weird dream

td malem gw mimpi ngebunuh orang
ga sndiri ngebunuhnya
ma satu cowo, dan dibantu satu bapak2
ngebunuhnya di tengah hutan

after that, the rest of the dream was me and that boy
trying to escape the authorities
moving from island to island (pke ferry, speedboat, watever)
yg jelas lokasi terakhir tu kayak pemandian :D
tp nothing perverse
biasa aja

dan somehow i got an NDS
n was playing with it while riding the ferry to somewhere

bapak2 yg ngebantuin ngebunuh tu bule, blonde, pale-skinned with small-piercing blue eyes
yg cowoknya ga inget :D
though in that dream he was my brother


entar malem pestanya Music Mayday
Hopefully i would manage to smuggle in 6 of my friends
(4 more than the original 'bring 2 guests' xD)
nanti insyAllah yg ikut rina dan clive, mba dita, prima, david, citra dan myb vina (vina might come later, after her dance lesson)
jam 9 ulma bagi2 champagne gratis :p
dan 9.30-10.30 pm jaga stand MM

besok ke d'hague lg, ambil passport
i hv a long to-do list for this week :p
Prince Claus Fund had replied and requested a form that we need to fill in first. Bener2 hoping our African artist exchange can get the fund.

Akhir bulan jg mesti totalan keuangan kantor

besok jg rencananya mo ketemu Craig, ngomongin tugas sekolah yg terbengkalai :p

dan minggu ini juga mesti work on the condolence book for our deceased Ethiopian country manager

pelajaran bahasa indonesia hari ini

i was reading the news, n found this word 'Senpi' on the title. I thought, "wth is that?"
ternyata Senpi = Senjata api :D
tambah nyadar klo saya ketinggalan banget ttg bahasa negeri sendiri :p
like, when i texted my bro, n he replied using the word "disparsi" .. i fumbled, er.. what the hell is that..?
trus, with all the technology stuff, di Indonesia banyak istilah2 baru, like pranala for links. dan wktu elvin nanya, what Indonesian words can be used for describing 'Invisible' (like the status u use in instant messaging). well.. "tidak terlihat"? "tak kasat mata?"
coz d is already ahead of ebuddy. mrk nawarin interface berbahasa Indo. Dan di situ 'invisible' ya,.. tak terlihat. howeva elvin insisted not to copy them :D
tapi vin, if they're using what common ppl r using? why not? msn n yahoo both used the word 'available', altho in msn 'invisible' is 'appear offline'
i suggested 'pura-pura tidak ada' for 'invisible' :p

aww n yea, i dont think that i'll b home in march
i dont think its wise to leave my job just like that
i mean, 2 weeks holiday is okay
but a month..???
i think i've asked too much

pilih mana:
1) libur bulan Maret, cuma buat 2 minggu
2) postpone smpe kelar kerja (June or july), biar bisa pulang sebulan abis itu, tp berarti mesti bayar cancellation fee yg bisa smpe around 100 US$
ditambah, nenek lagi sakit. bukan apa2 or knp, i felt that i've left my family for too long, n i wish that i could b there to help/give support to everybody. bokap baru pensiun, altho skrg dah ada krjaan lagi, tp it made him to leave home (home = now is jakarta), dan iya, nenek sakit, mum is being her 24h nurse, n how about my sisters n brothers?

Klo pulang maret, june/july myb ga pulang

Klo minta libur sebulan maret, myb harus perpanjang kerja buat ngegantiin hari ekstra yg buat libur

klo cabut sebulan, itu irresponsible ga sih namanya?

apa ulma tahan ga pulang smpe summer?

n if im gonna graduate this year, doesnt that mean im ..zo is zo will return to indo this year as well? :|

Pigeons at Budapest

eugh ugly =S

(from RATW)


Indonesia is a big island-rich country in the north of Australia. Of the 13.700 islands only around 1000 that r populated. The capital city is Jakarta on the Java island. In 2004 Indonesia was largely afflicted by the devastating Tsunami, more than 200,000 people in Aceh, and the northern part of the island Sumatra. Around half-million people lost everything, tens of thousands are still missing.

There are around 70 million children younger than 18 years old. In Indonesia, young people are common victims of cruelty. There's a lot of child labour, and they work in the street or in clothing factories (talk about H&M... Anyhow the government tries to change. They tried to be against sexual exploitation of children, and signed a treaty that they will end human trafficking. But in practice, children r still victims of violence.

Children who can go to school, take education very seriously. But those who don't, help their parents at home or work. Many also roam the street, becoming beggars or cleaning the windows of cars that wait for the red light to change. More and more children use drugs. The young people listen often to Indonesian Pop Music. And Indonesian boybands are very popular among the girls
(hey wait, the paragraph only told a little bout the pop music)
Geez, knp mesti nunggu uluran tangan dr luar negeri sih? mana orang2 kaya Indonesiaaa?
fyi - this project is sponsored by Plan, an originally British NGO that helps children in need all around the world.

from a'dam to addis to budapest to dar, jozi n back

on the title was shorts for
amsterdam (the netherlands)
dar es salaam (tanzania)
johannesburg (south africa)

I was compiling texts and images for B-CONNECTED 07's country pavillions. so.. stumbled on articles about the music/hiphop scene in SouthAfrica (via BBC's Global Rhythm), Tanzania (via interview in, and Holland (via
liat websitenya sziget festival of Budapest.. cool
so .. kayaknya bakal write some stuff about contemporary music scene in those cities.

beberapa items:
1. general city info: map, language, country flag, population, ethnicity
2. tourist attraction
3. food
4. language (with a list of words)
5. transportation
6. graffiti (humm.. blm nemu banyak sih)
7. contemporary music scene
all are supplemented with relevant pics :D

btw trailer TMNT yg baru udh ada.. yay..

ulma, jgn lupa:
1. email craig
2. email lina

ah ya, krn sedang berusaha mendalami dunia musik pop lagi, sy mensupport mood dgn radio heheh..
gila websitenya dah tambah keren aja.. n so much advert -.- skrg lg bikin acara: Rap Around the World, artis2 rap di sini ngeliat situasi rap di negara2 lain, including Indonesia
mtv is pop, theres nothing we can do to say no to it :p
You Are Bert

Extremely serious and a little eccentric, people find you loveable - even if you don't love them!

