indonesia enam puluh tahun

so.. sixty years of the so-called independence..
gw bukan tipe2 org yg suka belajar sejarah :D
tapi.. through the ups and downs, dan despite ga semua orang bisa ngeliat this sixty years of independence as something positive, there would always be the hope of a better future for Indonesia..

I still dont know what I can do for my country, but I will do something.

Buat yang have the dream of making Indonesia a better place to be, let's rejoice! let's pull-out and think of plans and strategy!
Buat yang pesimis dan yakin negara kita ga bakal bisa diapa2in.. well, good luck in your green card application, atopun bentuk2 pindah warga negara yang lain :)

For now gw masih pusing dgn urusan2 sederhana dan sangat personal seperti: mencari calon suami, ngelarin urusan ma IND (application ID saya buat 04/05 ternyata ditolak sodara2 :p), ngelarin kerjaan kantor (14 days to go =s), belajar masak, belajar lebih peduli (dan menyesuaikan diri) sama keadaan sekitar, belajar lebih adaptif, belajar tidak terlalu negatif, enz., etc., dst.

>> tidak ikut acara tujuh-belasan d wassenaar atopun bntuk perayaan yg lain tp bukan berarti being completely ignorant atas nasib bangsa dan negara

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

well, life consist of both positive and negative, ups and downs at the same time to balance the living.

d US has been independence for over 200 years, but yet, it's not d most perfect country in d world. it still has it ups and downs.

in other word, indonesia is not doing so bad for 60 years. we may have a lot of downs, but at least, we don't have slavery, like d US in their early days.

Unknown mengatakan...

hooo.. ho oh deh *angguk2

mwah mwah..
cepet smbuh yang =p