so finally israel announced gencatan senjata, setelah sebulan lebih bales2an roket,missiles, rudal, apapun namanya..
makan nyawa, makan properti..
d nytimes bilangnya ini political gamble, buat bush, buat pm-nya israel, buat UN juga.. soalny slama ini unifil ga terlalu ngebantu banyak.. UN sndiri ga gtu berperan besar kykny.. dan those "big" countries yg ngerasa kl mrk ga do anything dua negara ini (dan dunia) ga bisa apa2.. while hezbollah doesnt give a shit about them, hehe..
its like the world was struck dumbfounded by the war of these two countries
klo ditanya, gw ga mihak negara mana2
but i choose to be on the humanity side.
2 komentar:
n true.. :'(
n we still hv our own country to look after at,.. rite?
n then they treated the ceasefire as if its only a practical joke.. ck ck ck
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