You are usually feeling: Logical - you rarely let your emotions rule you

You are famous for: Being smart, a total neat freak, and maybe just a little evil

How you live your life: With passion, even if your odd passions (like bottle caps and pigeons) are baffling to others

first, im not a neat freak, n actually am famous for the opposite :p
second, im not even the same zip code as passion :p

current mood:
bored outside, bouncy inside :p

song at the moment:
Depapepe - Wedding Bell *sigh

Your Ideal Pet is a Cat

You're both aloof, introverted, and moody.
And your friends secretly wish that you were declawed!

yikes -.-
"aloof, introverted n moody"
hahah :D
trouble is, i dont like another 'catty'-character anywhere in my vicinity

You Belong in Winter

Quiet, calm, and totally at peace...
You're happy to be at home, wrapped in a blanket, completely snowed in
Whether you're lighting a fire or having a snowball fight, you always feel best in the winter.

true.. winter's actually my favorite season.
tp unfortunately, winter in NL is horrible :p
what i hate the most of course is the wind.. n no-snow cold, chilly, winter days !

bensin anti terorisme!

The "Terror-Free Gas Initiative" will start opening gas stations in awal February di Omaha. More states are coming soon. They claim that the oil from this station is purchased from oil companies that has nothing to do with Middle East countries do business with countries that do not export or finance terrorism (ex. Hess and Yukos)

vin, dont forget that you are 'Nederlands Tegen Terrorisme' today :p

metro vs sp!ts vs de pers

yap, bakalan ada koran gratis baru di Belanda: De Pers. Wat de hek.. ppl r already confused whether they want to read Sp!ts or Metro (or not :p)..dan skrg muncul koran baru lagi =S

Today I spent almost 2 hours on the road (erm..rails to be exact). So I picked up both Sp!ts and Metro to accompany me along the way. lagian aku jg ga pernah bener2 ngebandingin those 2 free newsletters. I usually read one and the other at different days. so...

Kesan pertama sih emang koran Sp!ts itu less-conservative than Metro. Sp!ts juga klo ga salah emg sengaja nargetin kelompok umur belasan to early 30's (i suppose). Diliat dari lay-out yg lebih dinamis, dan artikel2 yg lebih ditujuin ke lifestyle anak muda. dan di koran Sp!ts ada bbrp rubrik yg bahkan pke bahasa slank. (example: featauF*ck, dan ada artikel kecil yg ditulis ala blog dgn spelling yg susah dimengerti "Geenstijl")

Metro got some flaws in editing i sppose. i was irritated sama lay-out metro yg suka ga rapi. yg naro foto lupa di-caption. yg artikel blm selesai udh di-cut. terus kolumnis2nya jg suka nulis pieces yg ga sesuai dgn template. i mean, selalu ada white spaces nyisa di bawahnya para kolom2 itu. what a waste!
Sementara layout "acak2"annya Sp!ts kadang irritating.

News content: with their motto "NieuwsRebels", Sp!ts seakan menjanjikan berita2 yg hot n spicy n out-of-ordinary. Today they scored a nice headline about supir2 Connexxion di regio Arnhem yg tdk puas dgn manajemen di perusahaan tmpat mereka bekerja. Beberapa supir memberi "inside info" ttg ketidakbecusan pihak manajemen seperti: membiarkan bis2 dgn low-maintenance beroperasi, memberi potongan gaji kpdd supir2 yg lantas menolak untuk mengoperasikan bis2 tersebut. While "Doubts about the new Club-Pas" was the headliner on Metro.

Buat berita2 binnenland, yg topiknya kbetulan sama both newspapers hv different ways in publishing it. Then Sp!ts would write more about "young stuffs" and Metro on "older stuff". Meanwhile in Metro, I guess every day they have different sub-main topics, like for today there's a sub-section about education, investments, and housing (proof that they target much older readers). Di SP!ts ada "YOUR!" - something (bisa Style, bisa er.. news.. things like that.. for young, dynamic readers)

Buitenland: most of the stories r the same, cuma diubah2 tata bahasanya. Sp!ts today focused on the murdered Turkish-Armenian journalist and the sexual-intimidation charges against Israel's current president Moshe Katsav. Metro gave mostly the same share to Buitenland stories. kecuali kemaren, pas ada jurnalis Rusia yg dibunuh.

Komik -> dua2na garing xD Sp!ts doesnt even have one.. cuma satu ilustrasi/karikatur.

Ow iya, Metro tu juga berusaha "lebih dalem" dgn punya metro General, metro Rotterdam, dan metro Amsterdam.

Sayang ga dapet De Pers saya. Btw only Sp!ts yg mentioned kedatangan koran baru dr Amsterdam ini. Metro ga mention sama sekali..

Other news:
Last Monday the 22nd, calculated mathematicaly, was the most depressing time of the year :D (source)
Hmmm I didnt remember that i was depressed at that day. Altho i could feel this gloomy feeling approaching.
Entah karena emg bener ternyata Jan 2007 is a Blue month, as I quote:
...people are most likely to get the blues in the final full week of January because of the combination of bad weather, Christmas debts and broken New Year resolutions...
for me ditambah satu lagi: birthday depression >.<
since my 20th Birthday two years ago, I always get depressed when my birthday approaches. aagh udh 22!! I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING!! IDUP MASI GINI2 AJA!! etc. etc.

