Had Bair Day

oeps.. mksudnya Bad Hair day :D

udah 4 hari blm keramas *blush*

ya abis gimanaaaa
kerjaan lagi banyak2nya
hari ini tu deadline proposal buat EU project itu
and just one-and-a-half hour ago i was sweating my ass trying to get to the post office a.s.a.p.

ngeposin proposal (yes, the EU wants it to be on hard-copy, and mailed via post), trus feeling HUGELY and really really really
really really really really really really REALLY relieved.. i stopped at coffee company n treat myself with medium iced cappuccino rasa vanilla, hehe
oh n a cheese croissant :p

nyampe kantor lagi, si ruben ninggalin a nice note on my desk:

now im enjoying a me-time in the office. ruben udh balik, im guessing that he's celebrating father's day this evening

besok evaluation meeting euy.. aw but i dont want to think about it.

trus, yah mulai mengurusi (boring :p) minor stuffs: bookkeeping for May, business card administration, et cetera et cetera

ow yah. this is a link to the photos of last week's B-CONNECTED

itu satu2nya foto yg ada sayanya -.-
itu juga saya lg nunduk
dan my huge belly was erm.. exposed.. argh. disgrace.. -.-

ow yea that was me, vina n mba dita yg sedang mengisi kuesioner-nya b-connected, hehehe..

and maybe start thinking of a new diet plan biar bisa join nicole richie's party :p

and 100 pounds is 45.359237 kilograms (according to Google's built-in calculator)
fug off -.-

6 komentar:

  1. hey :D

    you did it!

    of course you will, like ive told you many many times :D. or like that time when i just shut my mouth. or that moment when we almost..oh well..

    hmm im eligible for nicole richie's party :D. im 45 kg for gosh sake :p.

    owh and hello neighbour :D.
    starting 1st of june, say hello to your fourth floor neighbour.

  2. gee.. you're 45... how lucky :D


    dasar anorexic :P

    "or that moment when we almost.." uhm.. terkesan bagemana bgitu *gg*

    and now somehow June is going to be a month I look forward to :D

    (welkom, buurvrouw :D)

  3. almost *MET* Johnny Depp...:D


  4. Close call. I'm 47. I was 49-50 before but after the rushing website and design project and a sleepless week, I lost 2 kilos easily. Quick loss, eh? :D

  5. hiii... -.-
    weigh-loss can be scary..
    gw dah mencret 3 kali nih hari ini.. bakal turun berapa ya beratnya? :D
