please dont tell anyone that ive been doing this for hours :p

from Mingle2

(just ignore the online dating stuff.. or don't, whatever you like lah :D)

50% Geek tidak jauh beda dgn tes sebelumnya

81% is not 100% so im still okay :D

Mingle2 - Science Quiz
.. turns out that im not as smart as i thought :p

$4325.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth
and this is the funniest:

so i hope there would be no zombie invasion in the future so that my children/grandchildren/family can still sell my cadaver and collect the 4-grands :D

karena hari ini dingin..

waiting for the day when the sun will shine again while singing Super Furry Animal's Hello Sunshine:
Hello sunshine..Come into my life..In honesty, It's been a while Since we had reason left to smile..Hello sunshine, Come into my life. I'm a minger, You're a minger too. So come on minger, I want to ming with you. In honesty, it's been a while Since we had reason left to smile. Hello sunshine, Come into my life.. You're not so innocent. You're a disgrace to your country. If you fled a million miles I'd chase you for a day (If I could be bothered). Hello sunshine...Come into my life..

Which D&D Character Are You?

You Are A:
Lawful Good Human Paladin

Lawful Good characters are the epitome of all that is just and good. They believe in order and governments that work for the benefit of all, and generally do not mind doing direct work to further their beliefs.

Humans are the 'average' race. They have the shortest life spans, and because of this, they tend to avoid the racial prejudices that other races are known for. They are also very curious and tend to live 'for the moment'.

Primary Class:
Paladins are the Holy Warriors. They have been chosen by a God/dess to be their representative on Earth, and must follow the code of that deity, or risk severe penalties. They tend towards being righteous, but not generally to excess.

Law and Chaos:
Law ----- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Neutral - XXXX (4)
Chaos --- XXXX (4)

Good and Evil:
Good ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Neutral - XXX (3)
Evil ---- (0)

Half-Elf - XXXXX (5)
Elf ------ XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Gnome ---- XXXXX (5)
Halfling - (-1)
Dwarf ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Half-Orc - (0)

Fighter -- XXXXXXXX (8)
Barbarian -XXXXXXXX (8)
Ranger --- XXXXXXX (7)
Monk ----- XXXXX (5)
Paladin -- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Cleric --- XXXX (4)
Mage ----- XXXX (4)
Druid ---- XXXXXX (6)
Thief ---- (-2)
Bard ----- XXXXXXXXXX (10)

tiredness sinking in..

kali karena paduan bad weather bbrp hari blakangan ini,
nutrisi kurang (*weee* :p)
dan 7 days of non-stop work.. eh.. erm
lemme recount..
12 -.-
omG (incl. hari ini)
istirahat kurang *ahiks*

badan berasa kurang enak
bersin2 .. kepala sakit..

I SWEAR after this week I'd work less hours!

Sampe besok gw sore kerja d resto, asli gw bakal KO dan tepar

After tomorrow my contract with Music Mayday will be officially ended.
Apter dat klo jadi, i'll b still working here for 16 hours a week (8 on payroll, 8 volunteer-base) for another 6 months. dan rencananya mo ngambil 3 - 4 half days.

dan kerja resto yg bakal tetep around 6 days a week *phew*

dan yak gunanya apa? mengumpulkan uang, sadly
but this is not good
i also need time for myself (despite that my altruist-self said "no you dont need that")
tapi myb i do. dan klo mo ngelulusin diri taun ini. gw ga bisa deh kerja kebanyakan kayak gini *mengehela napas puanjang*

duitnya buat apa?
InsyAllah klo tujuan ini diridhoi -.- : buat pulang ke Indo :D dan buat siap2 kuliah lagi :p tp mungkin ga sih harus pilih salah satu nantinya? :D berarti nabungnya harus banyakk.. awgh -.-

coz i got nothing else to do

I am nerdier than 45% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out!

dari blognya Tanti

so.. 45% huh :D im lightly nerdy :D
yay ^^

Your Score Summary

Overall, you scored as follows:

54% scored higher (more nerdy),
1% scored the same, and
45% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

Somewhat nerdy. I mean face it, you are nerdier than about half the test takers.

The Old Wisdom

Dad and Mum like this poem by Gibran A LOT, and I think they really apply it when raising me and my other 2 sisters and brothers.


By Kahlil Gibran in : the Prophet


Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you,

and though they are with you yet they belong not to you.


