babies r born in the same building people go

it's sunday morning (11.25 am.. jd blm masuk noon :D), i had my breakfast, drunk my coffee..
prima td bikin sandwich pke rosbief dan mozarella (yum.. thx prim!)
yeah prima's been my roommie for last couple of days.. her room is not yet "ready" (masih kosongan) that's why she's staying at my place.
like the good old days eh prim? :D
short info: so according to Myers Briggs Personality types me n prima r total opposites. she's an esfj-extrovert feeling while im an intp-introvert thinker

so now im looking at my draft blog posts n see if i can finish at least one. so why not start with my Ramadhan evaluation, heheh..
well actually nothing much really.. there were days that i could still control myself.. but those were also days that i went berserk n did selfish things or being too curious about someone..

in the sector of "keeping my loyalty n restraining myself to emotional temptation", i failed :P

things happened n made me realise that im not yet spiritual or relationship-wise mature. still like to take shortcuts, did not always mean what i say, largely because instinctively im a people-pleaser :p

there's always next year isnt it.. (?)

Now playing: Pure Saturday - Kosong [foobar2000 v0.9.4.1]
via FoxyTunes

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