Models of behavioral change

The future of Indonesia (slash this IMD-SKM) -> behavioral inertia .. or behavior change?


Models of behavioral change

via Knowledge Jolt with Jack (comment-extended feed) by Jack Vinson on May 07, 2007

Luke Naismith has a nice pair of images, one from Robinson, and another that reverses the positive effect. They depict 7 Steps to Behavior Change, and he's looking for more info on their source. Model of Behavioural Change.


In Theory of Constraints, we look at the Levels of Buy-In / Levels of Resistance Model. Traditionally, it is a model that begins with "there is a problem that must be fixed:"

  1. There is a problem.
  2. There is a general direction of a solution.
  3. The solution will solve the problem.
  4. Negative effects of the solution can be overcome.
  5. Obstacles can be overcome.
  6. Unverbalized fears can be overcome.

Another type of change is the kind that everyone wants, regardless of the current state of reality. This is the kind of change that is driven by a shared vision or shared desire to move the organization to a new place. Those steps look something like:

  1. The goal.
  2. Realize that the goal is much harder to obtain than we thought.
  3. There is a general direction of a solution.
  4. The solution will get us there.
  5. Unverbalized fears can be overcome.


So according to the model (please click on em for better view), the IMD-SKM discussion can be seen as a solution to a problem (informasi/pendekatan IMD-SKM kukrang jelas), dan (somehow) can be seen as a a way to get closer to what is presumed as the general goal "Masa Depan Indonesia yang Cerah Ceria"

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

dont make excuses..

i know youll be there :p

but you dont know, that i too will be there

Unknown mengatakan...

tau kok..
bwee *melet*