You may give them your love but not your thoughts,

for they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,

for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you can not visit, not even in your dreams.


You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.

For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.


You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.

The Archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.

Let your bending in the Archer's hand to be gladness;

for even He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves the bow that is stable.


TPRA, 04:37 AM April 10, 2003

Today: IMD-SKM

ANTARA News :: Gubernur Lemhanas Buka Pertemuan Pelajar Indonesia se-Eropa

London (ANTARA News) - Gubernur Lemhanas Muladi akan membuka pertemuan pelajar se Eropa yang digelar di Denhaag, Belanda selama tiga hari (22-24) yang akan membahas "Indonesia Masa Depan: Visi dan Strategi Transformasi Ekonomi Kerakyatan, Kesejahteraan Sosial, dan Diplomasi Internasional".

Pertemuan pelajar se Eropa itu diikuti sekitar 100 peserta berasal dari Belanda, Inggris, Perancis, Spanyol, Jerman, Belgia, Swiss, Italia, Mesir, Finlandia, Rusia, Trondheim, Korea Selatan dan Indonesia, ujar Ratna Yunita, salah seorang panitia penyelenggara kepada ANTARA News di London, Kamis.

Dikatakannya selain memberikan kata sambutan Muladi juga melakukan dialog Interaktif dengan para peserta, sebelumnya Duta Besar RI untuk Kerajaan Belanda J.E. Habibie, menyampaikan kata sambutan.

Tampil sebagai pembicara dalam diskusi tersebut adalah Dubes RI untuk Komisi HAM PBB Makarim Wibisono dan pengamat ekonomi Revrisond Baswir dari Pusat Studi Ekonomi Kerakyatan UGM.

Menurut penerima beasiswa Stuned dari Belanda itu, sebelum acara pokok pada Jumat malam dilakukan pemutaran film Naga Bonar I dan Naga Bonar II yang dilanjutkan dengan dialog Interaktif bersama Dedy Mizwar.

Acara pokok yang dilakukan Sabtu pagi itu juga akan membahas diskusi yang bertema "Indonesia Masa Depan: Visi dan Strategi Transformasi Tata-Pemerintahan, Gerakan Sosial dan Gender" dengan pembicara Nurul Arifin, seniman & aktivis gender dan Eko Prasojo dari Universitas Indonesia.

Usai paparan para pembicara dilakukan diskusi kelompok sekaligus menyiapkan draft pernyataan bersama PPI Eropa "plus", sementara pada hari terakhir diadakan ceramah Menteri Riset & Teknologi Kusmayanto Kadiman tentang Pendidikan dan Teknologi yang dilanjutkan dengan dialog, demikian Ratna Yunita.(*)

spiderman.. spiderman.. does whatever a spider can..

Your results:
You are Spider-Man

You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

ngambil dari blognya nie

Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Iron Man

Rah-P and Zulu Boys

update: Why i put this pic? well mereka kmrn jadi bintang tamu di B-CONNECTED :D *telat infonya*
Ya.. jadi pas hari Jumatnya tuh I took those boys (n girl) for a short-Amsterdam tour featuring red light district (of course) and the Dam square.. and oh ya.. Burger King!
(di sono ga ada BK katanya)

Rah-P adalah rapper cewek dari Tanzania. Gayanya sih biasa aja. Ga model2 seleb sok gtu. Tapi ternyata performancenya keren! sangat aktif :D loncat2 di panggung, interaktif gt deh :p tp sayang dia nge-rap pake bahasa sono. Jadi wktu itu ga bisa ngerti ni cewe nge-rap soal apaan.

Kalo Zulu Boys dari South Africa, mrk modelnya kayak the Roots gtu. Jam band (jamban :D) HipHop/Funk.. keren juga pokoknya.

