Kemaren pagi jam 8-an, si Ruben nelp.
R: "Ulma, we've been robbed".
U: "WHAT???"
R: "Yes, somebody broke into the office yesterday evening"
U: "oh no no no no no" *ngebayangin kantor yg kosong dan ludes*
R: "But the landlord said nothing's been taken except probably the money box, because he said that the drawer has been forced open"
U: "Huh? that's weird.."
R: "Yeah, maybe he's just prying around looking for something that is locked. The landlord called me last night, and I asked him about the beamer (new, costs 999 euro), but he said it's still there, so.."
U: "uh.. okay"
R: "Just call me when you're on the way to the office, you'll need the emergency key to get in".
So effin weird -.-
Yesterday the forensics took my fingerprints.. felt like i was in a CSI flick or something :P
Jadi di meja gw tu ada laci yg bs dikunci, di dlm situ ada money box (yg bs dikunci jg) buat nyimpen uang kas kantor. isinya kmrn ga gt banyak sih, cuma 100 euro :P trs ada amplop yg isinya duit yg ga bisa dimasukin pembukuan (its a long story) ~ 40 euro.
Klo gw jd perampokny sih gw bakal merasa rugi :P
rekonstruksi kejadian *ahem*
20.00 security gedung did his rounds, everything lookd okay @my floor
20.34 the alarm at 3D went off (@3D is a video-production company..klo dipikir2 keren jg .. video company in 3D xD). At the same time somebody from 3F heard the alarm, went out and "saw somebody" ran off.
20.35 The same guy called the owner of the video company
20.44 the landlord and the owner of the video company arrived at the crime scene (hwa terdengar keren). These ppl checked around and realised that our office had been broken into as well.
the forensics team was able to retrieve some fingerprints at the scene.. ummm.. the whole thing sounds off. masuk k gedung gw tu ga bs gt aj, perlu kunci, masuk k koridor jg perlu kunci lg. org dalem? or somebody who knows someone from our floor?
*sigh* knp mesti kantor gw coba? -.-
on the other side of life.. when i was in the kitchen, menambah gula untuk kopi, terdengar suara teriakan "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....", lalu suara org berlari. Pintu dapur terbuka, dan muncul
prima yg berlari ke arah tong sampah sambil membawa piring berisi nasi dan ayam KFC-nya
etta. "Ayamnya berulaaaaaaaaaaaaat"... (pls click on the pic for a bigger view xD)
n there goes the rice, chicken, ulat2 kecil warna putih, into the rubbish bin xD
jd prima hari ini berniat ngabisin ayam kfc-nya si etta buat sarapan. ayamnya itu.. emg udh dr hari senen sih (beli 1 bucket chicken, special price at Mondays, 6 pc. for 5 euro).
tp kata prima, ayamny terlihat normal, walopun ketika diendus.. kyk udh hmpir basi gt. wkt dia nyobek ayamnya.. pun sebenernya dah terlihat agak berlendir.. n then.. she saw something moved.... wakakkaka..
jd anak2, moral of the day: jgn makan ayam goreng KFC yg ud ditaro di luar, di dekat jendela yg terbuka dan terexpose sinar matahari, selama 4 hari berturut2.. apalagi skrg summer.. klo winter masi gpp kali ya :p
*ngasi nickname baru buat etta d facebook*
Now playing:
The Perishers - [Let There Be Morning #06] Trouble Sleeping [foobar2000 v0.9.4.1]via