ET - Entertainment Tonite

I am currently liking this lady, Kate Havnevik. Suaranya unik.. like bjork n sarah mclachlan (here i go, mix n matching singer to describe the character of an artist)

you can go to her website n hv some song previews.. i tried to locate her album (baca: cari2 bajakan) via torrent n limewire tp no luck yet :p cuma dapet bbrp lagu doang.

trus barusan nonton Arthur and the Invisibles..
bagus kok :D
ga cheesy n ga terlalu mainstream

very much recommended for little kids ;p
(i even prefer this one than cars)

ah ya.. despite the star-studded voice actors.. this movie can still shine on its own.. sama kayak 'Babel' yg tanpa brad pitt n blanchett jg dah bagus..
dan juga, this movie ga kena demam wajah-kartun-sama-dengan-wajah-voice-actor..
i mean, i tried to find david bowie in malthazar n i failed completely!

yah ceking2nya mirip deh.. tp udh itu aja.. ga kyk shark's tale..

and.... it's klein not kline hehehe
omiGosh.. cant help it xD

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