good news

According to our calculations you will die at 11:03 pm on Friday, January 30th 2054.

Your age at the time of death will be approximately 69 years old.

Which is in 17290 days time.

69 is not bad

and elv said that the north&south pole will melt in 2070
so its good that i die before it :p

puasa day 3

You may have a more difficult time than usual concentrating on your job, ulm. Your thinking might be a little fuzzy, and you could be easily distracted.

Daily Horoscope Sept 26 -

kunci kantor + rumah ilang :'(
td lupa sahur.. huks
entar bantuin pacar pindahan (huks)

puasa taon ini berasa lbi berat =/

*masi mengerjakan summary proyek taun lalu*
kenalan ma bbrp org kntor
yg senior2 lg pd training&//cuti. jd cuma yg junior2 aja. ketemu ma sesama intern dan anak HoInho, Abel Stomp.. dia juga puasa ternyata ..tak semenakutkan fotonya :p - ket. harusny tiap anak baru bikin kyk introduction gitu, trus diemail k org2 kantor beserta fotonya. sy blm bikin :p
dan org2 lain.. eva (yg punya temen, yg barusan didiagnosa kanker dan akhirnya nulis buku, ttg brbagai macam wig yg harus dia pake gara2 rambutnya harus dicukur abis buat kemo, dan akhirny develop different personalities according to the wigs (ada 9 wig), dan salah satu personalitynya itu dikasih nama 'Oema'.. which would be the main reason why Eva told me the story bout her friend)

..dan satu cowo botak berkacamata yg sangat yellow (dr rambutnya, smpe kulitnya).. whose name i forgot -_-'

ga bs dengerin accuradio, ga bs dengerin vh1 radio :( plugin-ny tak jalan.. msn radio bisa sih, tp trus bosen. akhirnya install foobar dan donnlot2 lagu dr gmail (transfer2an lagu n file lewat sini guna banget yak.. jadi serasa punya virtual hard drive gtu).
cuma 28 songs yg sy ambil sesuai dgn mood saat ini yg agak2 mellow (laper soalny -.-)
01. Stina Nordenstam - [And She Closed Her Eyes #06] Little Star
02. Stina Nordenstam - [And She Closed Her Eyes #11] Something Nice
03. Andrea Bocelli - [Amore #04] Mi Manchi (Feat. Kenny G)
04. Andrea Bocelli - [Amore] Andrea Bocelli - Amore - 02 - Besame Mucho
05. Andrea Bocelli - [Amore #06] Solamente Una Vez
06. Sonu Nigam, Sunidhi Chauhan - [Fanaa #04] Dekho Na
07. Dario Marianelli - [Pride And Prejudice #10] Leaving Netherfield
08. Tori Amos - You Belong To Me (Mona Lisa Smile)
09. 10. The Best thing For You
10. Coldplay - [A Rush Of Blood To The Head #11] Amsterdam
11. Hiroko Kokubu - [FINAL FANTASY X-2 PIANO COLLECTION #12] Eternity ~Memories of Light and Waves~
12. Janet Jackson-Every Time
13. Holly Valance - [Footprints #11] Naughty Girl
14. Utada Hikaru - Final Distance
15. Utada Hikaru - First Love
16. Copeland - Coffee
17. Copeland - Sleep
18. A Perfect Circle - 3 Libras
19. Babyface & Des'ree - Fire
20. Bruce Springstein - Secret Garden
21. John Legend - [John Legend #07] Stay With You
22. Pinback - [Blue Screen Life (Japan) CD1 #02] Concrete Seconds
23. The Postal Service - [Give Up #02] Such Great Heights
24. MALIQ & D' ESSENTIAL - [1ST #14] 14_Bonus_Track[1]
25. Jason Hayes - [World Of Warcraft #02] The Shaping Of The World (Exclusive Track)
26. Jason Hayes - [World Of Warcraft #07] Seasons Of War (Intro Movie)
27. Minoru - merindukanmu
28. Damien Rice - [Unplayed Piano #01] Unplayed Piano (Chris Lord-Alge Mix)

