good morning..

Jakarta dan sekitarnya, masih ujan aja.. blm berenti dr 1 feb kmrn.. here n there tanah longsor.. :(
(why it had to b on that day?)
i remembered that Thursday, langit terang padahal udh jam setengah 6.
kyk bukan winter.
altho today, we were all reminded by the fact that the cold season is not yet over.
suhu ngedrop lagi.
even kata elvin td pagi salju (me woke up, snow was already gone, bahkan ga keliatan bekasnya sama sekali.. hehe)

di atas tu flood map dr United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) tgl 4 feb kmrn.
(altho ga sebegitu ngerti juga, knp angka deathnya dikit? bukannya d berita udh sampe 29?)

ujan yg blm berenti2 juga bikin operasi clean-up susah. dah gitu blm ancaman penyakit2 kayak diare, skin diseases, (dek.. jangan berenang2 d situ yak)
other sources:
chicago herald news
new york times
Associated Press
God please help them.. Just heard yesterday as well klo ada bbrp temen yg rumahnya jg kebanjiran.. hwa..

n Kalla wants to rule in the "One Child Policy" in Java.. wat de.. -.- dah kayak d RRC aja.. (news in Bahasa). And I quote from him, "Bahkan, agar sejahtera penduduk Papua bisa memiliki lima anak," HAHAHA.. that is so ridiculous.. u have a lot of homework to do! more important than telling ppl on how many kids they should have!

BTW.. recently in Sittenssen, Germany ada massacre gtu. gaya2nya kayak gang triad. 6 org cina diikat dan dibunuh di dalam restoran. Ada korban ketujuh yg masih idup wktu ditemuin, tp terus di rumah sakit meninggal...omG kayak di film2 aja sih. korbannya tu satu keluarga, pemilik restoran cina, mrk tinggal d atas restoran itu. ada 1 anak kecil yg selamet, tp mungkin dia shock gtu jdinya ga bisa terlalu ngebantu penyelidikan.. hooo.. (bbc link)

now from the lighter side of life:
this guy had just recently sent me a friend request.. heheh.. me think he is kinda wacko n a bit like a g****o

Gala Apple, Pinto Peach, Pluot and Nectaplum. The new cross-hybrid fruits!

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