More doctors smoke camels than any other cigarette

picture source : Popular Science issue no. 3 - 1946

Before the 50's dokter2 di amrik kebanyakan ngerokok camel. True, ini cuma promosi2an camel aja wktu itu. cuma dia (Camel) ngelakuin surveynya beneran.. 113,597 doctors participated in this poll, dan merk yg paling mrk sebutin ya Camel.

yang pasti klo iklan kayak gini muncul lg skrg.. psti banyak yg protes. terutama non-smoker, dan dr kalangan dokternya juga. mana mau mrk diasosiasiin sama merk rokok skrg.

but the ad mention something bout t-zone, klo org ngerokok itu preferensinya bergantung sama ya.. mouth n throat. good taste smooth smoke.
dan memang benar klo sy prefer camel drpd other brands :p

agh but krn puasa ini, i managed to stay away from it. terakhir ngerokok was a week ago, marlboro light punya simone, n boy it tasted strange. mulut gw kyk dah ga mau nerima asep + rasa rokok lg. n epritime sumbody smokes too close, i would get this strange feeling in my stomach that i want to puke.

it might b a call for me to really quit it altogether. true, udh ngabis2in duit (duit oh duit T_T)... blm lg the health risk. Entah gara2 kebanyakan liat discovery channel, iklan2 d jalan (october is breast cancer awareness month), or gejala penuaan, lama2 jd suka kepikiran those awful diseases yg skrg kayaknya banyak banget =S

So i guess, lets hope that i can really quit smoking. i hope that he can really quit as well. sy tak ingin jd janda muda, heheh..

ah ya.. anybody interested in coming to the UN Night? (Nacht van de VN)
This Tuesday at Melkweg, Amsterdam starting from 6 pm. Ticket price 7,5 Euro.

and if u register to this website u might get a chance to get a ticket for free.

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