the in-denial girl

nice article about biofuel in indo.
radiohead cover song by the flaming lips (knive out) and damien rice (creep.. yeah, i should've guess :D) from

had nice birthday :D
the full moon was there (Shamanistic banget sih :P)
got a bouquet of ROSES PINK AND WHITE from my colleagues xD
and paket alat mandi DOVE *blush*
(gara2 gw jarang mandi kali ya :D)
n a birthday card
yg gw tempel d monitor komputer gw

chauft gave a cherry-filled brownies cake, whipped cream and chocolate pieces on top on the midnight of 1st.
d kantor makan2 tart appel roomboter dan mocca slagroom

dah gtu kita malemnya JADI bikin rendang.. haha.. selese jam 2 pagi
makan..smbil liat stephen chow. but ulma fell asleep after 15 minutes. ngantuk :D

dan saya masih in-denial.. at least smpe the 11th ;)
but i mean, most human are in-denial. Tolong deh Pak.. itu Global Warming emang jelas2 salah manusia..

more today:
i want to see daniel radcliffe naked
Deathly Hallow on 21 July

Jakarta banjir
please please please.. i hope my family is okay...

4 komentar:


    kata dia kata dia *nunjuk artikel*

  2. o em Ge -___-

    seriously, global warming saved the planet?
    save the planet indeed, but myb not save the H. Sapiens

    tp myb entar in 100 years semua mahluk bakal bermutasi
    (kcuali kecoa)

  3. wee...
    aku tak jadi dugong wae... :P
