya (huweh..) WHAT'S inside his head??? after leaving a short notice on his tagboard, ulma melanjutkan pengembaraannya ke dunia friendster dan sohib.com -> new thing..

Eheuhuhe.. what a precious way to spend my time :p

skitar jam 6-an empunya rumah, Mireille, teko.. chitchat a bit, nyerahin 'sesaji' (heheh.. duit rumah). Udah gitu Ulma liat2 ebay (CD Graham Coxon-ny baru nyampe ^^v).. after that, ah iya.. nemu majalah lucu Ode, trus nyoba ng-apply 4 an internship k sana (khe khe khe)..

Trus i decided to do my mass assignment (FINALLY).. and then I spent a nice 2 hours for a quality reading (that excluded the amount of time I spent on dozing over the book =p), found a nice chapter on Naomi Klein's 'No Logo' to work on, and.. tiba2 teringat akan ketertarikanku akan propagandic media and cultural studies and polemics. (hmm.. kata2 rumit yang terdengar indah,.. one would sounded very smart as one mentioned it ^^)

And rite now, 6 warga Holendrecht (Dian, Chitra, Vina, Ifta, Rina, and me) sedang ber... gumul2 di ruang tengah, 3 yg pertama sedang menyaksikan video klip nyentrik dari Basement Jaxx, 2 berikutnya lagi berkutat dgn soal2 Signal (... apapun itu *clueless*), dan 1 yg terakhir.. hmm.. ngenteni pizza matang sambil nge-blog ;)

*endus endus* i think that's my pizza.. gtg.

The House of Eight

Hari ini Vina dan Dian balik dari Southampton, kami para wanita wanita Holendrecht (exc. mbak Dita) beramai2 ke Schiphol ("wa..wawawawa...ramai..ramai...", smpe sekarang masih kedengeran suara ramainya).

Sebelum k Schiphol gw, rina, chitra, and ifta pada ehmm.. dandan *blushed*.. wekekke meee... for the first time heerreee... dandannnn!!! aaarrrghhh!!! yg ngdandanin si rina, huhuh jadiny lucu juga, ulm dipakein eyeshadow dgn gradasi ungu-jambon-pink glossy-nila (or whatever.. pokokny 4 warna gitu >_<).. trus mata juga dipakein eyeliner, trus dibikin ekor2an di pinggir mata, trus trus bulu mata dijepit, dipakein maskara.. huhuhuh jadiny mata gw ga gitu kliatan cipit -_-' (jadi sangat merasa seperti cina tadi.. hiks..). Pipiny dikasi blush-on, dan lipstik: glossy pink (huwaaa..). Ember si norak abis, tapi lucu, huhihoheha.. ge blum perna dandan kekekekke...

Ah iya, BEKAL:
~ LAYS cream & onion (or was it sour cream? dunno.. the blue one yg jelas)
~ 8 pisang, *LOL* - pisang mania, quote by chitra: 'kenek untu duwit mbalik'
~ 3 Sun Best cracker Muesli+melk, dan 1 rasa apel =p~

The plane landed @ 1755, dan anak2 baru keluar 30 menit kemudian.. ketawa-ketiwi lagi.. trus... pulanngggg! Kami ber-tujuh.. sambil menggotong koperny Dian yg 32 kg itu :S ditambah koper Vina, tas ransel dan tas laptopnya, dari setasiun metroh sampe Nieuwersluishof 159 yg di lantai 4 itoeh!! Huhuh.. tapi sepertiny ability menguli hasil tempaan di Warung Bandung (ap coba =p) berguna juga (heheh.. or not?)

Sampe rumah ya.. gitu, leyeh2, makan2 (sek asek), .. trus leyeh2 lagi =D

Yak begitulah kisah dari Nieuwersluishof 159 yg baru saja kedatangan 2 penghuni extra.. so total.. kita berDELAPAN di sini!! whahahaha.. serasa kos2an indo banget!! wa wa wa waaaa cewek cewekk.. ramee... kekekekeke..

