now a tad bit longer..

first of all, gw ketiduran this morning :P jd ga ikut solat id xD

altho udh ditelp yussi n elvin berkali2.. tetep ga kebangun xD

boneka salmaanyway, in the spirit of Eid, i would like to introduce you to moslem barbies :D
di Indonesia udh mulai ada, yg bikin namanya Bu Sukmawati Suryaman. Her dolls are called 'Boneka Salma' (bandwidth exceeded xD duh kasian) - (Republika Online)

selamat buuu :D you are so creative :D

Emg ternyata boneka barbie versi muslim is not exactly new :D
there is a Moroccan Barbie, and a veiled doll called Sara in Iran, and one called Razanne for Muslims in Britain and the US - Fulla is now the market leader. (The Guardian)
While pabrik2nya bilang klo muslim barbies enhanced self-virtue in young girls ada juga yg oppose kayak this blog
"Poor, poor young Muslim girls. [...] Thank you male dominated corporations for making girls all over the world have skewed body image and fucked up sense of self."
The author think that fulla dan lain2 itu cuma alat cuci otak soal self-image. sama aja kayak barbie. (blonde-anorexic-bimbo-dog poo-picking xD) - see picture for reference :p

dog-poo-picking barbie

Ga tau deh bakal di-export k belanda ga barbie2 muslim kyk gini :D well i actually do not hold any grudge against barbie. soalnya i know she has nice collections (ada yg seri princess, ada yg dresses from around the world), dan ga sebitchy bratz :D bratzaltho dulu pernah ada bbrp artikel yg criticizing barbie yg dibikin dgn badan sangat tdk manusia (pinggang extra kecil, dan big tite boobs). bikin anak2 kecil punya obsesi kurus (and blond? :D) kyk barbie. tp yeaa.. i disagree coz i played with barbie n i just didnt think that way. barbie is barbie, it's a DOLL (gile gw wktu kecil dah punya pikiran kyk gt :D)

tp emg eneg jg kadang klo masuk toko mainan, dan ngeliat barbie2 yg sangat western :P (iyaa.. i know there are also 'other races' barbie.. but still..) trus di sampingnya... BRATZ. I wonder when the time will come when we can see Razanne or Salma on the till side by side with those bitchy bratz :D

link artikel dari reuters

More on Eid.. hari ini di Amsterdam cuaca cerah :D the sun is warm and gentle.. the leaves have turned golden. And as the wind blows, they all seems to be dancing and floating in the air, like golden butterflies :D

buat yg masih puasa.. met puasa :) ayooo kmu bisaaa

i'll keep you in my prayers, you're in my thoughts and in my heart :)

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