The analysis indicates that the author of is of the type:
ESFP - The Performers
The entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure and beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft fabrics, bright colors and sweet smells. They live in the present moment and don't like to plan ahead - they are always in risk of exhausting themselves.
They enjoy work that makes them able to help other people in a concrete and visible way. They tend to avoid conflicts and rarely initiate confrontation - qualities that can make it hard for them in management positions.
Note: writing style on a blog may have little or nothing to do with a person's self-perceived personality.
nyahahahaw hahahawww...
found it from here
11 komentar:
Note: writing style on a blog may have little or nothing to do with a person's self-perceived personality.
A ha! Hehehehe :D *joget2*
And hey, I am interested in stuffs that you read... ppl who need their dose of "juicy stuffs" should go to :D (tp asik juga seh kdg2 baca detikhot :P)
you should've seen mine.
it says, i'm an introvert.
it's wrong of course, because supposedly, i'm in denial :p
@cemplon: yea.. remember when i said im an introvert, n i abuse this blog to be my opposite... seriously, when i did the myers-briggs test at craig whittaker's PDP class i was intp.
@elv: "the artist" *giggle* rite vin.. now i dont know which one is the true you, that loud extroverted elvin or the sensitive introverted artist (ahum.. aka vi) *giggles*
el - vi - n
i'm black with colorful dots
kak ulma, aku mau nyoba typealize buat blog ku tp masa cuma bisa buat blog yang make bhs inggris & swedish ckckc
ulm, thanks for reminding me about myers-briggs test. why can't I recall that one meeting when craig handed out the test? anyho, ak dah coba testnya online. And it helped me a lot. Thx
@elvin: so now ppl r not what like they seem :| we're growing up.. :|
@layina: uhuhuh.. sayang sekali..
@cemplon: no probs :) glad that it helped. u cudnt remember coz probably u were in an uncomfortable social situation xD (so u actd "aloof" :p )
ooh.. i retook the test n im still intp.. well the result was intj but the description was this confident-persona.. somebody who know wht they r doing.. i dont know wht im doing most of the time, so... :p hv u ever corruptd ur own personality test result? xD
hihihi perhaps, yeah. I kinda act aloof almost all the time :D :D
hmm, mungkin depends on our mood juga kali ya. Perhaps my result came out as INFJ since I had been drowning in such gloomy mood entah sejak kapan. err... -_-
I'll wait til my situation gets better and I'll retake the test. Mayb it'll come out different *garuk2*
i think most of the time you know what you're doing ulm :D
you just shocked by the consequences xD
@cemplon: i hope its not because of the marriage-thingy *giggles*.. yeah i know sumtimes its hard to do a personality test n not mix up "the person we want to be/we thought we are, n the person we really are".. retaking the test every once in a while is always a good idea :)
@elvin: riiteee.. and my usual respond is, "But I didnt do ANYTHING!" or "I didnt mean it THAT way!" O_o
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