selamat hari kartini..

iya sih, udh seminggu yang lalu Hari Kartini. Tapi tgl 21 kemaren, walopun tau itu hari Kartini, tetep aja felt like any other days.

lucky beberapa hari yg lalu Prima ngajakin dateng ke "acara Kartinian". buat bntu2 gtu. well i thought.. okay.. gpp deh bantu2. sama sekali ga aware sama isi acaranya apaan.

ya.. ga nyangka aja ternyata acaranya mutu :D

ada pembicaranya: Mbak Ratna Saptari, yg kerja di Univ. Leiden Dept. Antropologi n social sciences. ada filmnya, about TKW made by Lexy, yg juga bikin dua film laen yg diputar di acara2 sebelumnya (dan digembar gemborkan wiby). tp gw ga sempet nonton coz diputerna agak malem (jam 8), di diemen pula. duh,. wku itu mikirnya. pulang kerja, capek.. mesti k diemen pula. trus psti selesainya dia atas jam 11. tidaks ah tidaks. seingetku juga iya, krn itu weekdays, artinya sngt tidak wisek lo saya malah keluar smpe malem krn besok paginya haurs kerja.

so.. ada acara tanya-jawab yg interesting.

me, prima, laura n rina satu2nya student indo d sana. yg laen om2 tante2 nenek2 dan kakek2. yg padahal, acara kyk gtu malah jg penting buat diikutin ma anak2 student. tp yah, myb mrk udh heboh ma yg g30s, jadinya pas yg kartini.. rada melempem.

gw dateng telat 30 minutes :p
lagi ada sambutan, trus udh gitu pembacaan 'sejarah' si Ibu Kartini n also some distinguished women movements after that.

trus abis itu, the movie, this lexy guy bener2 kayaknya mentingin 'keaslian dan apa adanya'. soalnya beberapa scene di filmnya, terlihat tidak mutu :p (seperti kata isrina "tacky"..) adegan2 yg biasa di film2 hollywood di-cut, ma si lexy dibiarin. kyk pas mic jatuh, trus pas ngewawancaraain org pemerintah dr Hong Kong, telponnya org ini bunyi, dah gtu dia terpaksa berhenti bentar dan ngejawab, trus bis itu dia ngomong "so i have to do it again right?"... tp ga diliatin klo mrk ngulang lagi soalnya abis itu di-cut, ganti scene xD

yah tp that reminds me of those indonesian art community yg suka menampilkan realita dgn apa adanya. (termasuk tiba2 menshoot burung yg lg terbang)

anyways.. inti filmnya, emng shocking sih. we heard about it: TKW yg diperlakukan seenaknya, ga dapet perlindungan hukum (negara kita masih failed dlm memperhatikan hak2 bbrp kelompok), dicurangin agen, di sana ditekan ("ga boleh lapor, ga boleh macem2, klo engga, kmu bisa dideportasi dan ga bisa balik lagi!")

wktu nonton itu, pait banget rasanya, tau berbagai ktidak adilan tu emg bener2 kejadian under our nose. (juga berlaku buat para PRT yg diperlakukan bener2 kayak babu sama employer alias "majikan"nya). gw buknnya being a hypocrite, d jakarta ibu juga mempekerjakan seseorang buat bantu2, dan InsyaAllah she's being treated nicely and her rights are most respected.

abis nonton film, mbak Ratna went on with her 'public address'. well yg lucunya, di acara itu kan si mbak Ratna titlenya 'spreker' or pembicara.. tp sama panitia dibilang 'penceramah'.. wehehhe.. it sounded.. well inappropriate. n i think mba ratna was partly embarassed being called 'penceramah', so before she started, she stated that its not going to be a one-way session, she expects that members of the audience will also have to state his/her opinions/remrks/questions, etc. apalagi mengingat isi audience yg udah banyak makan garam kehidupan. "perjuangan" at their time.

she started with some quick history on various women movements in Indonesia. mbak Ratna juga salah satu pendiri LSM buat women's rights "Klayamitra" or something, means "mitra/sahabat baik". She offered an intersting view about 'woman and mother'. yang klo di Indo, klo ibu2 protes or turun ke jalan, masih suka dibilang "halah.. ibu2 ini, bisa apa sih?". though its not always the case. dia brought up wktu taun 91, ada seorang tokoh Papua yg lalu dipanggil 'Mama Yosefa'. yeap, she protested against Freeport, yg memperlakukan putera daerah dgn tidak adil dan semena2. dan emg abis itu freeport ngasi kucuran dana gede2an buat whatever persatuan under 'any suku' banners.

