pelajaran bahasa indonesia hari ini
i was reading the news, n found this word 'Senpi' on the title. I thought, "wth is that?"
ternyata Senpi = Senjata api :D
tambah nyadar klo saya ketinggalan banget ttg bahasa negeri sendiri :p
like, when i texted my bro, n he replied using the word "disparsi" .. i fumbled, er.. what the hell is that..?
trus, with all the technology stuff, di Indonesia banyak istilah2 baru, like pranala for links. dan wktu elvin nanya, what Indonesian words can be used for describing 'Invisible' (like the status u use in instant messaging). well.. "tidak terlihat"? "tak kasat mata?"
coz d is already ahead of ebuddy. mrk nawarin interface berbahasa Indo. Dan di situ 'invisible' ya,.. tak terlihat. howeva elvin insisted not to copy them :D
tapi vin, if they're using what common ppl r using? why not? msn n yahoo both used the word 'available', altho in msn 'invisible' is 'appear offline'
i suggested 'pura-pura tidak ada' for 'invisible' :p
aww n yea, i dont think that i'll b home in march
i dont think its wise to leave my job just like that
i mean, 2 weeks holiday is okay
but a month..???
i think i've asked too much
pilih mana:
1) libur bulan Maret, cuma buat 2 minggu
2) postpone smpe kelar kerja (June or july), biar bisa pulang sebulan abis itu, tp berarti mesti bayar cancellation fee yg bisa smpe around 100 US$
ditambah, nenek lagi sakit. bukan apa2 or knp, i felt that i've left my family for too long, n i wish that i could b there to help/give support to everybody. bokap baru pensiun, altho skrg dah ada krjaan lagi, tp it made him to leave home (home = now is jakarta), dan iya, nenek sakit, mum is being her 24h nurse, n how about my sisters n brothers?
Klo pulang maret, june/july myb ga pulang
Klo minta libur sebulan maret, myb harus perpanjang kerja buat ngegantiin hari ekstra yg buat libur
klo cabut sebulan, itu irresponsible ga sih namanya?
apa ulma tahan ga pulang smpe summer?
n if im gonna graduate this year, doesnt that mean im ..zo is zo will return to indo this year as well? :|
hmm i insisted, soalnya itu kan multi client, and they have each status from different protocol.
BalasHapusjadi selain "invisible" juga ada "appear offline"
tak tampak dan pura-pura offline?
its so weird
"transparan" :p
BalasHapuseh si atasan saya toh, skrg punya akun mesenjer saya pisan, hwii ..