uR ConGraTuLatiONs

what did i told you? 1.50? hell.. i'll be 45 minutes late!

saudara-saudariku yang terhormat, ulma was late again.

12.00 - woke up
12.05 - Remembered that I had to call Sylvia bout today's acara
12.10 - YM Anggi n Neysa, asked for Sylvia's numer, Neysa's phone'd been dead for quite a long time. Low batt and no charger (oh dear..). Neysa was not really there, waited for her to come back. Neysa was back, swapped SIM-card with Anggi. Got Sylvia's number
12.15 - SMS Sylvia from Ifta's mobile, asked her to call back
12.20 - Sylvia called, apparently she also had just woke up (me ngereceive her call di wc, accomplishing my morning duty *wink), we decided to meet at the Central Station at quarter to 2. Ulm k ruang tamu, mendengarkan 'kisah kencan'
12.45 - wandering around da kitchen quite aimlessly, sambil manasin air buat kopi
12.50 - ke kamar, browsing Friendster
13.00 - ke dapur lagi, manasin air lagi.. bengong
13.05 - bikin kopi, ke kamar, browsing2, bener2in blog.. until...
13.31 - WHAT THE F***?????!!!!!

well.. i finally got to the Central Station 14.25 as I arrived (shame on you!)

muter2 CS nyari kado, akhirny ke drugstore beli bantal beraroma peppermint; 2 geurzakjes (fragrance-packets), aroma oriental ma aroma embuh satuny, tapi lambangny hati, so I guess it'd b perfect for the two lovebirds; 1 packet of 20 teabags with 5 different scents. Minta dibungkusin ma mbakny, sambil gitu nulis kartu, dibantuin si Sylvia buat nulis kata2 Blandanya.

15.20 - nyari2 bis buat k sana. realizing it wouldnt come within 25 minutes, me n Sylvia nyari Smullers dulu beli kleine frites met mayo (njreet karbohidrat abis!)
fast forward>> ktinggalan bis :p nunggu yg 16.15
fast forward>> muter2 di Veemkade nyari 'gamelanhuis' (jalan udah bener. tapi kok ga keliatan ya?) - the time was 17.15, akhirny mutusin buat nelp. cari tau (tapi kan ulm ga punya pulsa..)

anyho.. we finally found the gamelan huis.. got in, found oom Rob n Mirella, congratulated them for their umm 60 year of living together..

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