with little knowledge on US' politics n state welfare... :p i bravely took the quiz n got this result :p
a quick googling on dennis kucinich reveals that ..... he's got a nice slogan xD "Strength through Peace" - which i dont think would sell much with the majority of american conservatives.
dan pose fotonya dong :p "peace" gitu.. reminds me of my own pics xD
seems like that he's a nice humble man :D (melihat pose fotonya, kqkqkqkq)
komentarnya chauft: "idih kamu ada republicannya"
ya... i know :">
chauft's a hardcore democrat xD
1. John Edwards (smpet jd calon VP bareng Kerry)
2. Joseph Biden, and
3. Barack Obama (u know him)
2 komentar:
guess what? *nyengir*
I am also a hardcore democrat
1. Bill Richardson
2. Chris Dodd
3. John Edwards.
and John Edwards is resigning from the run.
im not even sure if Richardson is still running :D
emg kali org2 model kt blm cocok jd presiden U.S.. eheheh
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