So ppl, pls, 1st of Feb, dont say anything to me, act as if its a normal day, its not my birthday.. who says i was born at feb 1st? hell no! (*gonna change my fs profile after this too :p cant stand reading those nice testimos congratulating me b'day -.-)

trus i was trying to see the difference between den haag ppl n amsterdam's.
* i recalled that ga semua org baca koran :D rasanya klo d a'dam tiap pagi tram penuh dgn org2 yg baca koran.
* nyebrang sembarangan :p coz the traffic is not as crazy as amsterdam i guess. td gw tenang2 aja nyabrang wlo lampu pejalan kaki masi merah.. :P ndak ada crazed tourists on their yellow bikes jg soalnya :D (quoting an opinion frm y'day's metro)
* tramnya buruk :p bapuks aaaah :p
* centrumnya basi :p
* tp td wktu jalan2 di sekitar bangunan2 embassies, nice banget :) rumah2 besar dan tua..
i love old buildings. i could imagine myself living in an old house. with old furnitures (baca: bekas :p i predict that i'll stay thrifty forever n supply my house with 2nd-hand furnitures, hahah.. n loads n loads of books opkors)
* its already snowing in Den Haag :D while in a'dam since i figured out it's too full/stuffy/dirty here.. bakal rada susah buat snow :D (howeva dear, ur prediction was rite)

Me gonna go to elv's house tonite. harusnya kmrn, tp krn satu dan lain hal akhirny ga jd :p but seriously, i thought i gonna loose a bestfriend yesterday. the feeling was familiar n was glad when u said 'wee' ^_^


I think somebody changed the height of my chair .. leher gw skrg pegel banget, my working position is uncomfortable, but i dont know how to change the setting of my chair =S

hari ini i dont feel so grounded

dgn enteng blabbing to epribodi bout anything that came to my head.

dan hari ini senen, jd meeting mingguan kantor.

Starting fr feb (eh or march?) i will be assistant to executive director of music mayday international :|
*mati gw*

well fyi MM-I itu entar berarti cuma dua orang.. saya dan ex.dir, si ruben :D
tp like i said bfore, i would love to do something for B-CONNECTED and YSCE (turns out now it's empowerment, not development.. yah, namanya juga divisi baru :D)
daaaaan juga
theres this probability (small sih) klo i can go to Tanzania (or Ethiopia) for the International B-CONNECTED meeting. emang awalnya yg bole pergi adh mrk yg punya dutch passport. tp the managers r trying to find a way to get around it.
so i will hv to be on my best performance for this couple of months!

meetingnya will be around march/april or june/july

my mom already booked my flight to indo in march


dah ngimel para atasan
tinggal menunggu balasan

seprtinya mesti asap pergi k gemeente amstelveen

dan perpanjang passport

tp pokoknya besok k elvin :p
maen sherlock holmes.. nonton stephen chow :D
he' he' he'..

on a Sunday

wake up: 11.40 am
eat: tosti hazelnut n gevulde brie 60+
drink: coffee
read: all email messages; some blogs; news

to-do list for the coming week:
wau sat n sun
spread out party flyer
send email to craig
bersihin lantai koridor + wc (thu)
ke elvin

News of ppl i know:
Hasil pemilu PPI dah keluar. Wiby won, Nez, mas Momon n Nefry jd pengawas.
Indah finally tunangan sama Greg :D
Barry will start his internship with UPS in Feb

other news:
Indonesia masi struggling dgn bird flu. altho i think sutiyoso hv shown good examples in his struggle in eradicating this illness: sertifikasi unggas for free. bakar2. larangan pemeliharaan unggas non-komersil (i wonder what would that be). (source: various news from ANTARA)

ad earthquake deket Sulawesi - 7.3 richter scale (bbc news).. sebelum2nya juga ada gempa di jogja, maluku tenggara

altho the UN-Conference in Bali on world peace gave this country some positive credits.

back to my self-contemplating mood.
my dad always said that most of the time im too self-oriented.
setelah sy pikir2, true.
but he also said that since im with "him", ive become less self-oriented.
but then i thought, everybody has to be self-oriented
if not they will be lost. ikut2 ga jelas ke sana dan ke sini.
but on the other hand im a very insecure person.
so i always think n re-think every little bits n pieces that happens or going to happen.
dan with all of that evaluation ive been doing with my supervisor
had made me think even more inertly
palagi abis ini TMMF dibubarin :p
i really hv to think what would i like to do for MM
yg ada di pikiran saya sih
i work 36 hours a week
12 for b-connected (soalnya i was hired for this)
12 for yscd (youth social and cultural development) -> wanna try this one
12 for being ruben's pa (personal assistant). tmmf bubar, n ruben will be runnin it on his own.
n i still hv to graduate :D
which is scary as well.
i really prefer to stay here n b with him

the farewell

finally, kmrn farewell party-nya bu ex-supervisor. Her name's Brechtje Smidt, dah kerja d music mayday 4 years (n 4 months n 3 days) yang ikut ngediriin music mayday, ngebantu expansion ni organisasi d afrika n hungary, straighten things n put things in order.
skrg dia kerja buat video production-nya sendiri: deepeei (baca: di pi ai).

org kantor delegated me to arrange her farewell party. ga banyak2 invitee, cuma orang2 internal saja. food n drinks juga BYO (bring your own), tp tetep kmrn sy dan bu my-new-supervisor Annelies, belanja di AH, buat food n drinksnya (coz we r sure wlo temanya jelas BYO, ga semua org bakal bawa). dan memang benar :D yg bawa sndiri cuma Marianna, anak intern dr Finland, bawa kacang mix gtu. dan Marijn -anak intern dr inholland haarlem, bawa chilli nachos :p

well untungnya jg d kantor banyak persediaan beers n wines (kantor gw party mulu kali ye :p). jd dr segi booze n alcholol drinks kita ga perlu beli lagi. eh beli ding. 1 extra heineken 6-pack.

yg dateng 19 ppl: tim inti TMMF kecuali Tom (sakit) n Abel (ada tanding basket) - that's 4 (me,annelies,ruben,marianne), orang2 NL - 8: gavan (anak rame/ekstrovert/ngocol abis), karin (country manager NL), jorien (tall girl, kadang terlihat bengo), eva (cewe yang kepalanya ngambang di awan), JJ (yg dateng dgn suit dan a bunch of roses, buat ibunya yg ultah ke-50 that night), shira (anak indo-maluku yg bisa ngomong sambil senyum), marijn, marianna; org2 eksternal - 6: pacarnya brechtje, Milan, anak2nya marianne, the twins robyn n milan, pacarnya marijn, vena, dan this jamaican woman i 4got her name, yg jg pndiri MM, dgn bayinya, rama; plus brechtje

me n annelies cleaned up the office.. yg myb udah setengah taunan ga dibersihin xD annelies even cleand ALL the toilets.. weee yg ini gw ngacungin jempol banget. soalna ada bbrp toilet chambers yg "angker" .. gara2 udh ehm taunan gtu ga dibersihin :D dan jg jarang banget dipake :D (i wonder why is she so keen on cleaning those toilets.. pa dia ga percaya kl gw yg bersiin, gw blm tntu mau, dan myb ga sebersih klo dia yg ngebersihin?)

