one of the things that help me get through the day

my bro is so cool n hv a funny way when it comes to expressing his feelings qua words

i miss my family..

and btw, speaking of schmancy labels - I have to admit it is one scary terms to say! why is it one scary terms to say? because it is one scary terms to say - what on earth does schmancy mean neway :D? sort of berbau a scheme? like conspiracy? Ooh cool cuz I love the word - we are indeed living in one big conspiracy!

Happy Burpday, Daaaaad *yaay yeepee make a wish blow the candle then burp berjamaah dalam nada c mayor 3/4*!

Mudah2an Ayah semakin menjadi figur ayah yang kian dicintai diridhai dikaruniai disayangi dan beragam kata positip di-berakhiran-i lg oleh Allah SWT dan keluarga tercinta yang cantik2 dan cakep2 nan pintar2 nan jelita nan belia, terutama yg cowok yg paling gede itu tuh yang ganteng abis trus pake kacamata trus banyak yg bilang kayak Afgan getohchkhuekhuekcuh *sigh* Gosh I'm so definitely gonna kill that impostor >:(

kiss kiss hug hug kiss kiss group hug fall asleep drool

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