congrats for tktq+ ^^

Ternyata salah satu yg bikin tktq anak S2 Amsterdam: Arya Sakti (ID-Traktorku). bweh.. siapakah dia?
The other one is Kai Malik (ID-SeattleDirk), i know this guy from my cousin.
Ni dua orang top banget :D

me n my bf is now waiting at level 79.. level 80 bakal keluar minggu ke-3 April.
yang which is, masih agak lama. we finally got to level 79 tgl 31 maret kmaren *bangga*

pertama kali mulai main mid-februari, my bf got the link from Kaskus. dan abis itu both of us were instantly hooked :D (ternyata me n him both love solving riddles n puzzles)

surprisingly ternyata banyak juga anak2 Indonesia yg jago2 solving riddles, decyphering codes.. malah on the forum banyak juga yang akhirnya ngeluarin riddle2 sendiri. oh im so proud to be an Indonesian ^^

congrats again for Tktq+ yg sitenya masuk koran Tempo 3 April 2007

additional note: did a quick blog-hop to my bf's collective blog: kafe depok, apparently they also got their own special acknowledgement

adding to the congratulation list is this FHUI student who got a prestigious award at a recently held Court Competition in the US..

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

He...he. we all can only try to solve the riddle of life (and love).

Keep the support coming to my buddy, ekonom juga manusia :-D