Women digerakkan oleh 'insting keibuan'. ketika mereka merasa keluarganya terancam, mrk bisa turut melancarkan aksi militan

--> later, this view is contradicted by this guy from erm.. well he works on green energy n biofuels. yang dia bilang, klo sebenernya yg cewe2 or kaum feminis mau itu cuma satu: KEBEBASAN dan KEEP AWAY FROM MY BODY. yg i think juga bener tp ... yah entar dulu mas. soalnya i think yg insting paling primordial ya itu, protecting her family. di komunitas yg lebih maju, yg keluarga dan ekonomi sudah baik2 saja, kaum feminis langsng melihat ke yg lain2, dan dr sini baru: "she wants her freedom."

Mbak Ratna also mentioned about decentralization, that means since now everything is up to each province, then there would be different laws and policies applied. ini sebenernya bikin pergerakan yg terpadu yg nasional, agak susah, coz then you have to deal with each special circumstances, specifically. well myb klo diliat sekarang masih susah, but myb in the future wktu negara kita udh kebiasa dgn desentralisasi.. tiap2 regional movements bisa dgn mandiri ngatur pergerakannya, dan semua bergerak menuju satu visi.

On the discussion session, banyak ibu2 yg udh tua2 itu, bersemangat sekali nanya2 "gimana nasib wanita skarang?". yah it's just weird that wanita yg sekarang dan calon di masa depan, cuma ada 4. dan pertanyaan itu dijawab oleh mbak Ratna yg lebih berdasarkan pengalamannya on the 80's. wee pokoknya the presentation n discussion bisa kemana2, dan keliatan om2 dan tante2 itu sangatlah antusias dlm bertanya. ada jg yg nanya, 'gmn dgn migrant indonesia yg d belanda?'. well ternyata mbak ratna dulu punya 'Indonesia House', yg nampung org2 ini. whoaa wait, i thought, so she's FOR those illegals? jujur aja gw sebelumnya berpendapat, klo yg illegal d sini tu bener2 nekad. dan yah.. klo nekad, resikonya harusnya diterima sendiri. tp yah, mungkin gw ga bole ngeliat kyk gitu. myb its about their equal right to have a better economic condition, by all means.. termasuk jadi illegal? -.- mungkin ga ya, indonesia ngelobi belanda, buat merelakan org2 ilegal itu jadi legal saja? (ada juga ga ya org indo illegal yg ga mau jadi legal krn males ngurusin admin dan pajaknya?) - ah anyway, soal legalities n policies r out of my league (hmm harus tanya mr. boyfriend). myb the Indonesia House itu diadain bener2 atas dasar rasa solider sbg sesama warga Indonesia (yg somehow, knp i found it basi yah? ato gw sebenernya ga boleh mikir kyk gtu? hm...)

yah, the discussion thingy almost overheated my brain :p kyknya sel2 karatan di otak mulai bergerak 'fizzzle..wizzl...' Mungkin gw juga terlalu jau mikirnya, mikir negara Indonesia yg masi perlu banyak perbaikan. kyk diri gw sendiri juga. but i was glad that i got this reminder from the past, the speech dr mbak Ratna dan the whole history stuffs. trus pas terakhir2 tu ada pembacaan fragmen surat2 Kartini, n this was this part yg berupa pengungkapan ketulusan beliau on her fights for women's rights. panjang sih ;p yg dia bilang, klo perjuangannya ga berhasil skrg, smoga setidaknya bisa didengar oleh org2 lain dn bisa terjadi perubahan. klo engga, saya yakin klo air mata dr tetesan tangis kami bisa menumbuhkan benih2 perjuangan yg berbunga indah. ya.. pokoknya mirip2 itu deh :D ditambah
trus terakhirnya nyanyi lagu ibu kita kartini. yg surprisingly ya, i can say 95% of the audience could still able to sing along to. untungnya liriknya udh diproyeksiin di OHP.. jadinya bisa nyontek2 dikit :p