ruangan kantor juga diubah jd party area, lampu2 ambience merah dan biru dipasang.. trus d kantor jg ada lampu 2 gede terbuat dr .. ehm.. ga tau sih itu apaan. pokoknya berkesan "afrika dan eksotis".. beda banget jadinya :D annelies blew up balloons, trus aku masang itu.. ehm banner dr kertas crepe warna warni.. dr paket nyasar (tau2 d kantor dateng 'feestpakket'-isinya balon, banner, ma partypopper, kyk petasan gt yg kl ditarik keluar kertas2)

5 pm the party was officially started, ppl start coming, trs 5.30 ruben made a short speech, org2 ngasi kado.. tmmf ngasi blue planet dvd (sertifikatnya :p barangnya blm nyampe.. ann mesen d amazon 2 mnggu lalu tp.. tau deh), sama scrapbook (hasil keringat saya :p): isinya clippingan messages n writings for brechtje's farewell.. foto2 sumbangan dr orang2.. jadinya nice lho :p apalagi setelah diberi metal binding dan transparent cover, hohoho.. , trus dr NL buku fotografi "SCHOOL", ttg anak muda belanda jaman skrg :D, dan si cewe jamaica itu ngasi syal rasanya.. dr Leanne, country manager MM-TZ yg kmrn k sini (sayang she couldnt make it to the party, her plane left earlier on the day), t-shirt MM-TZ gtu..

7.30 org2 pd pulang.. kecuali tmmf ppl (ex. marianne yg mesti bawa anak2ny pulang), n karin, milan. they stayed for wining n chatting, 8.30 ulma permisi.

pas pulang, capek,
bis itu liat pursuit of happyness
yang sebuah biography
yaaangg menyedihkan.. apalagi klo ditonton kala sedang tidak punya uang
hahah.. dan menyadari klo itu real-life story, psti real lifenya lebih sedih dan bitter dr film.. dan memang benar -.-
its a movie of a man's struggle to pursuit 'happyness' for his life n his son's. mnurut sy sih kurang dramatis aja :D myb krn dibuat lebih ke untuk family consumption.

dan tgl 30 adalah MUSIC MAYDAY PARTY ENTERING 2007
di bitterzoet, entry 5 euros dgn performances by
Ninthe, Keynote Speakerz, Love Supreme, Main Eye, Bad Brya, Full Crate, Pheepz and Bo.

inpormasi lebi lanjut
website music mayday

dan finally, setelah badai angin hari sebelumnya, kmrn bisa dikategorikan cukup sunny :) yay..


a quickie or hello wet windy thursday

my fingers' been itching frm yesterday. wanna blog
tp koneksi internet d kamar kmrn lambat bgt. buat log in k blogger aj lamanya mnta ampun dan bolak-balik eror gtu o_O

y'day was my 2nd eh 3rd day w/ miss cramp n miss headache.
smpe finally i excused myself frm the office. soalnya dah males banget gw klo mesti nungging2 d kantor
mending gw nungging2 d kamar

so kmrn akhirnya sy istirahat d rumah :D
minum2 teh anget..
tp instead of tidur,.. malah ngelanjutin main campaign w3 :p heheh

baruuu sampe maenin undead (prince arthas as king lich's champion) chapter erm 8 or 9 gt. yg dia mesti ngelintasin aura-wall dr 3 archmages.

udh gt malemnya nonton city of God (lg) ma chauft (its his 1st time sih). keren tu film. dah liat 4 kali tp masi tetep amused.

lalu pagi ini.. berjalan keluar gedung. dan mendapati langit mendung.
awan tebal kelabu seperti mengandung
n then the wind.. n rain..
aaaa.. not good, not good
anginnya kayak gile

trus td pagi mesti pick up some photos @dirk yg deket heineken brouwerij (brewery). di tengah angin kencang.. weleh
nyetak d sana (dan setelah sy cek2 lagi.. d mediamarkt hargany ternyata ga jauh beda :p sama2 9 sen per pic. well di dirk 8 sen deh)
trs ada bbrp yg hasilnya ga terlalu bagus. gambarnya pecah. damn.

td wktu nunggu tram buat balik k kantor, ada cowo dr eropa timur gt (guessing dr aksen :p) yg mo moto poster iklan "euroknaler"-nya mcD.. idih >.<
kirain mo moto gw :p
"gadis di tengah angin kencang" xD

im thinking of goin to mediamarkt tonite
nyetak foto lg
tetapi begonya.. sy lupa bw memory stick -.- jd klo mo k mediamarkt mesti pulang dulu
smentara skrg dah hmpir jam 6..
walo kt mike sejam selese sih
but still.. traveling time ke sananya itu
blm lg kl misalnya msti ngambil sticky d rumah dulu.

terus jadi kerjaan sy hari ini.. gunting dan tempel :D
dan td ada anak music mayday dr tanzania dateng, namanya everest. nice guy.
"baek dan manis", kata org2 sini.
dia ke belanda ma country manager MM tanzania, dlm rangka acara dance 4 life selasa kmrn. jd selasa tu kayak "closure"nya d4l. yg shit bngt gw ga dateng -.-

ow iya terus kan elv ngirim kuis tak guna kmrn.
(see below)
1.. Pertama-tama tulis angka 1 sampai sebelas di
kertas anda secara vertikal (atas ke bawah)
2. skip, irrelevant :p
3.. Tulis 2 nama orang (lawan jenis) yang kamu
kenal, masing-masing di No.3 dan No.7
4.. Tulis 3 nama orang yang kamu kenal di No.4, 5,
dan 6. Disini kamu boleh menulis nama orang di
keluarga, teman, kenalan. Siapapun OK. Cuma
harus yang kamu kenal
5.. Di no.8, 9, 10 dan 11 kamu tulis nama judul
lagu yang berbeda-beda
nomer brikutnya di skip krn tak belguna..

