metro vs sp!ts vs de pers

yap, bakalan ada koran gratis baru di Belanda: De Pers. Wat de hek.. ppl r already confused whether they want to read Sp!ts or Metro (or not :p)..dan skrg muncul koran baru lagi =S

Today I spent almost 2 hours on the road (erm..rails to be exact). So I picked up both Sp!ts and Metro to accompany me along the way. lagian aku jg ga pernah bener2 ngebandingin those 2 free newsletters. I usually read one and the other at different days. so...

Kesan pertama sih emang koran Sp!ts itu less-conservative than Metro. Sp!ts juga klo ga salah emg sengaja nargetin kelompok umur belasan to early 30's (i suppose). Diliat dari lay-out yg lebih dinamis, dan artikel2 yg lebih ditujuin ke lifestyle anak muda. dan di koran Sp!ts ada bbrp rubrik yg bahkan pke bahasa slank. (example: featauF*ck, dan ada artikel kecil yg ditulis ala blog dgn spelling yg susah dimengerti "Geenstijl")

Metro got some flaws in editing i sppose. i was irritated sama lay-out metro yg suka ga rapi. yg naro foto lupa di-caption. yg artikel blm selesai udh di-cut. terus kolumnis2nya jg suka nulis pieces yg ga sesuai dgn template. i mean, selalu ada white spaces nyisa di bawahnya para kolom2 itu. what a waste!
Sementara layout "acak2"annya Sp!ts kadang irritating.

News content: with their motto "NieuwsRebels", Sp!ts seakan menjanjikan berita2 yg hot n spicy n out-of-ordinary. Today they scored a nice headline about supir2 Connexxion di regio Arnhem yg tdk puas dgn manajemen di perusahaan tmpat mereka bekerja. Beberapa supir memberi "inside info" ttg ketidakbecusan pihak manajemen seperti: membiarkan bis2 dgn low-maintenance beroperasi, memberi potongan gaji kpdd supir2 yg lantas menolak untuk mengoperasikan bis2 tersebut. While "Doubts about the new Club-Pas" was the headliner on Metro.

Buat berita2 binnenland, yg topiknya kbetulan sama both newspapers hv different ways in publishing it. Then Sp!ts would write more about "young stuffs" and Metro on "older stuff". Meanwhile in Metro, I guess every day they have different sub-main topics, like for today there's a sub-section about education, investments, and housing (proof that they target much older readers). Di SP!ts ada "YOUR!" - something (bisa Style, bisa er.. news.. things like that.. for young, dynamic readers)

Buitenland: most of the stories r the same, cuma diubah2 tata bahasanya. Sp!ts today focused on the murdered Turkish-Armenian journalist and the sexual-intimidation charges against Israel's current president Moshe Katsav. Metro gave mostly the same share to Buitenland stories. kecuali kemaren, pas ada jurnalis Rusia yg dibunuh.

Komik -> dua2na garing xD Sp!ts doesnt even have one.. cuma satu ilustrasi/karikatur.

Ow iya, Metro tu juga berusaha "lebih dalem" dgn punya metro General, metro Rotterdam, dan metro Amsterdam.

Sayang ga dapet De Pers saya. Btw only Sp!ts yg mentioned kedatangan koran baru dr Amsterdam ini. Metro ga mention sama sekali..

Other news:
Last Monday the 22nd, calculated mathematicaly, was the most depressing time of the year :D (source)
Hmmm I didnt remember that i was depressed at that day. Altho i could feel this gloomy feeling approaching.
Entah karena emg bener ternyata Jan 2007 is a Blue month, as I quote:
...people are most likely to get the blues in the final full week of January because of the combination of bad weather, Christmas debts and broken New Year resolutions...
for me ditambah satu lagi: birthday depression >.<
since my 20th Birthday two years ago, I always get depressed when my birthday approaches. aagh udh 22!! I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING!! IDUP MASI GINI2 AJA!! etc. etc.

So ppl, pls, 1st of Feb, dont say anything to me, act as if its a normal day, its not my birthday.. who says i was born at feb 1st? hell no! (*gonna change my fs profile after this too :p cant stand reading those nice testimos congratulating me b'day -.-)

trus i was trying to see the difference between den haag ppl n amsterdam's.
* i recalled that ga semua org baca koran :D rasanya klo d a'dam tiap pagi tram penuh dgn org2 yg baca koran.
* nyebrang sembarangan :p coz the traffic is not as crazy as amsterdam i guess. td gw tenang2 aja nyabrang wlo lampu pejalan kaki masi merah.. :P ndak ada crazed tourists on their yellow bikes jg soalnya :D (quoting an opinion frm y'day's metro)
* tramnya buruk :p bapuks aaaah :p
* centrumnya basi :p
* tp td wktu jalan2 di sekitar bangunan2 embassies, nice banget :) rumah2 besar dan tua..
i love old buildings. i could imagine myself living in an old house. with old furnitures (baca: bekas :p i predict that i'll stay thrifty forever n supply my house with 2nd-hand furnitures, hahah.. n loads n loads of books opkors)
* its already snowing in Den Haag :D while in a'dam since i figured out it's too full/stuffy/dirty here.. bakal rada susah buat snow :D (howeva dear, ur prediction was rite)

Me gonna go to elv's house tonite. harusnya kmrn, tp krn satu dan lain hal akhirny ga jd :p but seriously, i thought i gonna loose a bestfriend yesterday. the feeling was familiar n was glad when u said 'wee' ^_^

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