..Now the caffeine doesn't work..

gile ngantuk :p

This morning saya:
-balas emailnya Lina
-baca2 berita
-send more emails
-minum 2 cangkir kopi (kopi ethiopia campur douwe egberts :p black, 3 cubes of sugar :p)
-minum 1 cangkir teh rooibos
-edit stuffs
-ditelp. nyokap (she's worried coz i hvnt sent any news back home for weeks.. sorry mum :( ndak ada pulsa neeehh xp)

things that made me stop from work:
the article bout Indian clercks resignation on Quran polyphonic ringtone - "Al Quran tu bukan buat lucu2an!"
Java gas pipeline blasts :( - terrible, terrible. skrg body countnya 10 instead of 7
the death of the ex-KGB Alexander Litivenko (jd inget Alias ..)
cuban-style RADIOHEAD - HIGH N DRY :D - enak ^^
dutch election - what kind of coallition will come out..?
what's a giant squid doing in the middle of a parking lot? :p (with a drinking bottle beside it)

edit: nov 30 06 wtf kok jd gambar iklan gitu??

ini gambar yg benar, saudara-saudari:

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