menonton Dark Knight

jd kmrn akhirny nonton Dark Knight.. the movie that is currently still #1 at IMDb's top 250 (ngalahin film2 kawakan sperti shawsank redemption, the godfather.. xD)

hari jumat rencananya kita udh mo rserve tiket lewat internet, takut keabisan, tp trnyt ga bs reserve :p

jadi saturday morning (well.. 9 am) elvin nelp., bilang klo harbud otw k pathe arena mo beli tiket saat itu jg. at that time, tiket yg tersedia cuma tinggal 29 -.- omiGosh.. dan itu buat film yg tayang jam 7! yg jam sebelum2ny udh sold out -.- buset dah..

jam 6 ngumpul d pathe, .. bo orang2 udh banyak banget -.-

sekitar 6.15 pm di depan pintu masuk a line was already formed .. so we stood sekitar 35-40 menit.. (ngobrol2 sama Samit, colleaguenya elvin d tom tom..) sebelum orang2 boleh masuk (masuk as in ngasi liat tiket dan berjalan ke arah studio .. in dark knight's case, ran xD :p)

anak2 langsung lari ke atas (studio IMAX di atas), menaiki anak tangga2, balapan sama berpuluh2 org belanda (padahal ya ada eskalator) :p dan begitu nyampe di atas.. eng ing eng.. pintu studionya blm dibuka -.- WTF???!!! kita pun ngantri lagi xD

mendekati pukul 7 orang2 sudah mulai gelisah.. we sensed a riot was about to come xD ya amponnn dah kyk mo nonton apaan ajaaaa!!

annd finally jam 7 lewat 5 or 10 pintunya dibuka, people pushed, n pushed.. d depan pintu teaternya ternyata ada yg meriksa karcis lg xD but anak2 langsung nyerobot2 saja :p and.. luckily we got good seats :D

begitu keluar dr teaternya, i saw that a crowd already formed again di void-nya pathe xD loossaaaahhhh gw udh nonton weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :P :P :P

Dark Knight keren.. like all of 'em said.. :D i felt like i wanted to cry by the end of the movie T_T terharu..

my first debut as a watercolour painter xD

As seen on my 'to-whatever-list', i've been wanting to learn to paint since.. ya dunno since when but it's been in my wish list :p
howeva, y'day no.. 3 days ago i got this idea to start watercolour painting (or 'aquarelle' in le Français :D). coz.. kayaknya lebih gampang n cheaper than oil painting :p

so i bought myself a 'small kit'.. Van Gogh pocket box with 16 colour pans n small brush, a 16 brush, n a block of watercolour papers.

tdinya mo nyoba2 weekend ini. tp semalem pulang cepet dr resto :D et voila, mon premier début:

emg blm bs ngontrol kuas dan campuran warna.. and yah.. beda emg sama gambar pke bolpen/pensil -.- ga bs dihapus, lagi.. T__T (perhatikan lengan kincir angin yg tdk proporsional..)
yg jelas hasilnya jauuwwh sama sketsa awal.. waakakka..

inspirasinya dari sini:

hehe.. i didn't really listen to this original (1955) version of the song.. i listened to Mr. Rufus Wainwright's ;)

the little priest that's only good for Mrs. Lovett's meat pie

These are desperate times,
Mrs. Lovett, and desperate measures are called for!
Here we are, now! Hot out of the oven!
What is that?

It's priest. Have a little priest.
Is it really good?
Sir, it's too good, at least!
Then again, they don't commit sins of the flesh,
So it's pretty fresh.

Awful lot of fat.
Only where it sat.
Haven't you got poet, or something like that?
No, y'see, the trouble with poet is
'Ow do you know it's deceased?
Try the priest!

Not as hearty as bishop, perhaps,
but then again, not as bland as curate, either!

And good for business, too -- always leaves you wantin' more!
Trouble is, we only get it on Sundays!

from dendeng balado to selina's bar

jd hari sabtu kmrn ada acara masak bersama d tempatnya ami-rangga.. me n chauft decided to make 'dendeng balado'. ami bikin ayam sumthing pke kacang mete n tofu, mas enade bikin bamie dgn baso ikan&baso udang..
dendengnya pedeeeeess!!!!! wktu sambelnya dimasak satu ruangan pada batuk2, bersin2.. pas makan jg pd keringetan, kepedesan semua,.. kocak deh xD yg paling getol cuma si rangga kayaknya.. nambah sambel two or three times -.- sweats are pouring down from his head xD smpe terakhir2 krn kepedesan pd "darah tinggi" semua :p

dan tebak sapa yg paling pertama masuk kamar mandi.... Me :D

bbrp momen yg smpat diabadikan oleh kameranya rangga yg keren itu:

dats chauft, enade, ami, lukman n me

mas enade n prima going crazy xD

prima and mas tutu

prima and mas lukman in a scandalous pic :p

dats mas momon.. being himself

and binsar n mas enade

andd... im always in the background.. either cooking, ulek-ing, chopping nuts.. *sigh*

abis dr sini, ami bikin martabak ^^ yumm.. ada yg pke keju, coklat, kacang... =D~ setelah kenyang bangeets pulang bentar, tidur sore :p smp jam 8.30 we're off to amsterdam centre.. tp laper lg.. jd k new king dooloo..
dr new king jln k rembrandplein, nongkrong d l'opera....
ketemuan ma mas henry dan kakaknya..
n he got this crazy idea:
let's visit a strip club xD

ya udh muter2 gt.. nemu 'selina's bar'.. yg kata securitynya, yg punya org indonesia :p yaaay xD
tante2 cina indo gt sih.. namany selina kali..
yah.. tempatna kecil. tp murah sih, free entry but consumptie verplicht (EUR 5 per drink :P)
ada 4 strippers: 1 stripper mollig, 1 stripper old nun -.-, 2 gymnast strippers :D (yg bisa muter2 di pole itu loh)

us in front of selina's bar :D

pulang sekitar jam set.3.. smpe rumah jam set.4 :D

dan set.8 kebangun coz of stupid stomach -.-
nyoba tidur lg.. jam set. 10 udh kebangun lg *hiks*

i'm so psyched up!!! :D

it's only a matter of hours..
the months of waiting,
it will all be unveiled tomorrow..

aaa.. setlistnya gmn yaa
will i get great pictures? cool videos?
the forecast for tomorrow is sunny 25 degrees!!
yaaaay :D

*so excited ^_^*