Sekian blog kali ini, terimakasih saya ucapkan kepada Allah SWT atas tersedianya: Muscle multi-purpose cleaner, Lays, NS, SunBest, korting-kaartnya anggi, pisang Del Monte, make-up setnya Rina dan chitra, kamarnya rina-ifta, ngedandanin skillnya Rina, panci2 dan wajan Holendrecht, serta makanan2 yang masuk ke perut saya (dan tman teman saya) hari ini ^^

ngepost lirik lagu, cara cepat (dan curang?) untuk mengisi blog :p

yak yak.. soundtrack ulma untuk sore ini adalah.... (suara drum beradu)
"THE SHINING"!!! oleh Badly Drawn Boy!!!!

Faith pours from your walls, drowning your calls
I've tried to hear, you're not near
Remembering when I saw your face
Shining my way, pure timing
Now I've fallen in deep, slow silent sleep
it's killing me, I'm dying

To put a bit of sunshine in your life

Soleil all over you, warm sun pours over me
Soleil all over you
Warm sun

Now this slick fallen rift came like a gift
your body moves ever nearer
And you will dry this tear
Now that we're here, and greave for me, not history
But now I'm dry of thoughts, wait for the rain
Then it's replaced, sun setting

And suddenly we're in love with everything

Soleil all over you, warm sun pours over me
Soleil all over you
Warm sun

... (titik titik)

hmm.. emangnya aku being sok wise ya? =/

me...!! me! me!

Akhir akhir ini, mungkin karena tambah sering ketemu orang, banyak ngobrol ma orang.. jadi sadar kalo.. ternyata ngereveal siapa kita sebenernya is not scary as i thought. I used to held back what i really am to people, aku pengen orang ngeliat aku tuh orang yg nyebelin, pendiem, aneh (euih... ato emang iya ya?),.. tapi kadang kaget juga kalo ternyta yg aku rasain ato yg aku pikirin tu sama kayak orang lain, well.. ga selalu, tapi aku tambah sering ketemu orang yg kaya gitu.. uh oh apa ad hubungannya dengan growing up dan kamu tambah lama tambah terarah ke orang2 ke social circle yg penuh dengan orang2 seperti kamu, orang2 yang berpikiran sama denganmu? I always thought like that, kaya wktu smp pa smu gitu, aku masi sering berasa freak.. tapi lama2.. aku tambah ngerasa klo aku emang kaya orang lain.. i'm just one of those common people. Awalny si emang ga terima, soalnykan aku emang pengennya beda dari yg lain.. kadang2 keenakan jadi freak (wlo at times juga ga pengen).

Hmm.. what am I doing today? kenapa terlalu banyak refleksi diri? (jd inget personal reflective report.. euhhhh..) Weleh.. aku malah ga ngelakuin hal2 yg lbih penting.. bikin tugas misalnya xP hahahaha.. aduh aduh.. tapi refleksi diri kan juga pentinnnggg!!! Ok, mungkin tidak terlalu banyak.. hohoho..

Wah wah.. menuju ke topik berikutnya: "The Puzzle of Life".. oh hiduppp!!! kayaknya aku ga bisa bisa untuk berfilosofi hari ini (heuahuehuah... gaya!!!). Aduh.. udah gede kali yaa... si H juga katany tambah sering mikir macem2 mikirin hidupny dan dia sendiri.. well well.. kayakny lagi trend 'self-reflection' nih..

think.. diet? what?? think.. cartoons!

Chitraku tersayang hari ini masak (si chitra, ulm cuma ngoseng2 tok) oseng2 tahu+ayam+kacang kapri dan dimakan pake nasi jepun.. slama nunggu nasi masak, ulm ngemil krupuk.. tadi pagi (pagi as in baru bangun, even though itu udah jam 1/2 12) juga udh makan krekerny wasa pake madu (definitely not a good combination). Oh iya, akhirny ulm ma chitra makan nasi juga,  padahal sudah berniat beberapa  minggu ini tidak mau makan nasi (huhuhuh). Chitranya si tambah kurus, soalny emang dia pantangannya nasi.. tapi klo ulm.. well, ga ngaruh tuh.. pantangan gue apa ya??? segala  makanan kali ya... (aduh, sedih sekaliii)

Ulma diet? hal paling palsu yang pernah kudengar, wakakkakak...

