Its a news article in the Observer about how SUXXOR game-based movies can be..
quoting from the columnist
...unlike cinema, computer gaming is a medium which requires the player to make things up for themselves...Cinema, on the other hand, is designed for people who like to watch and listen, and who expect the film-maker to get their story straight before the movie reaches the theatres.
The writer mentioned how audiences are nowadays just sit down and gulped down anything Hollywood gave them. He reflected back to the old times of narrative story-telling, audience interactivity in stage plays or for instance Dickens, who made his novels chapter per chapter published on Victorian journal corresponding to the inputs from the reader, and Shakespeare, who had his plays revised in front of / with the audience.
anyway, just read :p
i like Resident Evil 1 n 2 though.. but its myb bcoz they offred a variation of the storyline in the game, which (i think) succeeded in complementing it..
watchd NG n saw a program about HOGZILLA :D a 2,25 m hog n 350 kg.. temenny the giant rabbit I posted yesterday :D
tadinya si org yg nyebarin foto ngakunya kl tu babi 3,5 m n 450 kg.. tp pas tim NG meriksa.. ya ga sgitu.. babinya mutant.. kawin silang dr wild boar sama hampshire pig (hehe.. kisah romeo n juliet gtu.. dua jenis babi yg berbeda,.. satu babi pliharaan.. satunya babi liar.. oh, cinta.. :p eh lbih mirip kyk 'lady n the tramp' kali ya)
trus trus.. either si babi liar yg nrobos masuk kandangny si babi pliharaan, ato si babi pliharaanny yg ngabur trus kawin ma babi liar. well either way, si babi kmungkinan jd gede gtu soalny deket2 stu tu ada tambak ikan.. dan yg punya tambak itu tu ngasih makanan ikan yg tinggi protein, biar ikanny jadi gede2.. diduga si babi ikut makanin makanan2 yg buat ikan itu.. makany trus dia jd gede juga..
kesimpulannya: NG bikin dokumentasinya terlalu bertele2 dan sdikit over-dramatis, heheh..