on indonesia masa depan

jadi apa itu IMD-SKM?
(promise this is only for personal use n own satisfaction)
quote fr the website:
"...pelajar - pelajar Indonesia yang mempunyai ide dan gagasan tentang Indonesia yang ideal di Masa Depan [dan sebagai] sumbangan serta perwujudan dari rasa berbangsa dan bertanah air Indonesia dari para Kaum Muda Indonesia (pelajar Indonesia)."
Like i said in my previous post, knp tiba2 woro2 imd-skm ini? well coz emg itu yg akhir2 ini menyita perhatian saya..

menurut websitenya ni inisiatif udh mulai sejak 2 tahun yg lalu. mas Berly, "the idea and initial discussion is more than one year ago, but the process have been rather slow until revive again last Feb". rasanya emg sempat bbrp kali disebut2 di mailing list. tp kurang mendapat tanggapan pasar :D i think websitenya juga baru jalan 2 or 3 months ago. dan wiby lalu bbrp kali posting soal "ajakan membuat tim2 penulis dokumen strategis" di milis.

idenya sih keren, dan very idealistic. dan klo ngeliat diskusi yg kmrn, buat mencapai "masa depan Indonesia yang lebih baik", sepertinya mungkin. langkah awalnya simple: tertulis. ide2 apa, pemikiran2 apa, yg could contribute to that vision. tp begitu si amin bilang, "iya.. pertemuan selanjutnya bulan juni".. hmm i felt, "helloo.. that's a couple of weeks awayy".. pengenalan dan familiarisasi baru skrg? unless the ppl "up there" (those who sat around the big table and declared themselves as 'Suara Kaum Muda'-nya IMD-SKM) doesn't really want 'other voices' or 'oppositional voices to their own' appear.
ya or myb the IMD-SKM thing is only for those who could write an extra cool strategic document in 1 day :p
ah anyway, i felt that those ppl r unfair n does not give the proper chance to us undrgraduates.
which also reminded me of amin's girlfriend who sat next to him n didnt say a word during the discussion. ya terang aja, diskusinya pake bahasa indo. which is exactly my point, kita ternyata jg blm bisa fair sama org2 di sekitar.
but *uhm* yea i wish those imd-skm ppl best of luck. hope they wouldnt make a blunder. n even if they would, i hope they could wipe the dust off n start again (with proper marketing n communication :p). if they really believe that every young Indonesian has the capability to change the future of their country, then they might should hv work harder in digging (opening channels/events of discussion.. for those graduates dan org2 berpengalaman, do enlighten us anak2 s1 :p we dont even know what the hell is secapa, secaba or tanah bongko(bonto?bongkok?)), or stirring up those voices -> melakukan provokasi yg memicu pd kembali bersuaranya org2 semi pasif :p

kata chauft "org2 yg muncul itu2 juga" (ya jgn sampe kyk gtu terus lah.. fresh blood is good :D)

well iya, anak2 s1 bisa belajar banyak dr anak2 s2. dulu "pendekatan" dilakukan lewat fun activities kyk makan/nonton bareng. n then more serious parts lewat diskusi. wlo yg dateng anak2 s2 doang. but mungkin juga wktu itu diskusinya pake approach yg kami anak2 s1 (yg kebanyakan org2 happy-go-lucky) tdk bgitu familiar, or yah tabrakan sama jadwal kerja. but seriously, sooner or later it'll get to our attention, sperti skrg..

dan yah, klo ada yg protes "kalian orang Indonesia, seharusnya itu tanggung jawab kalian".. iya we know that. cuma kita ga dateng ke belanda buat start a new movement. we come here to study :p (dan mencari pengalaman, cieh) yang nantinya insyAllah klo pulang ke indo, bisa kami terapin. so makanya yg imd-skm kyk gini ga terlalu kepikiran coz simply, it has never been our intention. well intinya, ga ada yg instan: seperti visi imd-skm yg merujuk ke tahun 2030 :p ah ya, anggep aja skrg2 ini fondasi2 kurang baik yg hopefully bisa diganti dgn better generation in the future. belajar from past mistakes ceritanya.. now if you could excuse me, i hv to go to work..

4 komentar:

  1. The idea and initial discussion is more than one year ago, but the process have been rather slow until revive again last Feb.

    Its supposed to be bottom up, discussin and input from each city which will be distilled at national level. Representative of each PPI in Europe have weekly online conference since last month to synergize the input and feedback to regional/city level.

    Next week we are going to meet in Den Haag as well. So I assure you this is just a one day meeting to produce an extra cool strategic document.

    But I do agree that participation and process-orientation could be improved (not just in Amsterdam).

  2. ah okay.. jadi salah narasumber :D
    *edit postingan*

    well im sure its better late than never. i hope that wibi's good initiative (through the discussin last thursday) and other informal discussions in the mailing-list can help contribute to production of the extra cool strategic document :D

  3. Satu tahun itu yang aku tahu yach.
    Pas aku ke Belanda tahun lalu ada meeting di Erasmus ttg konsep ekonomi Indonesia.

    Tapi bisa aja udah mulai lebih dulu tanpa keterlibatanku

  4. erm *ngublek2 websitenya imd-skm*.. ga nemu apa2 sih soal kapan berdiri/inisiatif pertama muncul. howeva, one source said that it started two years ago.
