im just a human.. therefore allow me to be weird :p

Nia.. I read ur post
n now i feel obliged to link up with the chain :P

tp sbenerny i always think that im a weird folk, so.. evrything i do basically (i think) r weird. ppl who know me will say that im one of those persons who live in my own world.. inside my head.. :p
n stelah dipikir2 bbrp emg lbih pas dibilang 'deficiencies' :p

so i tried to compile a list of 'em
my weirdnesses are..
dereng deng deng
  • males mandi huahauhauhauh.. dunno why, tapi aku tu bisa mikir kl mandi tu not very2 necessary :p tp emg sih, stelah bbrp hari ga mandi biasanya sekalinya mandi tu yg nyaris satu jam :D
    u know, lama2 d bawah shower, imagining kl gw lg standing in the rain.. smbil nangis2 menyesali hidup.. heheh
  • suka ngomong sendiri i know some ppl also do this.. but.. tetep aja aneh :p
  • im a destroyer klo midas ngubah apapun yg dia sentuh jd emas.. sy do destructive things :p hehehe.. i mean, kl lg megang apapun gitu, kertas terutama, pasti tak remes2 (unconsciously) ato ga disobek2 gtu.. jadi kl misalny pas megang karcis or tiket, i always put em away, ga dibiarin lama2 di tangan.
    destroyer ini juga berlaku buat other stuffs.. coz me is a clumsy girl.. ni juga termasuk self-destructing thoughts
  • have an oversensitive legs yak. my weak-spot: my leg :D dulu kl berantem ma adek gw gtu. dia nyergap kaki gw, trus saya pun meronta2 kegelian.. (ni weirdness yg agak kinky actually :p)
  • suka manyun tanpa sadar yg ini sih jd bahan ledekan banget -.-"
  • uban yep.. my infamous streak of grey hair :D which im so proud of, heheh
  • like mice n rodents i think they're cute, n fast, n speedy, quick-witted. dulu wktu kecil sbenerny punya list of pets that i would really like to have: a snake, a mice (yg bakal gw kasih nama li'l missy), 4 turtles (yg bakal dikasih nama: michaelangelo, raphael, lenoard, donatello.. hehe.. yep.. TMNT:D), a pony, n a tiger (terinspirasi oleh Rajah-nya Jasmine d Aladdin :p)
  • i believed in aliens ini wktu kecil sih.. punya 3 imaginary alien friends that crash-landed on earth and lived underneath my house in Borneo :p n i communicated with them using a bell -.-" n they gave me a 'magic seed' (yg sbenerny cuma kacang ijo), n that a rose would grew if i plant those seeds (yeah.. bunga toge), dan gw bilang ma sahabat gw wktu itu, si nena, kl tu biji msti dikasih aer tiap kali org yg nanem minum, dan dikasih pupuk tiap kali dia makan (ga ngerti kan?)
  • think radiohead is awesome well kbanyakan yg ga suka radiohead declares kl mereka aneh.. so, im just following the trend :p but i DO love them, theyre just genius.. tp pokokny yg blg r-head aneh n that ppl who like their music as weird.. well.. theyre the ones who r weird.. :p :p :p
  • mmpunyai cara saving yg aneh umm i prefer to go out only carrying my coin-purse than my real wallet. coz d sana kan yg ada duit2 kecil koin doang, jdiny sy tdk terlalu tempted buat jajan2.. tp kl misalny koinny udh terlalu banyak, i split them in half. how? jadi koin 2 euroan aku itungin ada brapa, dibagi 2, koin 1 euro, koin 50 sen, semuanya digituin.. down to the last cents :p dan kl ganjil, jml yg paling banyak yang ditaro di celengan (yes ppl, sy punya celengan :D bntuknya tikus, heheh.. b'day prsent dr neysa)
  • suka ngebayangin diri sendiri jadi PRT huahahah.. yg ini saya agak malu mengakuinya :"> tidak teman2, bukan gara2 sy kbanyakan kerja, tp emg dr duluuuuu gw udh suka ngebayangin yg kyk gini :p
  • think that u dont hv to be in love in order to have a long-lasting relationship :p yg penting adalah komitmen, niat dan rasa tanggung jawab, sodara2 :p hehehe *lari sbelum ditimpuk*
  • polygami is not a bad thing.. :p imagine, u can split those obligatons of taking care of a husband with someone else.. so that u can use other part of ur brain n power to do more useful stuffs (joining the red-cross, be a super-busy career woman, for example) without feeling guilty
  • love to hv suicidal-thoughts whenever my moods r low ya.. i dont hv to explain this one.. especially klo lagi PMS.. huhuh.. n actually i like to think 'what if i just die now?' dimanapun, kapanpun, ngebayangin ways that i could die (intended or unintended) n what hppnd if i die :p
  • pyromaniacmohon cek dictionary terdekat :p sy suka lihat api.. suka main2 korek, jadi pengen bakar2 stuffs kl liat api, tp demi keselamatan org2 skitar hobi ini tidak pernah saya kembangkan
  • keanehan terakhir (promise): if i hv a list of books to read, guess in what order i would read em..? i would read em by the order of the year the books r publishd. dan kl misalny ada yg sama, yang ISSN numberny paling dikit-lah yg bakal gw baca duluan.. why? dunno.. :P

    and.. those all the little weird things that i use to do.. :) kok rada banyak yah ^^" ulma mohon diri, dan bagi anda2 yg mmbaca postingan ini.. u are OBLIGED to post ur weirdness as well in ur blog (preferably)
  • 5 komentar:

    Oma Nia mengatakan...

    HAHAHAHAH,.. aneh lu ulma! hahahah,... saya sampek mikir, kamu yang aneh, apa saya yang sekarang sudah agak normal?

    Gak papa,.. tapi saya tetep sayang ulma,... *berpelukan*

    Anonim mengatakan...


    ive read ur post...

    does that mean, the curse....


    Anonim mengatakan...

    oooh iya, i too love to talks to myself.

    tpi dulu..

    now i have uc. and u. and nie. and andys. and amam. and kemal. and my mom. and blogs. :p

    i think talking to ourselves that makes us living in our own world, iya ga seh? We didn't let anybody get into the world, atau bahasa laen, we just dun wanna share our feelings, problems, etc etc.

    dan seperti westlife bilang..

    OWW...we got a lil world of our own..
    ill swear u thing that no one else knoww..

    what am i doink, without u??

    Anonim mengatakan...

    hah....bukannya di dunia ini org bisa dilihat dari segala sudut pandang..
    misalnya, karena ak gak benci hewan ato malah melihara salah satu dari mereka yang masuk ke dalam list kamu....
    jadi menurutku kamu gak "weird" di bagian itu....
    tapi cuma itu...
    yang lain2 tentang apa yang kamu rasa emg sedikit janggal...

    Unknown mengatakan...

    nia: haiks bu nia.. kau memang penuh kasih sayang *terharu* :') *bplukan* miss u!

    elv: benul benul.. well still i only hv u :p n some ppl that i instantly turn into express-consultants. my housemates. bapak <3 (i should learn to trust him more)

    reza: iya, memang semua org bisa diliat dr sgl sudut pandang.. n post ini ttg the stuffs that even for myself i think is weird.. savy? :p
    (i wonder which ones yg kmu rasa sdikit janggal? hehe)