ya.. standard chain mail lah.. sering diedar2in dgn berbagai variasi. but still fun to do fr time to time coz ure not always in the same situation.

my answers:
3. chauft (like duh)
4. elvin
5. nia
6. isrina
7. yussi (lhe abis yg ngimel elvin, ya langsung nyambungnya yussi dong :p doesnt mean that sy bertepuk sebelah tangan.... ato memang iya.. hmmm.. :p)
8. "I'll never break your heart" mwahahahaha.. BSB Jaya!
9. Hey Jude (or in this case, Hey Yussi.. *wink2)
10. Denting Piano (Chauft's fav song :p)
11. Paranoid Android (yes.. me life.. is all about paranoia.. how true -.-)

1.. Anda harus memberitahu ke orang yang anda
tulis di No. 7 tentang psi kotest ini.
2.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.3 adalah orang
yang kamu cintai.
3.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.7 adalah orang
yang kamu suka, tetapi bertepuk sebelah tangan.
4.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.4 adalah orang
yang anda rasa paling penting bagi anda.
5.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.5 adalah orang
yang paling mengerti tentang anda.
6.. Orang yang anda tulis di No. 6 adalah orang
yang membawa keberuntungan pada anda.
7.. Lagu yang anda tulis di no. 8 adalah lagu yang
ditujukan untuk orang No.3
8.. Lagu yang anda tulis di no.9 adalah lagu yang
ditujukan untuk orangNo.7
9.. Lagu yang anda tulis di no.10 adalah lagu yang
melukiskan apa yang ada di hati anda.
10.. Terakhir, lagu yang anda tulis di No.11 adalah
lagu yang melukiskan hidup anda.

hehe.. intelestin intelestin
dan ternyata 'denting piano' itu bukan judul lagu sebenarnya. Yang benar itu 'Yang Terlupakan' lalu bait pertama diawali dgn 'Denting piano...'

trus iya, hari ini banyak banget macet.. stasiun kereta d amsterdam n utrecht ditutup. dan metro jg rasanya diberhentikan dr peredaran dulu.
d koran diberitakan kl angin hari ini bs smpe 120 km/jam.
dan ternyata dr kmrn udh ada 'weeralarm' - weather alarm. yg tdk menganjurkan org2 untuk keluar rumah hari ini. tapi yaahhhh people still got business/work to do.

like me :p
ni blm kelar scrapbook
baru halaman ke-3 -.-
(out of 13)
dah gtu mo gaya pke nulis foreword sgalaa
ah well i'll think of something.

trus td pagi jendela balkonnya elpin yg pecah gtu.

hari selasa download a couple of mp3s dr artis jepang: Shugo Tukomaru. katanya: Japanese Sufjan. Er.. welll.. agak2 sih.. tp ga juga. tapi ya dipikir2 ya .. iya sih mirip..

kay gonna work on some more for the scrapbook

everything is slipping away..

*stupid menstruation cramp*
and i cant get a grip
my colleague told me "dont let it control you". yagz.. ini menstruation cramp gtu. entah karena gw yg kurang gizi..
pusing, trus crampnya yg dateng-pergi.. td pagi pake sampe pengen muntah segala..

so i looked for "natural" ways of avoiding the cramps. why dont take medicines? i just not in favor of taking in pills etc. if there's a none-chemical way to handle things. why not. some easy pointers that i found:
* makan cukup zinc, calcium and B vitamins, especially vitamin B6
* cut back salt, sugar and caffeine intake (hwaaaaa ='( )
* Heat helps! (benar)
* Avoid standing, especially if you have a sore back. Better yet, lie down and pull your knees up towards your chest.
* Do small exercise
* Drink herbal teas like raspberry leaf tea and cramp bark tea
* Stock up on pineapples. Fresh pineapple juice contains a lot of bromelain, an enzyme that is thought to help relax muscles and therefore help with menstrual cramps.

Sore ini ada undangan dari Dance 4 Life gtu. Org2 kantor tadi yg pada heran gtu gw ga mo pergi cuma gara2 cramps doang. (cramps dan skrg campur maag -> juga akhir2 ini sering kambuh). dan pusing @_@

iya sih, myb i shouldnt let the cramps take over. tp asli skrg yg gw pgn cuma bobo di kasur, selimutan T_T

update buat elvin

Dont know why there's no sun up in the sky,.. Stormy weather. Since my man and I aint together, keeps rainin all the time

Life is bare. Gloom and misery everywhere. Stormy weather,.. just cant get my poor self together. I'm weary all the time.. So weary all the time

When he went away the blues walked in and met me. If he stays away old rockin chair will get me.

All I do is pray the Lord above will let me walk in the sun once more. Cant go on, every thing I had is gone. Stormy weather, since my man and I aint together,.. Keeps rainin all the time

I walk around, heavy-hearted and sad. Night comes around, and I’m still feeling bad. Rain pourin’ down, blinding every hope I had. This pitter ’n patter ’n beatin’ ’n spatterin’ drivin’ me mad...

