dibilang freak ma adek -.-

so there's this project from a bunch of Portuguese students yg pengen ngetrack users in the net. dengan menggunakan 'google map' so far udh nyampe 4000-an org register dlm 6 hari (wow)

--> this is me :D

yak monggo2 yg mo nampang dan ikutan klik d sini (map indonesia masih kosong tuh..)

regarding to the title of this post.. jadi adik saya wasi, barusan ngisi that 'true friends test' online yg sangat iseng dan tidak penting :p

yg bikin ngakak wktu liat komennya dia

lol xD

yak2 memang kuisnya rese' dan so far semua terjebak di pertanyaan #6 :p
skor paling tinggi dipegang oleh elvin! with 4 (out of 6) questions answered correctly!

and i would like to apologise to my dearest person in the world for my crankiness, for being upset and angry with no good excuse.. i hope i can blame it all to my stupid unstable hormonal activity, but i know that i should've taken control of myself better.
and i felt pretty much ashamed of myself because despite of my crankiness you can still make me feel special *sob*
love you..

and today i have many blue lele's dancing on the screen ^^

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...


love the purple lele :p

ayy ay ay ay, kak ulma be-te gitu sih mukanya..


Anonim mengatakan...

hahaha, aku jg pny true friend test, isi ya, isi ya.. tp aku taronya di blog... hohoho, lg jaman ya friend test? tp aku buat juga deh..kyahaha