hehe.. i was reading a post on my last weekend with two of my best friends here.. (pls refer to this and this) they asked the same thing:
where were we all these three years?
well, lets recap:
1st year - Ulma dan Nia sudah saling mengenal, krn sama2 anak komunikasi, mrk satu kelas. smpat brbagi affair :p (actually jadi dekat karena itu). Suka saling sleep-over, masak bareng.. (eh iya ga?) ulma mengenalkan muesli pada nia, kqkqkq.. Bagi ulma, elvin adalah this cewe sadis from Malang yang punya tatapan menusuk :p
2nd year - Things havent changed a lot. Ulma mngejar Nia ke Exeter, hehe.. Had dinner bareng d Hollendrecht, Ulma masih saja sekelas sama bu Nia :D
Elvin? Elvin masih dianggap sebagai wanita judes dan mengerikan -__-" .oh ya.. dan "rese'" (remember six flags Vin? :D)
3rd year - Everybody went different tracks, ulma spent half year d indo, n half year menyendiri d utrecht. Nia spent a year in NL, working at a Christian organization, kita taon ke-3 ga pernah ketemu ya Ni? only a couple of times we talked on the phone, via msn.. nia pergi on holiday k indo.. smpet pindah2 rumah juga bbrp kli :D oh iya, we met once in Utrecht :D heheh
Elvin.. ulma baru deket ma elvin taon ke-3 :D menemani hari2 saya ngantor, and put sparks n colors in my life :p kqkqkq.. elvin mengunjungi saya d utrecht, mmbawa beras, dan dan.. pelm2 :D hehe.. dan ulm juga pertama kalinya menapakkan kaki di logger 94 aka sarang penyamun :p
well awal taon ke-3 si elvin juga mengundang sy k ultahnya dia :D masih tinggal d westwijk wkt itu, n i bought her a detergent!!! hahahah!
n i started to think, "hey.. myb she isnt that bad" :p (i was WRONG :D) -jk
4th year - Ulma dan Nia lagi2 sekelas :p (ga bosen lu Ni?) andd... fast forward.. its april n we were busy with our FD. dan.. dan.. i guess starting pointnya, nia mngunjungi blog elvin,ngasih komen.. dan semenjak itu mrk bales2an testi, slg chat.. terus baru nyadar kalo .. er.. kalo mereka rada setipe :p (sdikit "kadal", kdg tak tahu malu :p, dan tipe2 wanita independen + pjuang gtu deh, kqkqkq)
Puas gak flashbacknya? :p
all of us agree, it was a weekend full of fun and laughter.. a 2 days relief from the stress n burden from school, current relationship(s), work, ppl, the world, war, (cieh.. global concern gt critanya) etc. etc.
Yes, we were Happy Three Friends, and of course it was my first times for many things as well (the wagamama, the filmmuseum, and the dove-photosession..) and it was also a reminder that thankfully (i always wonder why) i am still blessed with sheer joy, happiness and fun with ppl that i feel comfortable with, ppl that i can count on.. its been a long time since i had a real fun :D
Most of them my fault, really..
Group hug.. :D
*mengeluarkan tatapan kematian*
saya emang rese :p
sampe sekarang rese *huihihihihihihihi
tpi i love my deadly look :p
hehe...congrats ya, finnaly you have the real fun!!!
BalasHapustaon ke-3 kita kencan di utrecht!! makan di fast-food resto cina di station. lupa yaa?? trus saya kasih kamu "oleh-oleh" dr AH, MUESLI!! wakakakak
quoting from myself:
BalasHapusoh iya, we met once in Utrecht :D heheh
udah tu Ni.. :p
ehm.. iya Rin, makasih.. the last time i had real fun was those nights of girl-talk in N-159.. :)