i'm a parquin

coz i like to stay in a corner and deny my own existence xD (self-loathe mode on)
 blog it


dammit dammit dammit dammit

i need a dammit doll :p

17 agustus..

17th august 2008, 4.38 am
63 years of independence
the country's still struggling
common people torn by political groups
the old generation struggling to know what's inside the young generation's mind
love is on sale, love is forbidden
family eats you, family keeps you alive
how long has it been like this?
and as the Holy Scripture says, "...Thus, God does not change the condition of any people unless they themselves make the decision to change..." (13:11)

somebody here nursing her nettle-stung left hand
stomach acid churning, gastric anomalies
somebody here still sleeping
putting aside her worries temporarily
somebody there is hungry
probably will stay hungry for the next couple of hours
somebody else is speculating
reasoning with lies, hopes, and concerns
a mother creating
a boy playing
a father repairing
a girl crying

1 am song

an attempt to write the lyrics of a waffled song :p
featuring motionstudy's love by wire :D

the italics are the words that i heard n underneath is how it is supposed to sound like :p

you're the rainbow lines i wait and (weep?)
in my white (time?)
you're the status i always (thought if?)
in my facebook (find?)

you're the rainbow lines i wait and read
in my YM times
you're the status i always notice
in my facebook times

you're the girl i saw on youtube
oh yeah you're so cute
you're the (completely waffled) at (3 am?)
and for (waffled)

you're the voice i hear at 3.am
and from my itunes

you're my 16-hours flight girl
the one i have to fight for
the missing link i tried to find
forever wishing (?)

for evolution

you're the (twist ?) of the logic
in my formula
you're the dot and i am (line?)
in love by wire

you're the sweetheart of the logic
in my formula
you're the dot and i am stripes
in love by wire

you are thom and i am yorke
and sing very well
you watch flashing arm laptop (????? xD)
we rock together

you are Slash and I'm Les Paul

you are my bean and i am your gene (?)
we storm (?) together, together..
and if you're a mouse, shall i be your pad?(totally love this part :D)
i love to be with you
be with you..

you are my D and i am your G
we strum together, together..

if its all wrong
but i dont know i (misery?) now
forgive me for im wrong
but i know that i love you somehow
if its all wrong
but i dont know how it should be right (???)
forgive me for im wrong
but i know that i love you somehow

if these are wrong
well i dont know how it should be now
forgive me for i'm lost
but i know that i love you somehow
if these are wrong
well i dont know how it should be now
forgive me for i'm lost
but i know that i love you somehow

conclusion: saya budeg, n he mumbles :p