anyway, mengalami percakapan dengan mas A yang cukup inspiratif (like always). Awalny si dari kenapa orang pada suka kartun, animasi.. well, ksimpulannya, kartun n animasi itu kaya 'getaway' dari dunia nyata, tempat orang cari inspirasi n be creative. Di mana hal hal yang luar biasa bisa terjadi, hal hal yang ga pernah kepikir sebelumnya di dunia nyata (to think out-of-the-box).. Imajinasi juga sebenernya bisa macu orang untuk jadi lebih baik, untuk ngejadiin dunia ini lebih baik. Karena power yg sesungguhnya itu terletak di 'mimpi' dan 'imajinasi', ya.. tinggal seberapa kuat orang itu, seberapa besar dia percaya ke mimpinya, untuk bener2 men-translate mimpi itu biar jadi kenyataan. (Jadi inget slogannya Honda: "the power of dreams").

Sekian head-talk untuk hari ini :p eh iya.. btw, karena obrolan itu jadi ada ide buat proposal writing research report (ulm ganti tema, yeah).. wont say anything about it yet, tapi yg jelas bakalan berhubungan ma pmikiran di atas (khe khe khe.. )

Akhir kata, ingin saya ucapkan terimakasih dan puji syukur kepada Tuhan SWT yang telah mempertemukan saya dengan 'medium' inspirasi-Nya


You can't love what you have not
So hold on to what you've got

--starsailor "Love is Here"

i just like this one

back to old template..

Train Wreck

Sore ini.. jam 18.30 (kira2) ada kecelakaan d Central Station Amsterdam.. ouh.. mengerikan.. ga nyangka o_O.. di Belanda padahal.. aku ga tau piye, soalny orang2 juga blum tau penyebabnya, tapi yg jelas tu gerbong pertama diliatin crushed into, well.. it went over the locomotive.. freaky huh?

well, klo ga salah nerjemahin si mbak pembaca berita, 20 light wounded 2 heavy wounded, 1 man was still stuck in the train (she said what?).. and the brandweer and ambulance people are still searching i guess..

Ohkay.. so you people yang mo ke Groningen Cup tomorrow.. Gron Cup 2004! yeah.. THE Gron Cup! (apa coba :p).. emm.. sepertinya bakalan ad vertragingen dan peralihan track buat kreta2 dari dan ke amsterdam Centraal.. Dan dan.. buat yg mo ngecek sapa2 aja korban di kreta itu, bisa telp. 0800-5430 (aduh, aduh..)

Ya.. mari kita mendoakan semoga yang terluka cepet sembuh (amin.., dan juga.. buat yang korban macem2 di Indo..semoga selalu dilindungi oleh Allah SWT, yang korban di belahan lain di dunia juga..Aduh kapan dunia ini bisa damai (huk uhuk..).. i'm out of words here,.. but hopes are out there,... let's make them real, y'all!

Btw.. hasil ngopy paste dari websiteny NS:
Treinongeval Amsterdam Centraal

21 mei 2004

Aan de oostzijde van het Centraal station in Amsterdam is vrijdagavond om 18.30 een Intercity vanuit Utrecht naar Haarlem op een leeg treinstel gereden. Het betreft de Intercity die onderweg was van Utrecht naar Haarlem. Daarbij zijn twintig gewonden gevallen waarvan drie ernstig. Medewerkers en direcie van NS leven mee met de slachtoffers en hun familie.

Het treinverkeer van en naarAmsterdam is sinds vrijdagavond stilgelegd. De prognose is dat het treinverkeer rond Amsterdam zaterdagochtend weer gedeeltelijk kan worden hervat. Reizigers die vanuit de oostelijke richting komen, kunnen dan reizen tot aan Amsterdam Amstel. Reizigers die vanuit het westen komen, kunnen reizen tot aan Amsterdam Sloterdijk. Vanuit deze stations heeft u aansluiting op bus, tram of metro.

Voor actuele reisinformatie op deze site kunt u terecht op onderstaande link naar de pagina Storingen. U kunt ook kijken op Teletekst pagina 751 of bellen naar 0900 - 9292.