trimakasi kpd teman2 yg merasa menyumbang lagu2 tersebut ^^

kmaren bikin kolak hohoho ^O^
lumayan sukses ;p
sayang pisangny blm mateng.. jd agak keras gtu.. yah dianggep ubi lah :D trus kykny santanny kbanyakan.. kayaknya.. altho kata org2 yg nyoba sih enak2 aja (ga tau lg klo itu cuma buat menyenangkan perasaan sy saja)


bingung emang tiap taun selaluuu aja ada 2 pendapat soal kapan begin/end-nya bulan Ramadhan

tadi ngecek on various websites bout the moon phase..
dan emg ternyata new moon tu klo diliat dr amsterdam sini (Lat. N52.37;Long. E4.93--> bner ga ya? :P ) harusnya kmaren at 1.42 pm, jd ya.. ok, 1 Ramadhannya today.
Dan sy baru tau itu siang ini (mksudny baru yakin. td malem dah dikasi tau ma Bapak, klo PPME bilang 1 Ramadhan started Saturday), setelah menghabiskan satu piring nasi+sayur-rasa-aneh+tuna+surimi chunks(yg ternyata ada sakenya -__-") dan segelas kopi

beberapa hari yg lalu liat d islamic finder, tgl 1 ramadhannya 24 september. trus liat kbri-nl, announcementnya juga 1 ramadhan = 24 september. yo uwis..

trus td ngecek2 islamicfinder, ternyata mrk announce kyk gtu ngikutin tanggalan yg berlaku d mekkah.. (dalam kurung, itu tanggalan yg dr software mrk yg 'athan' itu) meanwhile klo ke websitenya sih, hari ini tu Sabtu tgl 23 september 2006 / 1 Ramadhan 1427.. yikes, okay..

ya emang sih, kalender hijri jalan gitu aja.. dr jaman nabi Muhammad, teratur 30 hari, 30 hari, 30 hari.. sejak Hijrahnya mereka. and myb the moon itself fasenya yg skrg ma 1427 years ago udh beda gitu (mungkin ga ya? :p)

kbri dr mana? well i guess ngikutin mui di indo.. or iya, ngikutin org2 arab yg pke kalender Hijriah..

quote from
the beginning of Ramadan (as with all months of the Islamic calendar) is traditionally based on a sighting of the hilal — the crescent, or new, moon. If it is reported by a witness in front of a committee of elders by the evening of the 29th day of the previous month, Sha'aban, then Ramadan starts on day 30. If not — because the sky is cloudy or the moon set before the sky grew dark enough to see it — then Sha'aban lasts 30 days and Ramadan starts the next day. Western countries are more likely to begin Ramadan a day earlier than eastern countries, since moonset occurs later farther west and there's more chance of the moon being seen on the 29th of Sha'aban.
well klo mo diterapin di sini sih wktu tgl 29 sha'ban, which would be yesterday, bulan tu blm kliatan.. coz moonsetnya jam 7.31pm meanwhile sunset around 7.39 pm erm.. dan emg masi bulan baru gtu, jd ya ga kliatan apa2

binun ah

ah ya su.. whichever we choose.. yg penting niatnya
moga2 aja gw taun ini bener2 ngejalaninnya
taun lalu empty/kosong/hampa gtu soalnya

met puasa :)

vrijdag is introductiedag

kira2 12 jam yg lalu gw masi d jalan ke Music Mayday d Elandsstraat.
yep, hari ini introduction day gitu
perkenalan :D

yg jelas
task list gw langsung banyak xD
tp sy senang.. dah lama ga kerja make otak gini :D hahaha
biasa nguli mulu soalnya :p