Ngajakin mereka jalan2 was definetely a new experience for me :D

First time jadi guide buat seleb (well mrk di negaranya sono lumayan terkenal lha..), dan first time ngerasain being the only (small) Asian di antara cowo2 Afrika + hip hop pula :D si zulu boys klo lengkap ada sekitar 7 orang (satu vokalis, satu keyboardist, satu drummer, bassist, guitarist, and.. lupa sih.. gitarisnya satu pa dua ya...) tp untung wktu itu aku pke Hoodienya Chauft yg klo saya pake jadi gombrong.. model2 hiphop juga lah :D
Ada merk gede di dada dgn tulisan TimberJeans pula.. lengkap lah sudah xD

well, sayangnya cuma wktu mereka manggung, crowndnya kurang. Padahal udah ditaro di mainstage. Kalah pamor sama artis2 newbie di talent stage yg bawa banyak temen n groupie.

this one makes my day

kartu nama baru ^^
yay.. *joget2*
berasa keren gt deh

my FIRST business card!!!

ada yg mau? ada yg mau? :D

by request: jawaban my truefriend test :p

bagi yg blm take the test, pls go check it out

well nvm
im gonna post the answers here anyway :D

Question #1
ulma pertama kali naksir cowok umur...?
Answer: 5 y.o.
waktu SD di bandung, temen sekelas, klo ga salah rumahnya jg ga jau2 amet dr rumah alm. dan almh. kakek-nenek (wktu ulma d bandung, ulma tinggal d rumah kakek dan nenek).
my best memory with him was when we played 'keluarga2an', saya jadi ibu, dia jadi bapak dan adiknya dia jadi anak kami, hohoh ^o^ aw.. sweet memories
wktu itu dia masi chubby2 lutu.. skrg udh beda banget :D

Question #2
apa hobi pacar pertama ulma?
Answer: Maen sepak bola :D (plus menggambar dan baca komik :) )

Question #3
berapa kali ulma jadian lewat internet?
Answer: dua :"> hihihi
first was with a friend of a friend, second was with my junior high-school mate

Question #4
her very first date was..
Answer: *blank* i cant remember, seriously!

Question #5
in total how many boyfriends she had?
Answer: eight. well ni salah sih. harusnya 8 (kalo had). klo yg skrg diitung juga.. ya sembilan.. eh iya bener ga ya? *males itung lagi :p*

Question #6
apa panggilan sayang pacar ulma yg sekarang?
Answer: ayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang :D

ET - Entertainment Tonite

I am currently liking this lady, Kate Havnevik. Suaranya unik.. like bjork n sarah mclachlan (here i go, mix n matching singer to describe the character of an artist)

you can go to her website n hv some song previews.. i tried to locate her album (baca: cari2 bajakan) via torrent n limewire tp no luck yet :p cuma dapet bbrp lagu doang.

trus barusan nonton Arthur and the Invisibles..
bagus kok :D
ga cheesy n ga terlalu mainstream

very much recommended for little kids ;p
(i even prefer this one than cars)

ah ya.. despite the star-studded voice actors.. this movie can still shine on its own.. sama kayak 'Babel' yg tanpa brad pitt n blanchett jg dah bagus..
dan juga, this movie ga kena demam wajah-kartun-sama-dengan-wajah-voice-actor..
i mean, i tried to find david bowie in malthazar n i failed completely!

yah ceking2nya mirip deh.. tp udh itu aja.. ga kyk shark's tale..

and.... it's klein not kline hehehe
omiGosh.. cant help it xD

Had Bair Day

oeps.. mksudnya Bad Hair day :D

udah 4 hari blm keramas *blush*

ya abis gimanaaaa
kerjaan lagi banyak2nya
hari ini tu deadline proposal buat EU project itu
and just one-and-a-half hour ago i was sweating my ass trying to get to the post office a.s.a.p.

ngeposin proposal (yes, the EU wants it to be on hard-copy, and mailed via post), trus feeling HUGELY and really really really
really really really really really really REALLY relieved.. i stopped at coffee company n treat myself with medium iced cappuccino rasa vanilla, hehe
oh n a cheese croissant :p

nyampe kantor lagi, si ruben ninggalin a nice note on my desk:

now im enjoying a me-time in the office. ruben udh balik, im guessing that he's celebrating father's day this evening

besok evaluation meeting euy.. aw but i dont want to think about it.

trus, yah mulai mengurusi (boring :p) minor stuffs: bookkeeping for May, business card administration, et cetera et cetera

ow yah. this is a link to the photos of last week's B-CONNECTED

itu satu2nya foto yg ada sayanya -.-
itu juga saya lg nunduk
dan my huge belly was erm.. exposed.. argh. disgrace.. -.-

ow yea that was me, vina n mba dita yg sedang mengisi kuesioner-nya b-connected, hehehe..

and maybe start thinking of a new diet plan biar bisa join nicole richie's party :p

and 100 pounds is 45.359237 kilograms (according to Google's built-in calculator)
fug off -.-