trailer spiderman 3 was officially launched
sebelum2ny teasernya juga dah liat sih .. love the venom suit
but still, is it just me, my screen, or the spiderman does look fat in those black suit?hmm.. tp kan harusnya item itu menguruskan.. apalagi pas liat waktu si black spiderman ngegantung kebalik, dan look at the reflection of himself dr jendela gedung, red-and-blue spidey. org yg d kostum spidey asli keliatan lbih kurus =S
dunno ah dunno.. ga penting.. yg jelas pengen liat Venom :D
other things: s3 official movie blog; short clips on related to 'the making of s3'
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iya ... he's a good actor.
BalasHapusgood looking and can act
i still prefer him than brad pitt
banyak yg bilang departed bagus sih
gmn DON? XD