facebook for life

yeaaah so i admit that i've been logging in to facebook quite regularly for the past weeks. and i also admit that i finally gave it a try. dan ternyata cukup adiktif :p it has these widgets and games and "apps" dari berantem2 pke zombie/werewolf/vampire sampe punya binatang piaraan :D
membuat friendster terlihat sangaaaat lammmmeeeee...

so my favorite applications at facebook for the moment are:
1. The Zombie/Werewolf/Vampire app
awal2nya i was infected by a friend of mine (dapet notification klo i was infected). dah gt after turning myself to a Zombie, and Werewolf, and Vampire, i can infect more ppl and fight with other zombie/werewolf/vampire ... to gain level :D yah awal2nya jg ga gt tertarik sih, tp begitu ppl started biting me in order for them to gain level, dan ngeliat org2 itu naik level n turning themselves to a scarier er.. ya.. ga scarier, weirder kali ya (ice vampire? fire werewolf?) jadi panas juga :D so everyday i got 5-7 chances to attack other creatures (ga harus v.s. creature yg sama). yah abis itu ada fight club jg sih. tp kinda lame soalnya cuma bisa berantem sekali sehari :( oh ya,.. you can also be a slayer and beat those evil creatures :D i'm all four so i'm basically very flexible and very confused :D

2. (Fluff)friend :D
ini yg bisa piara2 binatang gt. i'm having a mouse of course :D trs mouse-nya bisa dikasih makan (harus beli dulu d shop), ato ganti habitat (background pic), ato nge-race fluff friends yg lain. my mouse has their own (fluff)book profile :D trs gmn caranya dapet duit buat beli2 makanan/habitat? yak caranya dgn mem-"pet" binatang2 piaraan yg laen :D (or place winning bets on the race). tadi2nya kan ngira cuma bisa ngepet piaraan temen2 doang.. tp ternyata bisa jg ngepet binatangnya temen (selama yg punya masi on the same 'network' klo ga salah).

Oh iya, di facebook jg lebih 'restricted' soalnya you cant just view other people's profile unless you're on his/her friends' list (or on the same network.)

*) Jadi d facebook ppl are 'grouped' within networks, bisa berdasarkan regio/negara tempat tinggal, tempat kerja, atau sekolah

di dunia e-biz sendiri facebook sering dijadiin bahan diskusi: dari trend penggunaan aplikasi facebook - ada sekitar 5000 aplikasi, dan yg "top-listed" punya jutaan pengguna. Walaupun 87% dari semua itu cuma tefokus ke 84 aplikasi, dan hanya 100,000 active users (ga dijelasin sih kriteria active users apaan.. log in k aplikasi sekali sehari? ato sekali semenit? :P)

saingan facebook klo d amrik paling myspace yg lebih banyak dipake sama bands and artists buat promosiin diri (myspace bisa upload lagu dan video, bisa streaming juga dipagenya). tp toh menurut desas desus fb jg bakal nyusul buat bikin artist platform and mp3 store :p

anywaaaaaaaaaay yeah its an okay tool for notworking,.. oops i mean networking :p
altho i'd rather spend most of the time fighting with my zombie and feeding my ulmaaaaa (as oppose to 'socialising'). ya socialising ke luar atuh... meet some people, shake their hands, touch their hair, gaze deep at their eyes, hear their laughter... du du du

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