monster cuddle

weird scene? it is.. apparently this Mrs. Harada has an unnatural obsession for cuddly monsters and stuffed-weird creatures. Browsed through her biography and also found that she loved, also, rainbows.. (how sweet) and cooking.

What kind of food do you think, brewing in her kitchen? hahaha.. after a short browse.. i found only one recipe, that is, a toast with melted chocolate bars (..........)

anyway.. more on Jenny, her journal-slash-blog is interesting though.. it is called Pomly, i dont have the slightest idea why. The image on top was taken from there (without permission, of course ;p .. hmm i should watch myself for police officers breaking in to my office or my room)

I checked her paintings, because that's what artists do right? paint.. And.. umm.. it looks like those that my sisters could have made. Talk about painting, my friend Wulan was invited to have a lunch with Madeleine Albright.. Why? because she made this beautiful sketch of her campus for a flyer on Ms. Albright's visit to that place. The Vice President of her school was way impressed and had asked Wulan to come for a lunch with the ex-US States Secretary. Now.. that's fancy..

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