hari ini saya putus..

'twas the beginning of a weekend
when i broke up with my boyfriend
no special reason, no complain
i cried in the phone, to a friend
told her that my love was slained
and that i feel no different
a dead mouse in the kitchen

ahum.. it's real.. i did find a mouse, a dead one, as i came back from the office this evening..
dan.. mengapa housemate ku tdk ad yg peduli??? well emg sih ni weekend.. no one's here besides me.. (and the dead mouse)..
jadi tadi akhirny ak yg masukin tu tikus mati k trash bag..
dont ask me where i got the courage from..
tp yg jelas ak ga tega n pengen nangis :'(
tikusny lucu soalny..
n it looked cute..
tp dia mati..
ya ampun..
badanny udh keras.. :(
poor mouse..

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

ul, kmu mash di holendrecht ga sih?
klo iya, emang ada tikus mati gitu????
huaaa masuk dari mana?

btw, duh ul, uda brp lama kita tak bersua ya,...daku ga tau kpn kmu jadian tapi tiba2 putus...
but i know u will be just fine and do even better when you are alone...

take care dear

Unknown mengatakan...

hahaha... engga hunny, ak kan lagi d utrecht skrg.. so kitchen-ny kitchen yg d utrecht =)

yap yap.. thx 4 the encouragement ^^ i think i'm getting good at this getting over of heartaches and breakups

dian juga take care yaaa.. btw ak ga tau kmu sakit tipes =/