hup hup een twee drie..

lg liat tivi
mencet2in tombol remote
stopped at this channel
wah lg aerobik!
hehhe langsung ikutan
wait.. sumthin's wrong
heheh peserta aerobiknya dong
like the show-manager pick up the people from the street
hey you
come in
we got an aerobic show and u got to be in there
u know what?
trying hard to get in-tune with the aerobic instructor
moving arms and leg to right, and left
woman in her sari
woman with a purple dress
woman still in her make-up
i guess she just went to the morning market

its funny
well anyway we move our hands up n down
sideways, bending knees
n 15 minutes later its over :D
F*** u stupid b**** (referring to one of my housemate)
asli gw ga cocok ma dia
*calming down*

ya gitu de :)

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