Love, love, love, love
This misery will be the end of me

no real update :p
currently favored internet radio station: vh1 blueroom

ada tugas dr e-newsletter (bikin mini-artikel, edit artikel lain)
jam 5 mesti meeting ma orang NL, ngomongin proposal
trus update guest list buat Farewell party

well music mayday's gonna make a party by the end of this month. i can bring two people with me. tp blm tau mo bawa sapa ;p

good mood foods
* Super-concentrated refined sugar sources like soda, candy, jelly and juices will induce mood swings and low-energy.
* White starches -- like most bread, bagels, chips, etc. -- too.
* Foods rich in soluble fiber can slow down the absorption of sugar and prevent crazy mood swings. Things like oats (slow cooking oatmeal is great!), brown rice, beans, oranges, strawberries, etc. are all good sources.
* Protein is also great at keeping blood sugar levels from fluctuating drastically. So snack on lean meats, seafood, etc. to feel more alert and productive.
* Gummy bears and chips may give a quick energy boost, but in the end they can cause sluggishness and crankyness.

more tips on getting back to your Zen via food: here

you're active, i'm passive

chauft did the personality test, too yesterday. this is his result (listed from lowest to highest, score kira2, klo ga salah inget):
* The Achiever (#3) - 0.49
* The Leader (#8) - 0.58
* The Perfectionist (#1) and The Observer (#5) - 1.08

Klo si elvin = ibu rumah tangga yang baik XD
Klo Chauft.. well he can be a good docent :D and a good team-leader in a research group :D
Ternyata kmu tidak se-laidback yg saya kira :D

Observer yang perfectionist. so i think he's an active-observer. kebalikan dr saya. im a diplomatic observer. cenderung pasif :D

Ngeliat kombinasi leader-perfectionist-achiever juga ga ngagetin sebenernya. so he really striving to get the best out of everything, and not hesitant to lead.
bandingkan dgn saya yg observer-diplomatic-loyalist --> traits passive semua :D dont ask me to lead anything,.. nge-lead diri sendiri aja masih susah xp

Wlo sy punya juga trait perfectionist, tp rasanya itu cuma sy pake klo di kerjaan, dan a little bit in life. nothing in this life's perfect, so why sweat on it? :p perfectionist also strive for betterment. (mine's 0.5 n chauft's 1.08.. im 46% of chauft's spirit to drive everything to perfection :D)

theme song hari ini

I wanna get married
Yes, I need a spouse
I want a nice "Leave it to Beaverish"
Golden retriever and a little white house

I wanna get married
I need to cook meals
I wanna pack cute little lunches
For my Brady bunches
Then read Danielle Steele

I wanna escape
This rat race I've created
I'm feelin' enervated
I don't care if I make it
I just want to bake a sugar cake for you
To take to work in the morn
And I'll stay home cleaning the dishes
And keeping your wishes all warm

I wanna get married
That's why I was born

I wanna partake in bake sales for the classroom
I wanna hear the sweet tune
Of Sally's little vroom-vroom
As she zooms around my broom
As I exhume the gloom
Of my shallow life

I wanna be simple and honest and dimpled
'cause I am your wife
I will never tarry
I'm not even torn

I wanna get married
That's why I was born

was talking to elvin bout "my childhood" anak utan yang ceria dan happy..
tp walo anak utan, aku ga pernah bisa manjat pohon :P
coz pohon2 di hutan kalimantan tinggi2 dan besaar dan the nearest branch from the ground would be after 2 metres. Apalagi wktu itu masih imut. no way Jose gw bisa nyampe ke sana.

jadi bilang ke elvin:
ga mungkin bisa manjat pohon, kecuali trained mammals: orangutan, monkeys n tarzan
dan ini vin, one of those trained mammals :D

before this go away

yeah, why not making a new year's resolution.
i nvr had any bfore.
n i promised myself to be a better person

how many resolutions can you make and keep it feasible?
lets try 5
*) live in a more healthy lifestyle. seriously gw dah mo 22 *sigh* at least bener2 harus jaga makan. try to do more sport (in plan: swimming-related sports or yoga), reduce smoking (also for financial reason :p)
*) POSITIVE THINKING n try to keep my mental health in balance *oooohhmmm* remember zen :p gara2 sering denger kata itu (zen) recently. zen has a lot of meaning, true. but what i meant is the "mental peacefulness"
*) finish my school assignments :D
*) do proper finance management
*) belajar (untuk lebih) sabar :p (im sorry for the times that i shouted/get quickly mad at you)

yay.. five

lets hope that i can do that!

ow the Memento Mori short-story made me realize more that there ARE times that you have to really remind yourself. Earl wrote epriting down bfore he forgot. my memory is still better than him, but i know that there are times that i umm not behaving as well as i expected.

dan kata bu Nio "changing is hard. but you can do it if you really push yourself". masalahnya selama ini i dont push myself at all.

dan d memento mori juga, lupa exact wordsnya gmn, tp yg jelas in human's life, there are moments where one can find tranquility and get inspired to do great things. tp its a rare moment and some times the moment passes just like that.
well coz i hv a religion i would say that those moments can be increased if you have frequent connection with The One Above (Bahasa: Yang Di Atas :p) and, op kors, Dia adalah Yang Maha Memberi Petunjuk

Hmm ya.. im not a very Faithful person (yet). (Kenapa ga dimasukin di resolution list? umm *blush* dunno. guess im still afraid that i'll let myself down. and again, i think for me its the thing that should be on my list every day of my life -> jawaban bluffing *sigh* will be good if true, though)


to nobody in particular

*ambil napas*
i dont effin care..!
eff you!!!


O Mio Babbino Caro

"O mio babbino caro,
mi piace è bello, bello;
vo'andare in Porta Rossa
a comperar l'anello!
Sì, sì, ci voglio andare!
e se l'amassi indarno,
andrei sul Ponte Vecchio,
ma per buttarmi in Arno!
Mi struggo e mi tormento!
O Dio, vorrei morir!

Babbo, pietà, pietà!
Babbo, pietà, pietà!"

Oh dear Daddy
I love him too
wanna buy a ring too

and if my love were in vain
i would go to the canals
and throw myself in the water

i fret and i suffer torments
oh God i would rather die
Daddy, have pity.. have pity..:P

lanjutan personality test yg kemaren..
(translated fr Dutch - pls accept my apology for incorrect expressions heheh :p)

5. Observeerder or observer: want the world to understand them and feel their competencies

"I establish myself in an analytical manner and as-a-matter-of-fact.
I argue everything logically.
I gladly keep emotional distance from everybody: because in the end only facts that matters.
I collect much information and knowledge and think a lot.
I arrange matters until I understand them and fit appropriately in my frame of reference.
Because I understand things that way, I am frequently a real specialist.
Appearance and comfort are not important for me."

My strong points: I am sharp and independent, can consider matters well and remain almost always calm.

My weak points: I can be cold, stingy, and emotionless.

