in-denial birthday party

finally 11 february kmrn, ulma jadi juga ngumpul2 bareng anak2
setelah agak panik minggu2 sebelumnya
(ulma baru belanja hari sabtu sebelum kerja.. pulang kerja masak rendang smpe jam 5.30 am (ditemani uda).. 11.30 am dah di elvin, lanjut bikin gulai iga+nangka muda :P)
dan being in-denial of own's birthday
anak2 hollendrecht alhamdulillah dateng semua.
walo vina, prima dan citra had to leave earlier.
alhamdulillah elvin berbaik hati mau dipinjam rumahnya buat makan2
alhamdulillah to my nice friends yg mau masak DAN meng-kado.
makasih buat mak ipte buat s.g buncis dan dadar telornya yg enak.
makasih buat isrina buat s.g ati+kapri-nya dan erm that beef-with-green-pepper thingy
thx for vina n citra yg udh bawa slagroom taart w/ chocolate sauce :D
thx for mba aini n her husband buat cool water packetnya. maaf sy lupa klo suami mbak vegetarian :p
terimakasih prima ..yg lg d indo.. for the novel :D
i thought i've read it but apparently i havent :D
The one that I read was The Sands of Time, a prequel to the one that you gave me :)
love hermux tantamoq :)
terimakasih lagi buat ifta n rina for the pants :D
thx for aji dan tiki yg udh nolongin masakin nasi
thx for yussi, haryo, daniel, and lia for being there
xie xie mr. stephen chow for the entertainment :D

n last but not least. thank you my hunny bun bun for being very nice, helpful n supportive through the whole time ^^

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