lets not write something depressing today

hari ini amam ultah (weee...)
and im trying to recover
of what reason still not sure

pagi ini nyampe kantor at 9.30 am, si african project manager, annelies de bruin dah ada. after greeting her i prepared some coffee. my office drinks ethiopian coffee, langsung dibawa dr ethiopia. ga tau sih apa mrk beli langsung dr petaninya, but i hope so. support fair trade ceritanya :D i mean klo organisasi2 mcm music mayday, sudah sepantasnya lah mrk supporting FT.
the communication & campaign guy, tom van de beek juga kerja buat fair food.

kemarin liat beras FT di albert heijn
buset mahal banget
250g for 1.17 euro klo ga salah

yah pls forgive me poor farmers, sy akhirnya beli beras albertheijn yg pandan, 1 kg for 90 cents
myb someday when im better of i'd buy those ft thingies

almost done with elvin's novel: murder on the gravy train by phyllis richman.
bener kata elvin, ni bukan novel detektif.
novelnya ttg good food and fine-dining ^^
with a touch of murder and scandal.

Chas Wheatley is a restaurant reviewer in washington
so she gets to eat at fine restaurants, and write about them
yg nulis novel ini juga restaurant reviewer, so... cara dia mendescribe makanannya cukup bikin ngiler =9~

the novelist tries to spice up the whole restaurant reviewing thing with murders, poisoned food, blackmailing, etc.
which i dont mind since the plot was convincing, tp juga ga sekeren agatha christie (or sidney sheldon dkk)
dan cerita ttg personal life-nya dia juga ga ngebosenin, ga terlalu exaggerated juga. Chas is mid-50's, widowed with one daughter, lily.

bagian akhir2 ini isinya how the whole scandal is unrolled
dan so far its not surprising
i prefer the eating and dining part better, heheh

i love books about food.
dulu wktu di tembagapura pernah nemu two, yg satu ngomongin daging (my year of meats by ruth l. ozeki), satunya roti (bread alone: a novel by judith r. hendricks.)

trus bbrp bulan yg lalu wktu nemenin kak dhanil cari oleh2 buat temenny di indo, kita juga nyari buku ttg kopi.
terus nemu "Black Gold: A Dark History of Coffee".

in short, ni buku nyeritain 'dark side'nya kopi (yg emg udh dark) , jd kayak the darker side of a dark thing -.-"
when something is popular, loved by a lot of people, and relatively cheap, like coffee for instance pasti entar banyak yg jd abusive towards it.. im talking about none other than "corporate greed"

yg jelas abis baca buku ini seorang pecinta kopi pasti mikirin lika-liku perjalanan bijih2 kopi dari saat dia di plantation, smpe ketika dituangin ke gelas styrofoam starbucks' misalnya.

karena itu, supportlah fair trade, hehe

2 komentar:

nez mengatakan...

sebagai pecinta kopi tertarik juga ma buku iku... (dark history of coffee)

km punya gak ul?

Unknown mengatakan...

elv: HOOOO
td ga liat sih, yg sering aku liat yg 'de weg van koffie'
but since its in dutch, im not too interested :p
howeva designny menarik

nez: uhm sayangny tdk nez T_T
mo patungan beli? :p
CUMA ADA DI AETHENEUM btw..! n i think yg dibeli kak dhanil wktu itu the last copy. Kita muter2 waterstone, abc, slegte, scheltema.. ndak ada..! @_@

hmm but i owe u a bday present.. so myb wif a bit o' luck i could find 1 4 ya ;)
(tp abis itu pnjem yak :D)