Sometimes I conclude myself that I am outside of this world, looking down from my ivory tower. I must learn:
* to be energetic,
* to take a stand for the things that I believe in,
* to listen to my body, intuition and feelings,
* to state borders if the quantity of information that comes to me becomes too much.
* to not become arrogant, and be Miss-know-it-all (yg ini gw yg nambah sendiri :D)

personality test

hari ini gw evaluasi bentar sama bu supervisor, trus dia ngusulin klo aku (loh td bukannya gw?) ngisi personality test di bahasa blanda sih :P tp dgn bantuan PRISMA Woordenboeken InsyAllah hasil tesnya bener :p

websitenya ngusulin 9 macam tipe karateristik orang:
1 Perfectionist
2 Helper
3 Successful Worker (?)
4 Romantics
5 Observer
6 Loyalist
7 Life Enjoyer (?)
8 The Boss/Leader
9 The Diplomat

Habis itu ada sekitar 108 pertanyaaan (WHEW :S) yg dijawab pake Setuju, Sangat Tidak Setuju, Netral, Tidak Setuju, dan Sangat Setuju

Hasilnya entar dirata2 gitu, ga tau metodenya gmn. Pokoknya entar keluar top traits yg punya skor between 0.3 dan 2.

My Top 5 was:
5. The Romantics (aha' ha' ha' *blush* ketauan deh :">) - 0.33
4. The Perfectionist (hooooo o_O never knew that :p) - 0.5
3. The Loyalist (cie cie :> gw ternyata loyalist bo'!) - 0.83
2. The Diplomat (koyo' jeneng rokok wae) - 0.92
1. The Observer - 1

...hmmm *nod2
jadi dulu tes yg bilang klo gw tipe orang yang: Pemalas dan Penikmat Hidup = SALAH! :D mwahahahahah! coz personality #7 is not even on my top 5 :P

Lemme try to translate this from Dutch:
Other names from the personality no. 5 are: Observator, thinker or philosopher (aaaaa.. cieeh... gw filsuf bo'! A Five loves to.. er well in short: suka membuat analytic thought and makes order and structure. Held back emotion and needs a lot of privacy in order to be back in 'zen' (opo seh..) Dlm kehidupan sehari2, no. 5 ini sering keliatan "bengong" (huahahahah xD). Lima juga sebenarnya kreatif, tajam, dan juga perasa. Mereka mengatur hidupnya dengan rules dan kebanyakan mempunyai hidup yg teratur (er.. not me, thus). Tapi ga jarang juga orang2 ini mengoleksi barang2 yang trkadang "eksotis" (kepala manusia, idung babi, for example :p). They are great decision-makers (nooooooo) dengan mostly rich intellectual capability (cieh.. suit suit)

help im weird :(

statusnya beni -->
2007@indo = pesawat ilang, kapal tenggelam, kereta tabrakan... mo bilang menuju sukses -_-

tapi tetep aja pengen pulang
kangen indo T_T

Memento Mori by Jonathan Nolan

Here's the link for the story that was the base for the movie Memento

b a b e l

Definitions of babel on the Web:

* a confusion of voices and other sounds
* Tower of Babel: (Genesis 11:1-11) a tower built by Noah's descendants (probably in Babylon) who intended it to reach up to heaven; God foiled them by confusing their language so they could no longer understand one another

* Babel was the native name of the city called Babylon by the Greeks, the modern Hilla. It means "gate of the god" (not "gods"), corresponding to the Akkadian Bab-ili.

* Babel is an Iraqi newspaper which was under the direction of Uday Hussein.

* A tower mentioned in Genesis 11. The Bible describes how there was only one language used prior to construction of the tower. God was offended by the construction, and caused its builders to speak in different languages. Almost all linguistic experts, except those who are conservative Christians, consider the story to be a myth.

* A city in Shinar [Babylonia], Babel [noun] [OW] is where the building of a Tower of Babel [CE] is held, in the biblical book of Genesis [Gen. 11:1-9 [BLB] ], to have been halted by the confusion of tongues.

* Confounded by compounding too many things together, as the Yi-haic language.

* a tower built into heaven, the story of Babel comes from Genesis 11.1-9, "The whole earth was of one language, and of one speech ... Come, let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven ... And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the children of men built ... Come, let Us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. ...

Babel the movie, got 7.8/10 rating from IMDB, and 4.5/5 from On Stage.
Penasaran how good is this movie really (no, not appealed by Brad Pitt), bbrp minggu lalu smpet download. trus dipreview dikit2, dan concluded that klo mo nonton mesti sama bapak coz dikhawatirkan klo ulma nonton sndiri bakal ga ngerti :P

so tadi malem akhirnya nonton
pretty convincing filmnya :D
cerita singkatnya *spoiler alert* :
ada keluarga di Maroko (ayah ibu dan dua orang anak lelaki, both are around 8-12 y.o. i think). Waktu lagi menggembala kambing (omG such an ancient word :D - gembala) mrk ngetes2 senapan angin yg baru dibeli Ayah mereka. I think rifle-nya dibeli buat nembakin jackals yg biasa ngincer kambing2 mereka. Gimana cara ngetesnya? well they shot at distant objects, kata penjualnya bisa nembak sejauh 3km. Salah satu distant objects nya adalah: BIS TURIS AMERIKA... yak akhirnya terjadi sebuah persamaan dimana jika bis amerika ditembak = teroris! later on polisi2 setempat, media2 berita is preconceived with the idea that "ada gerombolan teroris yg berusaha mengacau keamanan!"