1. bikin report summary project mrk taon lalu (skalian buat mereka, trus buat gw juga pengenalan ke kegiatan mereka)
2. bikin SWOT analysis dr event taun lalu
3. baca proposal buat taun ini, learn from it n improve stuffs (klo bisa)
4. bikin time plan/agenda buat kegiatan artist exchange
5. bikin afwasbeurtlijst yg baru, huahuhuah..
jd tiap minggu mrk ada daftar piket gtu. sapa yg nyuci piring2 abis tiap lunch

dokumen2 mrk some ad yg written in dutch. tp InsyaAllah no prob, skalian gw mempercanggih bahasa belanda (cieh)

gedung kantornya bekas sekolahan..tua.. huhuh yg jelas klo di indo cocok banget jd lokasi rumah hantu.. x)
ya iya gitu.. tu gedung gede nyaris tak terawat
dan jumat tadi sueepiiii banget. td cuma ada atasan saya bu Brechtje Smidt,dan CEOnya, pak Ruben Collin. pada masi muda sih, generasi 70's lah..

slese 'ngantor' jam 6

trus pulang


tempe-bwg putih-bwg bombay-brussels sprout-broccoli-kaldu-tumis2-cabe dahsyat pak chauft-bumbu jadi (salah banget.. gara2 yg terakhir ini rasany jd agak kaco.. gw kirain bakalan asem-manis.. eee tau2 kok kyk ada rasa karinya gini????? xp)
yah.. edible sih
cuma agak aneh :'( hiks..

skrg mnunggu suami pulang :p

- 1/2 jam kmudian -

omiGod.. sepi banget.. mbak2 pd kerja, satu udh tidur
even virtual ppl r none
mo bales2 email yo males :D
tidur aja lah..
Vin if u read this after work, gimme a misscall yak :D

sparks- coldplay

Did I drive you away?
I know what you’ll say,
You say, “Oh, sing one we know,”
But I promise you this,
I’ll always look out for you,
That’s what I’ll do.

I say “oh,”

My heart is yours,
It’s you that I hold on to,
That’s what I do,
And I know I was wrong,
But I won’t let you down,

(Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah I will, yes I will…)

I say “oh,”

I cry “oh.”

Yeah I saw sparks,
Yeah I saw sparks,
And I saw sparks,
Yeah I saw sparks,
Sing it out.

La, la, la, la, oh…

hehe i used to cry when i hear this song :)
lg nyetel 'my station' d launchcast n this song came out

1st year in holland, i had this huge crush on somebdy, hehe.. n we both love coldplay, n this song was a reminder of him, coz at that time it seemed sooo impossible for me to get anywhere near him n i used to play it over n over again just to savour the deep-melancholic sphere of the song. dan jadiny dulu wktu anak itu ngajak nonton konser coldplay, i almost object (next to surprised) coz gw bakal denger lagu ini diplay live n i'd b watching it with my hugest crush n i was afraid i wouldnt b able to control myself, heauheuhuah.. but anyway we did watch coldplay n i dont regret it at all! :)

n now, this song still reminds me of that crush i had 3 years ago, but the main theme of the song still applies to me n my situation whenever i feel guilty or did something wrong to my current bf or just feeling melancholic :)

its really a sweet song.. hail to coldplay n chris m.


Date: Friday, 15 September, 2006 3:39 PM
Subject: Hai Ganteng..
Message: Aku salah satu penggemarmu...
Hati"ya di indonesia...
Jaga Ortu...en kakak...
Ini aku salah satu kakakmu..
Kuliah yang bener ya....jangan lupa jg berdoa
Sampai jumpa nanti di indonesia..

that message was somehow mysteriously on my 'sent message' folder in friendster
I didnt send it
n what's with the onta name? i didnt even know who that guy is..!
hulp! i got spammers in my own account
(moso bapak yg ngirim pke account saya? xp hahaha.. )

other freaky accident also befalls my dearest bespren elbin n eh.. an Oxford graduate

n this I took it from the nyt
"I am deeply sorry for the reactions in some countries to a few passages of my address which were considered offensive. These were in fact quotations from a medieval text, which do not in any way express my personal thought."

