Anti-corruption ramblings
So far I also like my fellow reporters here, most of them are sharp and share an idealism that they are on KPK's side on the fight against corruption.
The down-side, I miss making stories on people, on communities. It's really tiring, dealing with thick-skinned corrupt politicians and lawmakers who siphoned millions of Rupiah from the state budget and use it like it was theirs.
I also miss writing stories that are my own. Here reporters write the same stories, though in different angles. When I was covering for the city I work at my own pace covering stories on my own (or my editor's) decision.
But yeah, I guess it's never wrong to learn new stuffs. It's also a good experience for me to cover the KPK, our antigraft superbody and learn about the important yet heavy task they have.
It is worrisome that even more than a decade after reform, our politicians and civil servants does not seem to change.
KPK's current leadership is going to end in December, and the selection committee, even though they did a good job by selecting Busyro to head the KPK, there is a lot of reason to be wary of the process.
As with SBY, good thing doesnt come twice. He might be applauded during his first term but man, his second term sucked bad. And with the highly political cases KPK is now dealing, there will be those who are trying to weaken KPK from the inside.
The committee had to come up with at least 8 names for the new leader. KPK leaders consist of 1 chairman and 4 deputy chairmen, the rule is that in the end the House will choose from 2 names for each position. a case is on going at the Constitutional Court whether Busyro can stay for another 3 years or not..
I wonder who are going to try the candidacy, or if the selection committee would come up with names with superhuman integrity, and the smarts, to tackle with this country's rampant corruption.
[LBH Masyarakat] Summer Internship 2011
From: Ricky Gunawan
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2011 10:03 AM
To: Ricky Gunawan
Subject: [LBH Masyarakat] Summer Internship 2011
Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Masyarakat (LBH Masyarakat) kembali mempersembahkan Summer Internship 2011: Bergabung Melawan Diskriminasi, yang akan dilaksanakan mulai 4 Juli 2011 hingga 3 Agustus 2011, di Jakarta.
Summer Internship adalah kesempatan bagi mahasiswi/a dari berbagai jurusan untuk mendedikasikan dirinya bagi pengembangan masyarakat. Summer Internship memanfaatkan momentum libur kuliah agar mahasiswi/a dapat mengisi liburan dengan hal yang positif. Dalam Summer Internship, mahasiswi/a bisa menambah pengetahuan seputar hukum dan hak asasi manusia (HAM), mulai dari sejarah dan filosofi HAM, bantuan hukum dan akses terhadap keadilan, rule of law dan reformasi hukum, pemberdayaan hukum masyarakat, hak untuk hidup, HAM dan HIV/AIDS, dan banyak lagi. Summer Internship tahun 2011 adalah kali ketiganya diselenggarakan.
1. Mahasiswi/a segala jurusan.
2. Memiliki minat di bidang bantuan hukum dan HAM.
3. Mengumpulkan tulisan singkat dengan tema sebagai berikut:
* Apa pendapat kamu tentang penegakan hukum di Indonesia? atau
* Apa pendapat kamu tentang penegakan HAM di Indonesia?
Ketentuan tulisan: diketik dengan font Times New Roman 11, spasi 1, 600 – 800 kata.
Kirimkan CV, surat aplikasi dan tulisan ke atau ke LBH Masyarakat di Tebet Timur Dalam III B, No. 10, Jakarta Selatan 12820, paling lambat Jumat, 17 Juni 2011. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi LBH Masyarakat di nomor 021-830 54 50
Tentang LBH Masyarakat:
LBH Masyarakat menyediakan bantuan hukum secara pro-bono kepada masyarakat kurang mampu dan terpinggirkan, serta menyelenggarakan pemberdayaan hukum masyarakat di komunitas marjinal. Selain itu, LBH Masyarakat juga aktif memajukan reformasi hukum dan perlindungan hak asasi manusia di Indonesia melalui kampanye publik dan advokasi kebijakan.
Silahkan disebarluaskan.