
ya actually since hari jumat kemarin, im officially the renter of uilenstede 74-499.
But bcoz of this n that, baru pindahan.. emm possibly..entar sore
tp itupun blm total
paling yg esensial2 dulu. sperti: pakaian untuk a couple of days, slimut, sepre, bantal, dan toilettries.
kasur mnjem dr beni dulu (kamar unfurnishd). laptop terpaksa dtinggal dulu, but ad pc menanti d sana.
tinggal kabel LAN sih. umm i 4got whether the PC has a wireless card in it or not. klo ada ya bagus. i wont b lonely tonite xD
ah tapi d uilen banyak teman2 (dan kenalan2) juga sih. teman2 yg sy tak pernah temui kecuali klo kebetulan, or ada keperluan.
entar pindahan totalnya hopefully will b done sunday morning. dibantuin ma pak prim, the neighbour, yg udh sering bantuin anak2 hollendrecht pindahan :D

maunya sih td malem pulang, ngepak.
tp ternyata sy lbih tempted tuk nginep d elvin (lg)
"celebrating" amam's b'day
which was also an excuse to play w3.. heheh
we (tiki, aji, elv, me) tried to defeat a team of 3 computers: easy,normal,insane, after 2nd try (or was it the 3rd?) we gave up n decrease the difficulty: 3 easy computers in one team.

sayang UC the undead tak bisa maen.. klo ada dia myb we could defeat the easy-normal-insane.
terakhir kali elv maen jd undead. tp yah.. uc's the one who's the most familiar with those zombies/horror creatures.
aji human (terpaksa juga)
tiki night elf
dan sy orc sperti biasa. im still a noob jd klo pindah2 race entar trainingny tdk epektip. lagian sy comfy dgn orc. after 45 minutes dan gempuran dr tim lawan, elv gave up n quitted ( :( ). tp akhirnya kami be-3 berhasil mengalahkan para computer2 itu sih. sy tak terlalu berperan sprti biasa :p dikit2 lah .. (kali)
abis laptop yg sy pke juga entah knp nge-lag banget.. so many times i hv to stop doing anything n stare at the screen. paling sering nge-lag klo pas lg "banyak aksi", wktu lg ngegempur markas lawan, weeee... seketika dunia terasa lambat berputar.

sebelumnya maen campaign dulu sih. baru smpe act II. Rexxar, dan that witch troll ketemu sm jaina defeating nagas n trying to show her that a bunch of "humans" is trying to infiltrate the orc's territory, which was considered as a violation of the human-orc pact.

td pagi beli cappuccino d coffee company
tp ternyata i still prefer the office's ethiopian coffee :p yg ternyata lbih enak klo diminum tanpa susu
dan td pagi willem the carrot guy from NL office datang dan meminta kopi. dan dia mention klo kita emg slalu pke barang2 fair trade :p oho.. k k.. good good
as long as its not my money.. i hv no objection in consuming FT goods :D

verhuizing tonight
i prefer LAN party


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