POPE BENEDICT XVI , referring to a speech he made last week that stirred anger across the Muslim world

bangun tidur, ku terus online..

nggak sih, tadi bangun terus ngecek sms, nunggu sms dr nyokap

trus ke dapur bikin kopi, sarapan beschuit pke sele coklat dan sele stroberi

trus baru ol :D

n stuffs that interest me this morning (udh ga pagi lagi sih):
- game monopoly yg paling baru, gamepiecenya includes french fries McD, starbucks coffee, motorola razr v3, dan toyota prius, heuheuhe.. trus yg landmarknya juga bangunan2 yg ad skrg gtu. n u got $2 million for a round, huhu..
- Kertas dr eek domba.. and here's a link if u ever want to make it urself, hehe
- giving a taste of revenge to stingrays a game contributed to steve irwin's death (RIP, mate)
- a friend's q on a case-study of idealism in international relations (omG -.-")
- lagu tumhi dekho naa :D (playlist isinya cuma dekho naa n tumhi dekho naa.. hauhauhuahuha) yg enak dr lagu ini? ada pianonya di depan :p tp lagunya kelamaan sih..
dan di bawah i present to you.. tumhi dekho naa dr pelm kabhi alvida na kehna :D yg nyanyi sharukh khan lohh *LOL XD

n form the NYT: MEN'S fashion fall 2006 xpm, the pope's apologizing on his previous speech on moslems, the rise of chinese's 'Google',

abc's new soap yg niruin betty la fea: the ugly betty (omiGod -.-")

leonardo di caprio meets the chunky matt damon and jack nicholson under martin scoresese's banner

news flash

Dear Ulma,

I would like to invite you be become the new Project Assistant of The Music Mayday Foundation. ;-) Sounds great doesn’t it?

hehe Alhamdulillah.. akhirnya saya employed juga :p
tp ini cuma buat internship.. n i hope ga ada masalah buat ijin2nannya..

so far, terimakasi banyak buat ayang :p, mba elvin, mas telo, kak dhaniel, mas andre, untuk dukungan dan doanya :D hehehe..

and then the evil whispers, "wah klo gw bisa dapet yg sgini, knp gw ga berani nyoba yg lebih tinggi lagi ya?"
huhu.. human nvr got satisfied

to sleep or not to sleep

Things that (might) prevent me from sleeping right now:
1. Cappucino XL, Bagels and Beans
2. Film baru Zach Braff
3. This supposedly cool movie starring josh hartnett and scarlett johansson
4. Hasrat ingin mencari kerja, hasrat ingin mencari kerja untuk pacar, hasrat mencari kamar untuk pacar. heheh
5. a good conversation with a good friend :)
6. Expectation of a nice evening
7. the fact that the daylight is too bright and its just tooo warm inside the house
8. after almost a month of negligence to my INHOLLAND email account, i began to feel the need to clean up my inbox so that the annoying email from 'systembeheerder - De inhoud van uw postvaak heeft de maximumlimiet overschreden' would not show up again
9. myb in fact i am kinda anxious waiting for 'an email' which would determine my life path for at least the coming 5 months
10. usually a list would reach the number 10
ah yes,
the assumption (hanya asumsi saja!) that i have to take a shower, which makes me wonder should i do it after or before i go to sleep, but since i might wouldnt sleep until the sun set, maybe i just hv to take a shower now. but if i take a shower now, i would feel refreshed and that would prevent me even further from taking a rest. for i really need it, i suppose, i havent slept a wink since yesterday. (and hvent taken a shower since.. er.. 2 days ago *blush*)
so myb its not merely an assumption but, a suggestion :D

to shower or not to shower.. that is the question

bulan purnama

i love it when the moon is full.
bunder keperakan di langit biru kelam.
trus kmanapun sy jalan, that silvery dish would always be there
keeping watch on me
like everything in this life, the full moon nvr stay like that for a long time.
like everything in this life it has a phase

