some freak stole my blog!!

hehe.. due to some weird incident i have to change my blog's URL. The old one is now belong to a .. dunno.

This morning my best/goodfriend left NL and as a good/bestfriend I overslept n missed her flight. *shoot*


ya i got this hinch i'd b seeing her again in Indo.

I didnt go to the school's "prom" lastnite. gotta work. bummer. missed the whole graduation thingy as well

my plan so far: try to find a real job here :p sukur2 yg mo ngurusin working permit. i still got time until end August I guess to re-enroll at my school (retaining my student visa, smbil cari2 kerja)

but then there's also a possibility of me going to Indo in november or sooner

gee my life is soooo unpredictable rite now

dats good
im excited :p

bu nie.. take care.. all the best.. see you soon ^^

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