Sementara di dalem bis ada brad pitt dan istrinya, cate blanchett, yg ketembak si cate. dan si brad pitt yg berusaha mnta pertolongan buat istrinya, pergi ke village terdekat (villageny si tourguide .. untung ada dia, klo engga si cate mati tuh :p), smpe mereka akhirnya ditinggal sama bis tur, dan brad harus cope sama frustrasinya berusaha cari bantuan, cari ambulans, to save his wife.. in the end istrinya selamet kok :p dan membuktikan bahwa "orang Islam (Maroko) tu baik2" (Chauft).

meanwhile anak2 mereka (2 biji, ce ma co) di US of A sono, dijagain sama nanny mrk yg org mexico (illegal). si nanny ini terus ngebawa anak2 itu ke negaranya dia, ada kawinan ponakannya, dan pas mo balik, well terjadi perselisihan dgn border police.. YANG BERAKIBAT si nanny dan dua orang anak itu terdampar di gurun somewhere .. DAN AKHIRNYA si nanny (yg udh di amrik for 16 years) harus dideportasi, sodara2

Balik ke keluarga Maroko yg di bagian akhir film tembak2an sama polisi (yg nembak2in polisinya si anak bungsu, btw), in the end si sulung jd korban peluru nyasar polisi.
si anak bungsu nangis2 dan membanting2 rifle smpe rifle-nya hancur.. seakan2 he blamed the rifle for everything that had happened..

Rifle itu dari mana? di awal film diliatin sang Ayah yang ngebeli rifle itu dr tetangga mrk.. yg pernah jd guide buat seorang pengusaha jepang yg udh ditinggal mati istrinya (suicide - cerita gmn si istri bunuh diri juga wagu d film ini) waktu dia ekspedisi hunting d maroko. Dia punya anak perempuan bisu-tuli yang di tengah hustle and bustle kota Tokyo, sangat ingin dicintai lelaki (cieh).. fokus cerita di "Japan-part" of this movie emg si cewek jepang ini. a deaf-mute that wants to be loved ..desperately. jd inget salah satu sad story d 'Sad Movie' -> a Korean film that me Nie n elv watch last April; there's also about this deaf-mute girl that tries to gain the heart of the love of her life

so tiga cerita.. well empat.. brad dan cate, moroccan family, japanese family, children n their (illegal) mexican nanny.

story-tellingnya bagus
even with that 4 different tales, done in different languages, different value conflicts, different cultures, the director can compose them all to a convincing end result.
cinematography okay,.. not theatrical, but in a realistic/documentary kind of way
editingnya keren (buat film yg lumayan kompleks sperti ini... not an easy job)
kata chauft si Alejandro González Iñárritu (sutradara) emg style-nya gitu, brp cerita yg berbeda (tp sebenernya berhubungan) dijadiin satu film.
some of the reviewers said that babel is a part to complete the multinarrative drama of Iñárritu's "Death trilogy" (namanya serem amir :S). film2 laennya tu Amores Perros dan 21 Grams. hoooo ok ok (Chauft saw the 21 grams).

cuma i missed a couple of minutes of translation at the beginning of the movie. wktu si Moroccan guide jual rifle ke si keluarga Maroko seharga 500 dinar dan seekor kambing :D myb gara2 bajakan kali ya ;p

final comment: the film doesnt need brad pitt and cate blanchett :D i can imagine other actor/actress, yg ga sefamous (se-A list) those two ppl. i mean, such a waste of budget :p
dua org itu sih seneng2 aja kali maen d sini, challenge baru (well no, not really).. man they should give other actors a chance.
kata chauft "biar menjual filmnya"
kata ulma "tapi filmnya tu udh bagus, ga perlu lagi pke brad pitt dan cate blanchett"

btw (lho katanya td final comment) si gadis bisu - rinko kikuchi: Is an accomplished motorcycle driver and horseback rider. hoooo keyen2.. and she got nominated for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture on this year's Golden Globe Award, yg maenin Nanny juga, Adriana Barraza .. she also played in 21 Grams. Brad Pitt got the one for Best Supporting Actor.. hope he wouldnt win :p

terus terus.. (ga jadi final comment yg tadi :p)
yg ngisi soundtracknya si Gustavo Santaollala :D the guy who did the scores of Brokeback Mountain (hoooo... membayangkan adegan gay-nya Jake Gyllenhaal dan Heath Ledger... aaaa ga kuaattt xD). He also got nominated for Best Original Score - Motion Picture for Babel.

Yah filmnya dalem kok, banyak philosophical meaning that can be found.. salah satunya it tells a lot about "arogansi Amerika, mentang2 (si Nanny) orang Latin Amerika, dicurigai, mentang2 Maroko, dibilang teroris" (Chauft) *nod2
klo ngaitin dgn title-nya.. in this world there's so many voices, mau ga mau pasti banyak yang simpang-siur. Salah paham and misunderstanding itu selalu terjadi.. "If you want to be understood,.. Listen"-taglinenya (yg ini beneran final comment)

menjelang 2007

so this is the most do-nothing nite bfore new year i've ever had :D
and i can see it in many ways.
for the past couple of hours i've been:
-playing monopoly tycoon
-wondering should i eat again or not (scrambled eggs?)
-watched Russell Peters again and tried to convince mr. boyfriend how funny he is
-watched other funny stuffs in youtube
-read funny stuffs at
-watched mr. boyfriend's sleeping face and got amused realizing that this guy has sleeping hours as much as babies'
-texted Dad
-wondering what my friends are doing (chicken wings and spring rolls and friends exc. me); vina ifta n dita are at rina's place; dad with grandma in the hospital; mum's with my bros n sis watching telly; ...
-not grasping the fact that Saddam has just got hanged (n it was really his face shown on the internet)
-editing my boyfriend's thesis

i need a new 2007 agenda
still need to straighten up my life
cover lies with more lies (?)

waxing gibbous 92% = nice

btw we watched memento.. so friggin awesome!
i know tht dian had recommended me this movie since.. uhm
couple of years back
tp baru kesampean nonton semalem
MY HEAD HURTS from watching it ;P
overload information, heheh.. or simply just plain s-l-o-w :D

abis nonton itu you will end up with loads of question.. so we went to IMDB's discussion board. lumayan helping, until we went to the website (its memento spelled backwards, cool huh?).. baru lumayan tambah bisa ngrti.

so its better if u watch it first n then go to the website after :D for double-mumet effect..
KEREN pokoknya :D

i wanna read 'Memento Mori' short-story dr jonathan nolan, brothernya si christopher nolan, sutradara pelm, yg dijadiin base dr filmnya. and christopher nolan is the guy who made 'batman begins' humm.. yah anyway. peace v ^^