well again, sayang aja sih ga banyak anak2 muda (wanita2 muda) yg dateng tadi. dan smoga usaha para panitia penyelenggara (duh tantee... niat amat sih tannn bikin ginian :D) tidak sia2.. again, i think krn yg bikin juga udh pd berumur jd for the 4 of us some processions felt like it was such a waste of time n not efficient.... tapi at least org2 yg keluar dr auditorium de Schakel, Diemen keluar dgn semangat nasionalisme yg terpolished (amin, amin).

dibilang freak ma adek -.-

so there's this project from a bunch of Portuguese students yg pengen ngetrack users in the net. dengan menggunakan 'google map' so far udh nyampe 4000-an org register dlm 6 hari (wow)

--> this is me :D

yak monggo2 yg mo nampang dan ikutan klik d sini (map indonesia masih kosong tuh..)

regarding to the title of this post.. jadi adik saya wasi, barusan ngisi that 'true friends test' online yg sangat iseng dan tidak penting :p

yg bikin ngakak wktu liat komennya dia

lol xD

yak2 memang kuisnya rese' dan so far semua terjebak di pertanyaan #6 :p
skor paling tinggi dipegang oleh elvin! with 4 (out of 6) questions answered correctly!

and i would like to apologise to my dearest person in the world for my crankiness, for being upset and angry with no good excuse.. i hope i can blame it all to my stupid unstable hormonal activity, but i know that i should've taken control of myself better.
and i felt pretty much ashamed of myself because despite of my crankiness you can still make me feel special *sob*
love you..

and today i have many blue lele's dancing on the screen ^^



FW: DailyCandy - Shop Talk






April 17, 2007

Shop Talk

shop talk!

It’s time to talk shop.

Achilles heel
n. Your weakness for pretending to fit into the last pair of size-six boots when you’re really an eight.

ample sale
n. A sale that consists of pieces in only ginormous or miniscule sizes.

n. The agony caused by having to strip in communal dressing rooms at sample sales.

n. A girl who has squeezed herself into a dress that is way too small for her.

dressing tomb
n. The physics-defying, one-square-foot room in which you’re expected to remove your pants.

n. The involuntary impulse to lie when the salesgirl asks what size you are.

n. Dreaded dressing room mirrors that show every last flaw on your body.

n. A disorder marked by making unnecessary online purchases in the wee hours due to insomnia.

reflection period
n. The time spent contemplating whether you’re being tricked by skinny mirrors and soft filter lighting.

n. A last-minute purchase that you wear out of the store.

n. A naggy salesperson who pulls the curtain back while you’re changing.



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DailyCandy is strictly editorial. There is no pay for play.
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Artwork created by Sujean


dr blognya nia: Fenomena Aceh 07

i was readin one of nia's blog. and stumbled on one of her post on the situation in Aceh. FYI Nia had been working in a British NGO in Meulaboh, Aceh, yg juga merupakan proyek gabungan dgn UNDP.

Back to the post, it's pretty much surprising. n im still fumbling for words to describe my astonishment.. why? is this wrong? what should we do? yg paling gede: "HOW COME?"

Aceh indeed far away, sebuah kelompok budaya tersendiri yg ulma ga pernah bisa bayangin, blm bisa nangkep, coz blm pernah ke sana. tp yg diceritain nia, sooo far dari liputan media. again: wow.

some quotes:

Kolega Nie seakan bisa membaca pikiran Nie, “Jangan salah, Nie, mereka boleh tinggal di barak, namun kereta, mereka wajib punya. Lihat rumah di pojok itu. Ya, bapak itu punya anak tiga, dan masing-masing anaknya punya satu kereta, ditambah kereta miliknya. Jadi keluarga itu punya empat kereta!”

