Ulma ga papa khan? aku tau sendiri gimana rasanya ditinggalin ama kakek gue. aku bener2 tau ul. jadi aku pengen kamu doa, dan ya,.. serahin semua ama Tuhan. karena Tuhan tuh pnya waktuNya sendiri, kita ngga akan pernah tau apa maksudNya.
tapi percaya d, selama kita berjalan bersama Dia dan minta tuntunanNya, aku yakin kita pasti lebih mudah jalanin semuanya.
aniwe,.. take care ya ulma,.. jangan sedih terus,... ya susah sih,.. tapi aku cuma bisa bilang gini tok,.. aku ya gak tau harus bilang apa lagi.
kamu pa kabar ulma? baca2 dr laporan mordormu rasanya stage mu keren abiez. jadi iri deh! tapi stageku juga enak kok! untunglah! rasanya aku bakal kerja di sini terus, jadi ga jadi pulang indo. horeee,.. bisa ketemuan ama ulma,.. bisa beli bikini bareng,.. ke pantai,.. berjemur kayak ikan asin dengan bikini ketat. wekekke,....
doain aja deh ulma,.. ini soale semua msh belum pasti.
ya uda,.. tekker ya ulma. eh iya,.. km no telp di indo berapa. ntar kalo aku pas ada asia card km tak telp.
bye byeeee
>From: "tkz_m@ul"
From: tkz_m@ul
To: piggy071284@hotmail.com
Subject: [::FREE PRAYER:: I remember u in my prayer] 12/2/2004 07:53:58 AM
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2004 7:58 AM

i love you.. huhuhu
no, you're not a romantic type nor a 'gombal' type but people can see that you're full of love from what you've done, the attention, the sweet things you said, etc.
btw, my grandma passed away 3 days ago. It was so shocking, we all got up in Monday morning, eyes wet with tears.. *sniff* bOnyok langsung cabut ke Medan pagi itu juga.
Nia, you saw your grandpa passed away, but i didn't, even mum was late for her funeral. Gw terus terang sedih banget, I haven't seen her for years, I promised to see her this February before returning to Holland, but now I won't be able to fulfill that promise..
Anyhow, as I was reading your post, I promised to myself to let my loved ones know that I do care for them. I think that my grandma's death has made me realize more about the meaning of this simple phrase, "You don't know what you've got till it's gone".. *sniff* I had wished that she would come when I got married, gave birth, she told me often that she would really love to be there and asked me if I could pray for her to live until that day.
Nia, I wish you're having a great time at your placement, sori gw jadi curhat panjang gini, padahal kan harusnya cuma ngasih komentar, hehehe.. Anyway, iloveyou.. huhuhuh pasti loe mo muntah deh. Take care, and I hope i'd be seeing you again next year ^^
GBU :*
Posted by tkz_m@ul to ::FREE PRAYER:: I remember u in my prayer at 12/2/2004 07:53:58 AM