bad day alert :( (part 2)

and when i thought an email from him would make my day brighter.. it doesn't!!!

he just said that he's in a hurry so he'll just message me later when he arrived at home!!


and these white-chocolate eggs aren't helping either! nor the 3 cups of double-creamed cappucino I've drank, or the cup of hot chocolate, the glass of cold water, neither the cup of tea!!

the dutch-interfaced microsoft access also made things worse! aaarrrgggghhh!!!

and whhhhyyyyy does everybody keep on asking, "what are you going to do this weekend?", can't they just accept the fact that not everybody is eager to have something to do on their weekends??

and on my case.. i dont have anything to do! weekends sucks! i hate my life! *narik2 rambut*
yah klo ada duit sih.. bisa ngapain aja.. tapi berhubung tidak ada duit, i'll have to entertain myself..

*if you dont enjoy yourself as a company, then nobody else will.. *

*i think i'm having a PMS here =(*

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