“Darimana mereka mendapat uang untuk beli semua itu?” Aku seperti orang linglung. Kolegaku tersenyum sinis, “ya bantuan NGO lah! Uang yang mereka dapat, ya mereka buat beli kereta, atau emas, atau handphone. Atau bantuan dari NGO seperti mesin jahit, perahu, atau becak mesin, mereka jual, dan ya uangnya buat memenuhi kebutuhan gengsi mereka.”

NyapNyip Bareng Elvin-Neysa

NyapNyip Bareng Elvin-Neysa: "Alkisah ada sebuah kerajaan yang bernama Negeri Burung Hantu. Hah? Apa? Negeri Burung Hantu? Nggak pernah denger tuh! (Psst, makanya kita mengundang anda untuk datang ke negeri ini, biar gak ndeso)."
that's the opening sentence of my two friends' new collective blog: NyapNyip :)

they started the post with a fantasy-piece. Digabungkan dengan humor yg renyah dan cerdas.. of a distant far-away land, guarded by an archgeneral, an archmage, and a fair duchess.

For those who are familiar with their writings (oh they have blogs here and there.. i always loose track! - live feeds! gimme more live feeds!!), you would still find it hard to separate which piece written by who.
I should say that both authors blend their different-style-of-writing perfectly. Of course, we shouldn't expect that with this collective project they would loose their originality. In fact, I believe that they are very capable in inspiring one another.

I'm looking forward in reading the next episode of this fairytale-meets-real-world-satires chronicle ^^

and its sooo hard to write an objective review on a work of a good friend ^^

Daily Bunny >:D8

Daily Bunny >:D8
seriously, i admit the bunnies here are soooooooo menggemaskan :D

i'll probably kill you in the morning

Pleeeeease, I beg you for my life..
For true love waits. You see I must survive,
Good nite, sleep well..

I'll probably kill you in the morning.

But for tonite (pleeease) I beg you for my life,
For true love waits, You see I must survive,
Good nite, sleep well, I've got work today
I'll probably kill you in the morning,
But for tonite...

As you wish,
Hearts and candy glitter and gold, is what I'm dreamin' of.
As you wish,
Reeses' peanut buttercup, is what I'm waitin' for.
As you wish,
Certainly upon my return, my love won't be ignored.


To the vein,
First I'll cut your feet off and then, the hands and both your arms.
To the vein,
Next you'll lose your eyes, it goes, everything, it has to go...
To the vein,
Except your ears, you wanna hear people scream:
"Dear God what is that thing?"


(Aqueduct - As You Wish)

congrats for tktq+ ^^

Ternyata salah satu yg bikin tktq anak S2 Amsterdam: Arya Sakti (ID-Traktorku). bweh.. siapakah dia?
The other one is Kai Malik (ID-SeattleDirk), i know this guy from my cousin.
Ni dua orang top banget :D

me n my bf is now waiting at level 79.. level 80 bakal keluar minggu ke-3 April.
yang which is, masih agak lama. we finally got to level 79 tgl 31 maret kmaren *bangga*

pertama kali mulai main mid-februari, my bf got the link from Kaskus. dan abis itu both of us were instantly hooked :D (ternyata me n him both love solving riddles n puzzles)

surprisingly ternyata banyak juga anak2 Indonesia yg jago2 solving riddles, decyphering codes.. malah on the forum banyak juga yang akhirnya ngeluarin riddle2 sendiri. oh im so proud to be an Indonesian ^^

congrats again for Tktq+ yg sitenya masuk koran Tempo 3 April 2007

additional note: did a quick blog-hop to my bf's collective blog: kafe depok, apparently they also got their own special acknowledgement

adding to the congratulation list is this FHUI student who got a prestigious award at a recently held Court Competition in the US..