and as the moon changes, people around me change as well
mereka berevolusi,ber-revolusi,ada bilang kl mereka bermetamorfosa
ada yg bikin resolusi baru
its not like that i want to stay this way forever and ever
i know i have to change
i know at some point i got to change
dan biasanya aku ga pduli klo org2 lain berubah
tp klo org2 deket gw yg berubah
im beginning to feel uncomfortable

its another thing that i hv to deal with

so i ask myself why so afraid to change?
why being reluctant?
is it because i already feel satisfied of what i am now?
is it because i used to believe that im better than the others n when the bitter truth said that im not, i lost all my willingness to get up and icorrect myself?
am i being arrogant for believing that this world is a big zero?
do i need to be a full-human before being unhuman?
i care a lot to other stuff but not doing the equal to myself
im so out of my self that i care less on how to control it

3 weeks to go before the next full moon

something's bothering me

mungkin baru kali ini gw bener2 ngerti ekspresi "i got the whole world on my shoulder".
klopun mo bikin list, smpe ga tau mesti mulai dr mana

-making a correct set of priorities. gw janji ma diri gw sendiri buat ngejadiin seseorang prioritas gw. dan gw udh lumayan ngotot ngejalaninnya :p which made me kinda proud, hehe. but then skrg sikonnya lagi ga mendukung. dan gw dihadapin sama sebuah kemungkinan dimana gw ga bisa bareng ni orang lagi. yang kl gw paksain, rasanya ga bagus buat orangnya (dan mungkin juga saya)... kecuali sikon berubah 180 drajat
-pertanyaan klasik: klo temen loe, mesti milih, ngikutin perasaan, ato ngikutin rasio, loe bakal nyuruh dia ngikutin yg mana? sementara keadaan wktu itu bilang: ni orang klo ngikutin perasaan, bakal bikin yg lain2 kacau. kl gw sih pasti (rasanya) bakal nyuruh dia ga ngikutin perasaan. soalnya kayak lagu dekho na: jugnuu.n jaisii chaahat dekho jale bujhe -
Watch love, like fireflies, flare and fade away..(hidup dekho na!)
tp lagi, kadang susah klo perasaan dah ngegunung, rasio ga bakal kedengeran.
sempat gw kayak gtu juga :p
dan org2 nyuruh gw ngikutin hati, walo ada bbrp yg hesitant. still gw ngikutin hati, dan smp skrg blm ketauan outcomenya gmn :p
dan kejadian lg ma org yg gw tau, dan gw kaget aja temennya nyuruh dia ngikutin perasaan, omG.. no its not my business
-i still dont know what i want to do. dan nothing seems to really work out, yg jelas priority list gw kaco iya, my dear i know yours screwed up as well.. and i hope i can help you get through it :( i really do..
n i hv to change my plan. pokoknya bulan2 ini bakal penuh uncertainties. tp juga bakal jd one of the defining moments of my life (hehe.. cieh bahasanya)
-gw capek kerja d resto yg semena2 tidak menggaji pegawainya dengan adil dan hobinya nilep duit tip :p
tp gitu gw masi bisa ngerasa kasian/rada sungkan kl mo pindah
jd gw pgn cari tmpat kerja laen
tp gmn dong kalo gw trnyata mesti cabut sooner dr sini? :p
trus kan gw juga mestinya cari2 kerja beneran gtu bukan kerja2 kuli ga jelas
-gw capek mesti mikirin anak yg bukan anak gw :p ya kl diberi upah seimbang sih gpp. ato at least the parent show more responsibility n more attention to the education and well-bringing of their children dan mereka bener2 kepepet smpe akhirny nyewa gw buat jaga anak mereka
-i'm not a good friend. its all about wrong set of priorities :(
-im not a good daughter. idem
-im not a good sister. idem
*sigh apa lagi ya
-im not a good housemate. idem
-im not a good moslem. idem

and then i cant make things like what i want
cause i dont know what exactly those things i want
and when the sky changes
its color shades of grey
i want someone to hold my hand
and things would be just fine