bad day alert :(

tadi pagi tangan gw ketumpahan air panas.. damn.. aer asli baru mendidih gitu.. trus kulitnya jadi merah yg kndor2 nyaris lepas nan menjijikkan, huhuhu..

blum selese tapi tu..

abis masak nasi (masak = abussive usage of the microwave; nasi = lassie nottenrijst dgn kacang2an sprti zonnebloem pitten,papaja stukjes, etc., red.), kan nasiny msti ditutup slm 15 mnit. Trus kok tiba2 pengen ngebalik mangkok, jdiny biar bntukny kayak d rsto2 itu, dan yeah ga sukses.. beberapa gram nasi terlontar ke lantai dan terpaksa harus masuk ke mulut pak tong sampah instead of mine :(

pas mo bikin kopi, abis nuangin air d filter-ny. hehe ternyata salah perhitungan, aerny kbanyakan, akhirny malah meluap dan.. tumpah (again..) benar2 not a very good way to start my day :((

ni lagi d kantor, berkutat dgn microsoft access dgn bahasa belanda.. trus ga tau de tadi mencet apaan akhirny satu form ilang :'( hufh.. smoga ga ad anymore bad incidents (amin)..

theme of the day: Feel Good Inc-ny Gorillaz.. i played the video, the one on launch cast, over and over again.. lagi suka banget soalnya :)

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"Windmill, Windmill for the land.
Learn forever hand in hand
Take it all in on your stride
It is sticking, falling down
Love forever love is free
Let?s turn forever you and me
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in?"
dam-da-di-da-dem-da-dem*trying to imitate bass sound*.. feel good...*suka banget wktu 2D nyanyiin ini.. suarany kayak burung cuckoo di jam2 itu, heheh =p

Kutipan dari sebuah website:
the video opens at the end of another big night at the Feel Good Inc. tower in an anonymous grey city. The tower is awash with casualties from the party, all sleeping off the effects of the night before. 2D is the last one standing. As he gazes out of the window he sees Noodle pass by on a floating island, topped by a huge windmill. Her world is one of green grass, dappled sunshine and butterflies - in stark contrast to the grimy and debauched world of the tower.

Here's what Noodle had to say: "The windmill is a representation of a note of optimism, a memory of a simpler time. A snapshot picture of an older world, a note of simplicity and a little remembrance of a more innocent moment, pre-struggle."

ssaaahh.. dalem gitu artinya.. padahal klo dibaca2 sluruh lirik lagu-ny gw cma bisa bengong.. kmsudny apa coba..

ah well gorillaz tetep da best-lah untuk kelas band kartun (huhuh soalny emg ga ada yg laen lagi).. hidup damon albarn & dangermouse!!

for a break, mybe you can check out 2D's shoe on ebay.. terakhir gw cek hargany udh smpe 72 Pounds :S *pwah.. for a worned-out golf shoes???* is that really his shoes?

okay.. now i really got to get back to work =p

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